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Calculating Inbreeding on a 10 Generation Pedigree


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This was supposed to be a reply to an existing thread that had a lot of the code.


Wasn't trying to hijack an old thread, just looking for an update to it.


I understand the math when i do it on paper.  Just trying to get the PHP code working.

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The last (relevant) post was in December 2015 and the poster has not been back to this site since then.

I have to assume that you aren't copying and pasting code from the internet and expecting it to work for your application. You must be using it for guidance and then adapting or rewriting it to work for you. If you're asking for an update then that probably means there's something wrong - the last question in that thread went unanswered, but it was about displaying variables and is likely not applicable to you.


So, do you have a problem with your code? Something working or not working? What is your code, what is not working, how is it not working?

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