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Hi guys,


I’d appreciate a little guidance but I’m gonna struggle to explain what the problem is first… so apologies in advance.

$drawOrder is an array of 1 to 10 letters that are drawn at random



    [101] => C

    [102] => F

    [103] => D

    [104] => J

    [105] => B

    [106] => H

    [107] => I

    [108] => G

    [109] => E

    [110] => A



$bestOrder contains the same values as $drawOrder but the letters are given a priority.



    [0] => A

    [1] => B

    [2] => C

    [3] => D

    [4] => E

    [5] => F

    [6] => G

    [7] => H

    [8] => I

    [9] => J


$bestPossibleOrder – I want this to contain the closest order possible to $bestOrder based on the draw order and 3 letter draw limit 



    [101] => C

    [103] => D

    [105] => B

    [102] => F

    [106] => H

    [108] => G

    [109] => E

    [110] => A

    [107] => I

    [104] => J


$availableLetters contains 3 letters that are drawn according to $drawOrder.




    [101] => C

    [102] => F

    [103] => D




add “[101] => C” to $bestPossibleOrder array

remove “[2] => C” from the $bestOrder array because the letters are not always unique

add “[104] => J “ to $availableLetters because it is next in the draw order.




    [102] => F

    [103] => D

    [104] => J



add “[103] => D” to my $bestPossibleOrder array

remove “[103] => D” from the $bestOrder array because the letters are not always unique

add “[102] => B“ to $availableLetters because it is next in the draw order.




    [102] => F

    [104] => J

    [102] => B




Repeat the process until all letters are in the $bestPossibleOrder array





    [101] => C

    [103] => D

    [105] => B

    [102] => F

    [106] => H

    [108] => G

    [109] => E

    [110] => A

    [107] => I

    [104] => J



I’ve attached what I’ve written so far but I’m not sure if it’s a good approach


$BR = "<br />";

echo "best order:" . $BR;

$bestOrder = array("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J");
print ("<pre>" . print_r($bestOrder, true) . "</pre>");

echo "draw order:" . $BR;

$drawOrder = shuffle_assoc($bestOrder);
$drawOrder = array_combine(range(101,(count($bestOrder)+100)),$drawOrder);// $drawOrder array keys have to start from 101
print ("<pre>" . print_r($drawOrder, true) . "</pre>");

echo "available Letters (FIRST DRAW):" . $BR;

$availableLetters = array_slice($drawOrder, 0, 3,true);
print ("<pre>" . print_r($availableLetters, true) . "</pre>");

$numberToPick = selectNextNumber($bestOrder,$availableLetters);
echo "The key with the closest letter to best order is [" . $numberToPick . "]";

function selectNextNumber($bestOrder,$availableLetters){
	for ($x = 0; $x <= count($bestOrder); $x++){
	$numberToPick = array_search($bestOrder[$x], $availableLetters);
		if ($numberToPick !== false) {
			//print ("<pre>" . print_r($bestOrder, true) . "</pre>");
			return $numberToPick;

function shuffle_assoc($list) { 
  if (!is_array($list)) return $list; 

  $keys = array_keys($list); 
  $random = array(); 
  foreach ($keys as $key) { 
    $random[$key] = $list[$key]; 
  return $random; 





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Here's the English explanation of your problem, not counting the apparent importance of array keys:



1. Have an array of letters sorted by priority which may have duplicates: [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J]
2. Have an array of letters in a random order which may also have duplicates: [C, F, D, J, B, H, I, G, E, A]
3. Have an empty array to put letters in: []
4. Draw 3 random letters: [C, F, D]

While there are random letters,
5a. Add the one with the highest priority to the array: [C]
5b. Remove (the first instance of) that letter from the sorted array: [A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J]
5c. Draw a new random letter: [F, D, J]

Random | Array               | Sorted
C F D  |                     | A B C D E F G H I J
F D J  | C                   | A B D E F G H I J
F J B  | C D                 | A B E F G H I J
F J H  | C D B               | A E F G H I J
J H I  | C D B F             | A E G H I J
J I G  | C D B F H           | A E G I J
J I E  | C D B F H G         | A E I J
J I A  | C D B F H G E       | A I J
J I    | C D B F H G E A     | I J
J      | C D B F H G E A I   | J
       | C D B F H G E A I J |

When out of letters,
6. Show the final array: [C, D, B, F, H, G, E, A, I, J]

The code seems functional so far. Any particular problems? Otherwise keep going and see what happens.

    Thanks for the translation :)

    I could do with some help with 5b.

    I can remove the first instance of of the selected letter within the function  selectNextNumber with unset($bestOrder[$x]) and return the updated $bestOrder array and $numberToPick

    is that a good way to do it or would you recommend somethingelse?


    This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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