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Hi, this is my first ever post.

I am trying to add more information to my Ajax Live Search

Currently it brings up this information on the top part of the image

When I want it to bring forward this information at the bottom

This is the current code that brings forward what you see in the first part of the image, but I want it to bring more forward like in the second image, what would you add to bring forward the relevant information? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

            $link = apply_filters('av_custom_url', get_permalink($post->ID), $post);

            $output .= "<a class ='av_ajax_search_entry {$extra_class}' href='".$link."'>";

            if ($image !== "" || $iconfont) {
                $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_image' {$iconfont}>";
                $output .= $image;
                $output .= "</span>";
            $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_content'>";
            $output .= "    <span class='av_ajax_search_title'>";
            $output .=      get_the_title($post->ID);
            $output .= "    </span>";
            if ($excerpt !== '') {
                $output .= "    <span class='ajax_search_excerpt'>";
                $output .=      $excerpt;
                $output .= "    </span>";
            $output .= "</span>";
            $output .= "</a>";



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Hi Requinix, The Excerpt is the date and time here is the full script for it


	//now hook into wordpress ajax function to catch any ajax requests
	add_action( 'wp_ajax_avia_ajax_search', 'avia_ajax_search' );
	add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_avia_ajax_search', 'avia_ajax_search' );

	function avia_ajax_search()
	    global $avia_config;
	    if(empty($_REQUEST['s'])) $_REQUEST['s'] = array_shift(array_values($_REQUEST));
		if(empty($_REQUEST['s'])) die();

	    $defaults = array('numberposts' => 5, 'post_type' => 'any', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_password' => '', 'suppress_filters' => false, 'results_hide_fields' => '');

	    $_REQUEST['s'] = apply_filters( 'get_search_query', $_REQUEST['s']);

	    $search_parameters 	= array_merge($defaults, $_REQUEST);

	    if ( $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] !== '' ) {
            $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] = explode(',', $_REQUEST['results_hide_fields']);
        else {
            $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] = array();

        $search_query 		= apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_query', http_build_query($search_parameters));
	    $query_function     = apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_function', 'get_posts', $search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults);
	    $posts		= (($query_function == 'get_posts') || !function_exists($query_function))  ? get_posts($search_query) : $query_function($search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults);
	    $search_messages = array(
	            'no_criteria_matched' => __("Sorry, no posts matched your criteria", 'avia_framework'),
	            'another_search_term' => __("Please try another search term", 'avia_framework'),
	            'time_format'         => get_option('date_format'),
	            'all_results_query'   => http_build_query($_REQUEST),
	            'all_results_link'    => home_url('?' . http_build_query($_REQUEST)),
	            'view_all_results'    => __('View all results','avia_framework')
	    $search_messages = apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_messages', $search_messages, $search_query);
	        $output  = "<span class='av_ajax_search_entry ajax_not_found'>";
	        $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_image ".av_icon_string('info')."'>";
	        $output .= "</span>";
	        $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_content'>";
	        $output .= "    <span class='av_ajax_search_title'>";
            	$output .= $search_messages['no_criteria_matched'];
	        $output .= "    </span>";
	        $output .= "    <span class='ajax_search_excerpt'>";
            	$output .= $search_messages['another_search_term'];
	        $output .= "    </span>";
	        $output .= "</span>";
	        $output .= "</span>";
	        echo $output;

	    //if we got posts resort them by post type
	    $output = "";
	    $sorted = array();
	    $post_type_obj = array();
	    foreach($posts as $post)
	        $sorted[$post->post_type][] = $post;
	            $post_type_obj[$post->post_type] = get_post_type_object($post->post_type);

	    //now we got everything we need to preapre the output
	    foreach($sorted as $key => $post_type)

	        // check if post titles are in the hidden fields list
	        if ( ! in_array('post_titles', $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] ) )
                    $label = apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_label_names', $post_type_obj[$key]->labels->name);
                    $output .= "<h4>".$label."</h4>";
                    $output .= "<hr />";

	        foreach($post_type as $post) {

	            $image = "";
                $extra_class = "";

                // check if image is in the hidden fields list
                if (!in_array('image', $search_parameters['results_hide_fields']))
                    $image = get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, 'thumbnail');
                    $extra_class = $image ? "with_image" : "";
                    $post_type = $image ? "" : get_post_format($post->ID) != "" ? get_post_format($post->ID) : "standard";
                    $iconfont = $image ? "" : av_icon_string($post_type);


	            $excerpt     = "";

                // check if post meta fields are in the hidden fields list
                if ( ! in_array('meta', $search_parameters['results_hide_fields'] ) )
                        $excerpt =  apply_filters( 'avf_ajax_search_excerpt', avia_backend_truncate($post->post_excerpt,70," ","...", true, '', true) );
                        $excerpt = apply_filters( 'avf_ajax_search_no_excerpt', get_the_time( $search_messages['time_format'], $post->ID ), $post );

	            $link = apply_filters('av_custom_url', get_permalink($post->ID), $post);

	            $output .= "<a class ='av_ajax_search_entry {$extra_class}' href='".$link."'>";

	            if ($image !== "" || $iconfont) {
                    $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_image' {$iconfont}>";
                    $output .= $image;
                    $output .= "</span>";
	            $output .= "<span class='av_ajax_search_content'>";
	            $output .= "    <span class='av_ajax_search_title'>";
				$output .= "     <span class='wpcr3_rating_style1_average'>";
	            $output .=      get_the_title($post->ID);
	            $output .= "    </span>";
	            if ($excerpt !== '') {
                    $output .= "    <span class='ajax_search_excerpt'>";
                    $output .=      $excerpt;
                    $output .= "    </span>";
	            $output .= "</span>";
	            $output .= "</a>";

	    $output .= "<a class='av_ajax_search_entry av_ajax_search_entry_view_all' href='".$search_messages['all_results_link']."'>".$search_messages['view_all_results']."</a>";

	    echo $output;

This is the entire script

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