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preg_replace() to preg_replace_callback


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I need help converting this function.

This is the function-

function &fetch_full_ameinfo($findonly = false, $refresh = false)

    global $db, $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $stylevar;
    static $ameinfo = array();
    static $inied, $lastfind;

    if ($refresh)

        $inied = false;


    if ($lastfind && !$findonly)

        $inied = false;
        $ameinfo = array();


    if (!$inied)

        if (!$refresh AND $vbulletin->options['automediaembed_cache'])

            $path = $vbulletin->options['automediaembed_cache_path'];

            if (file_exists($path . "findonly.php"));

                if ($findonly)

                    include($path . "findonly.php");


                    include($path . "ameinfo.php");


                $inied = true;
                $lastfind = $findonly;

                return $ameinfo;


        if ($vbulletin->options['automediaembed_resolve'])

            $embed = ",IF(extraction=1 AND embedregexp!= '', embedregexp, '') as embedregexp, IF(extraction=1 AND validation!= '', validation, '') as validation";
            $embedwhere = " AND ((extraction = 0 AND embedregexp = '') OR (extraction = 1)) ";


            $embedwhere = " AND embedregexp = ''";


        $sql = "SELECT findcode" . (!$findonly ? ", replacecode,title,container,ameid" : ",extraction$embed") . " FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "automediaembed WHERE status=1 $embedwhere
                        ORDER BY displayorder, title ASC";

        $results = $db->query_read_slave($sql);

        while ($result = $db->fetch_array($results))

            if ($result['findcode'])

                if (!$findonly)

                    $ameinfo['find'][] = "~($result[findcode])~ie";
                    $ameinfo['replace'][] = 'ame_match_bbcode($param1, $param2, \'' . $result['ameid'] . '\', \'' . ame_slasher($result['title']) . '\', ' . $result['container'] . ', \'' . ame_slasher($result['replacecode']) . '\', \'\\1\', \'\\2\', \'\\3\', \'\\4\', \'\\5\', \'\\6\')';


                    $ameinfo['find'][] = "~(\[url\]$result[findcode]\[/url\])~ie";
                    $ameinfo['find'][] = "~(\[url=\"?$result[findcode]\"?\](.*?)\[/url\])~ie";
                    $ameinfo['replace'][] = 'ame_match("\1", "", ' . intval($result['extraction']) .', "' . ($result['embedregexp'] ? "~" . ame_slasher($result['embedregexp']) . "~sim" : "") . '", "' . ($result['validation'] ? "~" . ame_slasher($result['validation']) . "~sim" : "") . '",$ameinfo)';
                    $ameinfo['replace'][] = 'ame_match("\1", "\2", ' . intval($result['extraction']) .', "' . ($result['embedregexp'] ? "~" . ame_slasher($result['embedregexp']) . "~sim" : "") . '", "' . ($result['validation'] ? "~" . ame_slasher($result['validation']) . "~sim" : "") . '", $ameinfo)';




        $inied = true;

    $lastfind = $findonly;

    return $ameinfo;


Called here-

function ame_process_bbcode(&$parser, &$param1, $param2 = '')
    if (class_exists('vB_BbCodeParser_Wysiwyg') AND is_a($parser, 'vB_BbCodeParser_Wysiwyg'))
     return $text; 
        global $vbulletin;
        ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('automediaembed_parse_bbcode_start')) ? eval($hook) : false;
        $ameinfo = fetch_full_ameinfo();

        $text = preg_replace($ameinfo['find'], $ameinfo['replace'], ($param2 ? $param2 : $param1), 1);

        ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('automediaembed_parse_bbcode_end')) ? eval($hook) : false;
        return $text;   


full script: https://codeshare.io/5Dnk6Z

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