CodePythonGB Posted July 6, 2018 Share Posted July 6, 2018 (edited) I would like to remove the following sections and text from this checkout page. Shipping address, country, state, zip code, suburb, address - All needs to be removed including the boxes. Also i would like to change the Note (Shipping Notes) box and text. I would like to increase the size of the box and make it so an unlimited number of words can be typed into the box. Currently the Notes box only allows for about 100 or so words to be entered. As said i want an unlimited number. Here is the current page source code. Quote <!--?php $show_form = true; $show_ship = shipping_req(); if (!isset($_SESSION['shipping']) || !isset($_SESSION['sum_total']) || !isset($_SESSION['cart']) || count($_SESSION['cart']) < 1) { echo "<p class='error_txt'>".LANG('SESSION_RESET').' '.LANG('TRY_AGAIN_BACK')."</p>"; } else { if (!empty($_POST['email'])) { if (is_injected($_POST['email']) || !validate_maxlength($_POST['email'], 50)) { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('INJECTED_EMAIL'); } elseif(empty($_POST['c_email']) || ($_POST['email'] != $_POST['c_email'])) { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('DIFF_EMAIL_ADDS'); } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['user_data']) && $_SESSION['user_data']['Email'] != $_POST['email']) { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('INJECTED_EMAIL'); } elseif (!empty($_POST['note']) && strlen($_POST['note'] > 200)) { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('NOTE_TOO_LONG'); } elseif(empty($_SESSION['6_letters_code'] ) || strcasecmp($_SESSION['6_letters_code'], $_POST['6_letters_code']) != 0) { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('BAD_SEC_CODE'); } else { if (!empty($_POST['client_type']) && ($_POST['client_type'] == 'tcon')) { $_SESSION['client_type'] = 'tcon'; } else { $_SESSION['client_type'] = 'ncon'; } if (empty($_POST['note'])) { $_SESSION['order_note'] = 'n/a'; } else { $_SESSION['order_note'] = $_POST['note']; } if (empty($_POST['gateway'])) { $_SESSION['gateway'] = 'default'; } else { $_SESSION['gateway'] = $_POST['gateway']; } if ($show_ship) { if (empty($_POST['suburb']) || empty($_POST['country']) || empty($_POST['state']) || empty($_POST['address']) || (empty($_POST['zipcode']) && strlen($_POST['zipcode']) <= 1)) { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('SHIP_ADDRESS_REQ'); } else { $_SESSION['address'] = $_POST['address']."\n".$_POST['suburb']. ", ".$_POST['state'].', '.$_POST['zipcode']."\n".$_POST['country']; } } else { $_SESSION['address'] = 'n/a'; } if (!isset($account_id)) { $_SESSION['buyer_email'] = $_POST['email']; $account = get_account_byemail($_POST['email']); if (empty($account) || ($account === 'N/A')){ if (check_email_dns($_POST['email'])) { $password = generate_password(); $_SESSION['account'] = create_account($_POST['email'], pass_hash($password, $hash_rounds)); if ($_SESSION['account']) { $body = safe_str(str_replace('%', $seller, RAW_LANG('THANKS_SHOPPING')))."\n". LANG('NEW_ACC_CREATED')."\n".LANG('LOGIN_WITH')."\n\n". LANG('EMAIL').": ".$_POST['email']." \n". LANG('PASSWORD').": $password"; if ($smtp_enable) { $subject = RAW_LANG('NEW_ACCOUNT'); send_smtp_email($_POST['email'], $subject, $body); } else { $subject = rfc1342b(RAW_LANG('NEW_ACCOUNT')); mail($_POST['email'], $subject, $body, get_mail_headers()); } } else { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('DATABASE_ERROR'); } } else { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('INJECTED_EMAIL'); } } else { $account = mysqli_fetch_assoc($account); $_SESSION['account'] = $account['AccountID']; } } else { $_SESSION['buyer_email'] = $_SESSION['user_data']['Email']; $_SESSION['account'] = $account_id; } if (empty($errors['order_form'])) { echo "<p>".LANG('WAIT_WHILE')."</p>"; redirect('./sci/process-order.php'); $show_form = false; } } } elseif (!empty($_POST)) { $errors['order_form'] = LANG('EMPTY_EMAIL'); } if ($show_form) { ?--> <!--?php if (!empty($errors['order_form'])) { ?--> <div class="alert alert-block alert-error"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button> <!--?php echo $errors['order_form']; ?--></div> <!--?php } ?--><form name="order_form" method="post" action=""> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6"> <h1><!--?php echo LANG('YOUR_ORDER'); ?-->:</h1> <div class="well no_border"><!--?php $ship_total = ($_SESSION['shipping'] === '-1') ? '0' : $_SESSION['shipping']; if (!manual_delivery_req()) { if (bccomp($ship_total, '0') == 0) { $_SESSION['shipping'] = '-1'; } } $shs_btc = bitsci::btc_num_format($ship_total); $sub_btc = bitsci::btc_num_format($_SESSION['sub_total']); $sum_btc = bitsci::btc_num_format($_SESSION['sum_total']); $sum_fiat = bitsci::btc_num_format($_SESSION['sum_fiat'], 2); ?--> <p><b><!--?php echo LANG('SHIPPING'); ?-->:</b> <!--?php echo $shs_btc; ?--> BTC</p> <p><b><!--?php echo LANG('SUB_TOTAL'); ?-->:</b> <!--?php echo $sub_btc; ?--> BTC</p> <p><b><!--?php echo LANG('TOTAL'); ?-->:</b> <!--?php echo $sum_btc; ?--> BTC (<!--?php echo $sum_fiat.' '.$curr_code; ?-->)</p> </div> <p><label id="conn_label" title="<?php echo LANG('IF_CONN_THROUGH'); ?>"><b><!--?php echo LANG('SELECT_CONN_TYPE'); ?-->:</b><span><sup><a href="#" onclick="show_tooltip();">?</a></sup></span></label> <!--?php echo LANG('NORMAL_CLIENT'); ?-->: <input name="client_type" value="ncon" php="" if="" _session="" client_type="" ncon="" echo="" checked="checked" type="radio" /> /> <!--?php echo LANG('TOR_CLIENT'); ?-->: <input name="client_type" value="tcon" php="" if="" _session="" client_type="" tcon="" echo="" checked="checked" type="radio" /> /></p> <br /> <label><b><!--?php echo LANG('PAYMENT_GATEWAY'); ?-->:</b></label><select name="gateway" id="gateway_list" class="input-medium"><!--?php if ($use_defgate) { ?--> <option value="default" selected="selected"><!--?php echo LANG('DEFAULT').' '.LANG('GATEWAY'); ?--></option> <!--?php } foreach ($gateways as $key => $value) { if ($gateways[$key][0]) { echo "<option value='$key'>".safe_str($value[1]).' '.LANG('GATEWAY').'</option>'; } } ?--></select> <p><u><!--?php echo LANG('PAY_METHODS'); ?-->:</u></p> <p><!--?php if ($use_defgate) { echo LANG('DEFAULT').' '.LANG('GATEWAY').': BTC'; if ($use_altrpc) { echo ', '.safe_str($altcoin_code); } ?--><br /><!--?php } foreach ($gateways as $key => $value) { if ($gateways[$key][0]) { echo safe_str($value[1]).' '.LANG('GATEWAY').': '.safe_str($value[2]).'<br ?-->'; } } ?></p> <!--?php if ($show_captcha && $show_ship) { ?--> <br clear="all" /> <img src="../inc/captcha_code_file.php?rand=<?php echo rand(); ?>" id="captchaimg" /><br /> <small><!--?php echo LANG('CANT_READ_IMG'); ?--> <a><!--?php echo LANG('CLICK_HERE'); ?--></a> <!--?php echo LANG('TO_REFRESH'); ?--></small> <label for="message"><!--?php echo LANG('REPEAT_SEC_CODE'); ?-->:</label> <input name="6_letters_code" class="input-large" maxlength="6" required="required" type="text" /> <!--?php } elseif ($show_ship) { $_SESSION['6_letters_code'] = 'abc'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="6_letters_code" value="abc" ?-->'; } ?></div> <div class="span6"> <h5><!--?php echo LANG('COMPLETE_ORDER'); ?-->:</h5> <label><!--?php echo LANG('EMAIL'); ?-->:</label> <input name="email" id="email" class="input-large" maxlength="50" php="" if="" empty="" _session="" user_data="" echo="" value="'; safe_echo($_POST['email']); echo " readonly="readonly" elseif="" _post="" email="" required="required" type="text" /> /> <!--?php if (empty($_SESSION['user_data'])) { ?--> <br clear="all" /> <label><!--?php echo LANG('CONFIRM_EMAIL'); ?-->:</label> <input name="c_email" id="c_email" class="input-large" maxlength="50" value="<?php if (!empty($_POST['c_email'])) { safe_echo($_POST['c_email']); } ?>" required="required" type="text" /> <!--?php } else { echo '<input type="hidden" name="c_email" id="c_email" maxlength="50" value="'; safe_echo($_SESSION['user_data']['Email']); echo '" ?-->'; } ?> <br clear="all" /> <label><!--?php echo LANG('NOTE').' ('.LANG('OPTIONAL').')'; ?-->:</label> <textarea name="note" id="note" class="input-large" maxlength="500"><?php if (!empty($_POST['note'])) { safe_echo($_POST['note']); } ?></textarea> <!--?php if (!empty($_SESSION['user_data']['AddressID'])) { $address_id = (int) $_SESSION['user_data']['AddressID']; $address_arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc(get_address($address_id)); } if ($show_ship) { ?--> <p><b><!--?php echo LANG('SHIPPING_ADDRESS'); ?-->:</b></p> <label>Country:</label> <input name="country" class="input-large" maxlength="60" value="<?php if (!empty($_POST['country'])) { safe_echo($_POST['country']); } elseif (!empty($address_arr['Country'])) { safe_echo($address_arr['Country']); } ?>" required="required" type="text" /> <br clear="all" /> <div class="float_left"><label>State:</label> <input name="state" class="input-small" maxlength="50" value="<?php if (!empty($_POST['state'])) { safe_echo($_POST['state']); } elseif (!empty($address_arr['State'])) { safe_echo($address_arr['State']); } ?>" required="required" type="text" /></div> <div class="float_left" id="zip_box"><label>Zipcode:</label> <input name="zipcode" class="input-small" maxlength="10" value="<?php if (!empty($_POST['zipcode'])) { safe_echo($_POST['zipcode']); } elseif (!empty($address_arr['Zipcode'])) { safe_echo($address_arr['Zipcode']); } ?>" required="required" type="text" /></div> <br clear="all" /> <label>Suburb:</label> <input name="suburb" class="input-large" maxlength="50" value="<?php if (!empty($_POST['suburb'])) { safe_echo($_POST['suburb']); } elseif (!empty($address_arr['Suburb'])) { safe_echo($address_arr['Suburb']); } ?>" required="required" type="text" /> <label>Address:</label> <input name="address" class="input-large" maxlength="80" value="<?php if (!empty($_POST['address'])) { safe_echo($_POST['address']); } elseif (!empty($address_arr['Address'])) { safe_echo($address_arr['Address']); } ?>" required="required" type="text" /> <!--?php } ?--> <!--?php if ($show_captcha && !$show_ship) { ?--> <br clear="all" /> <img src="../inc/captcha_code_file.php?rand=<?php echo rand(); ?>" id="captchaimg" /><br /> <small><!--?php echo LANG('CANT_READ_IMG'); ?--> <a><!--?php echo LANG('CLICK_HERE'); ?--></a> <!--?php echo LANG('TO_REFRESH'); ?--></small> <label for="message"><!--?php echo LANG('REPEAT_SEC_CODE'); ?-->:</label> <input name="6_letters_code" class="input-large" maxlength="6" required="required" type="text" /> <!--?php } elseif (!$show_ship) { $_SESSION['6_letters_code'] = 'abc'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="6_letters_code" value="abc" ?-->'; } ?></div> </div> <hr /><center><a class="btn" href="../../../undefined//?page=cart"><!--?php echo LANG('GO_BACK'); ?--></a> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><!--?php echo LANG('GO_TO'). ' '.LANG('PAYMENT_GATEWAY'); ?--></button></center></form><!--?php if (empty($_SESSION['user_data'])) { ?--> <div class="alert alert-warning"><!--?php echo '<b>'.LANG('IMPORTANT').':</b> '. LANG('IF_NOT_REGISTERED').' '.LANG('ENSURE_EMAIL_VALID'); ?--></div> <!--?php } ?--> <script language="JavaScript">// <![CDATA[ function show_tooltip() { $('#conn_label').tooltip('show'); } // ]]></script> <!--?php } } ?--> I want everything in the orange box removing. Edited July 6, 2018 by CodePythonGB Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginerjm Posted July 6, 2018 Share Posted July 6, 2018 So? Just do it?! Lifting someone else's hard work for you own uses? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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