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PHP Code based on a date


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Have this PHP code on a form which restricts the number of submissions allowed want to chnge it to stop excepting submissions after a set date not sure how to change


/ Define the maximum number of submissions. For this example we'll use 50.
$max = 50;

// Get a database connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();

// Setup the query. This query counts the number of submissions for the current form.
// $formId contains the ID of the current form.
$db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(`SubmissionId`) FROM #__rsform_submissions WHERE `FormId`='".(int) $formId."'");
$submissions = $db->loadResult();

if ($submissions >= $max) {
  $formLayout = 'Sorry, no more submissions are accepted.';


Thanks in advance


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Sorry should have tested fully have this code and I get message 'Sorry, no more submissions are accepted' when it should display


$closing_date = '2018-04-10';

if ($submissions >= $max || date('Y-m-d') > $closing_date) {
  $formLayout = 'Sorry, no more submissions are accepted.';

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According to the first sample of code you posted, Barand's thing will work. But this new UI you showed the screenshot of? How do you know that $submissions and $max are things that even exist? What if you do

$formLayout .= " (submissions=$submissions, max=$max)";
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