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Marquee Issue - Display Entire Database


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Hey Guys,


I am trying to fix a PHP page that I am coding for my job. Basically the functionality that I am looking for is a Marquee (Yes I understand the Marquee is done away with in HTML5. I haven't learned to use CSS instead yet) function where the names that I have in my database will scroll from bottom to top in the center of the page. I am a teacher and I am trying to set up a point system to display the points that my kids have earned. I have a MySQL database that has a few fields, such as student ID's, Names, etc. I want to connect my database and have the names and associating information scroll up one after the other on my website. I have some code that I found it online but it didi not work correctly. When it displayed, the entire database showed at once and then disappeared instead of scrolling one at a time. Yes I am a newby at this, so please have patience with me. I have searched online for an answer, and have not been able to find one. So I sdecided to try this forum. Any help is greatly appreciated.


$scrolling="true"; //Define if text is scrolling or Still


// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL. Make sure to edit the config.php file: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY studentId ASC ");
while($swap = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
if ($scrolling == "true"){
//Scrolling Text

<html> <h1 class="marquee"><span><b><?php echo $swap['studentId'];?> <?php echo $swap['first_name'];?></b><?php echo $swap['last_name']; ?><</html>

<?php }
else { //Not Scrolling Text
echo $swap['studentId'];
<?php echo $swap['last_name'];


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First you have to fix your HTML markup.


Taking what you have there as a reference, you need to create this:


<div class="marquee">
	<h1>ID: NAME</h1>
	<h1>ID: NAME</h1>
	<h1>ID: NAME</h1>

Can you do that? Note that the only part of that HTML that is being repeated (ie, needs to be in a loop) is the H1s. Everything else is plain HTML around it.
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