Sambo258 Posted December 13, 2018 Share Posted December 13, 2018 Hi, this is my first ever post. I am trying to add more information to my Ajax Live Search Currently it brings up this information on the top part of the image When I want it to bring forward this information at the bottom This is the current code that brings forward what you see in the first part of the image, but I want it to bring more forward like in the second image, what would you add to bring forward the relevant information? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. $link = apply_filters('av_custom_url', get_permalink($post->ID), $post); $output .= "<a class ='av_ajax_search_entry {$extra_class}' href='".$link."'>"; if ($image !== "" || $iconfont) { $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_image' {$iconfont}>"; $output .= $image; $output .= "</span>"; } $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_content'>"; $output .= " <span class='av_ajax_search_title'>"; $output .= get_the_title($post->ID); $output .= " </span>"; if ($excerpt !== '') { $output .= " <span class='ajax_search_excerpt'>"; $output .= $excerpt; $output .= " </span>"; } $output .= "</span>"; $output .= "</a>"; } } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
requinix Posted December 14, 2018 Share Posted December 14, 2018 Well you haven't posted a whole lot to work with... Seems like $excerpt is empty. Where is that coming from? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sambo258 Posted December 15, 2018 Author Share Posted December 15, 2018 Hi Requinix, The Excerpt is the date and time here is the full script for it if(!function_exists('avia_ajax_search')) { //now hook into wordpress ajax function to catch any ajax requests add_action( 'wp_ajax_avia_ajax_search', 'avia_ajax_search' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_avia_ajax_search', 'avia_ajax_search' ); function avia_ajax_search() { global $avia_config; unset($_REQUEST['action']); if(empty($_REQUEST['s'])) $_REQUEST['s'] = array_shift(array_values($_REQUEST)); if(empty($_REQUEST['s'])) die(); $defaults = array('numberposts' => 5, 'post_type' => 'any', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_password' => '', 'suppress_filters' => false, 'results_hide_fields' => ''); $_REQUEST['s'] = apply_filters( 'get_search_query', $_REQUEST['s']); $search_parameters = array_merge($defaults, $_REQUEST); if ( $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] !== '' ) { $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] = explode(',', $_REQUEST['results_hide_fields']); } else { $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] = array(); } $search_query = apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_query', http_build_query($search_parameters)); $query_function = apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_function', 'get_posts', $search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults); $posts = (($query_function == 'get_posts') || !function_exists($query_function)) ? get_posts($search_query) : $query_function($search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults); $search_messages = array( 'no_criteria_matched' => __("Sorry, no posts matched your criteria", 'avia_framework'), 'another_search_term' => __("Please try another search term", 'avia_framework'), 'time_format' => get_option('date_format'), 'all_results_query' => http_build_query($_REQUEST), 'all_results_link' => home_url('?' . http_build_query($_REQUEST)), 'view_all_results' => __('View all results','avia_framework') ); $search_messages = apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_messages', $search_messages, $search_query); if(empty($posts)) { $output = "<span class='av_ajax_search_entry ajax_not_found'>"; $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_image ".av_icon_string('info')."'>"; $output .= "</span>"; $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_content'>"; $output .= " <span class='av_ajax_search_title'>"; $output .= $search_messages['no_criteria_matched']; $output .= " </span>"; $output .= " <span class='ajax_search_excerpt'>"; $output .= $search_messages['another_search_term']; $output .= " </span>"; $output .= "</span>"; $output .= "</span>"; echo $output; die(); } //if we got posts resort them by post type $output = ""; $sorted = array(); $post_type_obj = array(); foreach($posts as $post) { $sorted[$post->post_type][] = $post; if(empty($post_type_obj[$post->post_type])) { $post_type_obj[$post->post_type] = get_post_type_object($post->post_type); } } //now we got everything we need to preapre the output foreach($sorted as $key => $post_type) { // check if post titles are in the hidden fields list if ( ! in_array('post_titles', $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] ) ) { if(isset($post_type_obj[$key]->labels->name)) { $label = apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_label_names', $post_type_obj[$key]->labels->name); $output .= "<h4>".$label."</h4>"; } else { $output .= "<hr />"; } } foreach($post_type as $post) { $image = ""; $extra_class = ""; // check if image is in the hidden fields list if (!in_array('image', $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'])) { $image = get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, 'thumbnail'); $extra_class = $image ? "with_image" : ""; $post_type = $image ? "" : get_post_format($post->ID) != "" ? get_post_format($post->ID) : "standard"; $iconfont = $image ? "" : av_icon_string($post_type); } $excerpt = ""; // check if post meta fields are in the hidden fields list if ( ! in_array('meta', $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] ) ) { if(!empty($post->post_excerpt)) { $excerpt = apply_filters( 'avf_ajax_search_excerpt', avia_backend_truncate($post->post_excerpt,70," ","...", true, '', true) ); } else { $excerpt = apply_filters( 'avf_ajax_search_no_excerpt', get_the_time( $search_messages['time_format'], $post->ID ), $post ); } } $link = apply_filters('av_custom_url', get_permalink($post->ID), $post); $output .= "<a class ='av_ajax_search_entry {$extra_class}' href='".$link."'>"; if ($image !== "" || $iconfont) { $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_image' {$iconfont}>"; $output .= $image; $output .= "</span>"; } $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_content'>"; $output .= " <span class='av_ajax_search_title'>"; $output .= " <span class='wpcr3_rating_style1_average'>"; $output .= get_the_title($post->ID); $output .= " </span>"; if ($excerpt !== '') { $output .= " <span class='ajax_search_excerpt'>"; $output .= $excerpt; $output .= " </span>"; } $output .= "</span>"; $output .= "</a>"; } } $output .= "<a class='av_ajax_search_entry av_ajax_search_entry_view_all' href='".$search_messages['all_results_link']."'>".$search_messages['view_all_results']."</a>"; echo $output; die(); } } This is the entire script Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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