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How to get HTML form data into PHP function Arguments using AJAX?

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The Business Logic is: If product is already purchased, upgrade the product

I have a customer input form to get information, along with some fields which should be auto populated based on what the customer chooses.

Screen Shot:

Note: Price and Shipping Weight are done with Ajax,

When we come to the shipping cost I am getting it from Magento, using a PHP function.

form :



From the above code I am given the predefined value,

$results = getShippingEstimate('14419','1',"IN","642001");

How can i get country and zipcode from the user entry and return the shipping cost?



Edited by aveeva

First step is to create (or reuse) a PHP script that can output the value, in the browser, if you put the country and zipcode in the query string.

In other words, make a working URL like this: /path/to/script.php?country=Some+Country&zipcode=12345

When you have that done it can be adjusted to work through AJAX.

// require_once(__DIR__ . '/app/Mage.php');
ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');

function getShippingEstimate($productId,$productQty,$countryId,$postcode ) {

    // $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore('default')->getId());
	$quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore('english')->getId());
    $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);


    $quote->addProduct($_product, $productQty);

    $_rates = $quote->getShippingAddress()->getShippingRatesCollection();

    $shippingRates = array();
    foreach ($_rates as $_rate):
            if($_rate->getPrice() > 0) {
                $shippingRates[] =  array("Title" => $_rate->getMethodTitle(), "Price" => $_rate->getPrice());

    return $shippingRates;


// echo "<pre>";
// product id, quantity, country, postcode
// print_r(getShippingEstimate('14419','1',"IN","642001"));

// echo "</pre>";

$results = getShippingEstimate('14419','1',"IN","642001");

// $results = getShippingEstimate('14419','1',"US","99501");

$count = -1;
echo "<select>";
foreach ($results as $result):
 <option value="<?php echo $count; ?>"> <?php echo $result["Title"]." - Rs ".$result["Price"]?>

echo "</select>"; 

Above is my PHP function to return shipping cost, by using predefined value, 

$results = getShippingEstimate('14419','1',"IN","642001");


How can i pass my country (IN) & zip_code (642001) from the customer input form,  

and return the value to,

        <th>Shipping Cost (Rs) : </th> 
        <td id="findata"></td>
         <input type="hidden" name="shipping_cost" id="shipping_cost"/>


Ajax :


        var old_val = $("#old option:selected").val();
        var new_val = $("#new option:selected").val();

        type: "POST",
        // url: "ajax_ship_cost_data.php",
        url: "sp_cost.php",
        dataType: "text",
        data: { old: old_val, new: new_val},
        success: function(data)
            // Check the output of ajax call on firebug console



I am in learning stage in PHP & Ajax, i successfully return a couple of value using ajax (pls run my code)  i am stuck with run time passing value to PHP function.

How to do correct my code?


Edited by aveeva
added more information

As i already said i am in learning stage, i did what i want in my code, additionally i want to add the feature like getting data from html form and pass to PHP function arguments ( 

$results = getShippingEstimate('14419','1',"IN","642001");) using ajax, here ajax i copy from working ajax (as you see from last to second Ajax actually its working, logic like if drop down field select and return th value by ajax , this is simple right ) 


<!-- <button id="btn_check_value">Check for value</button>  -->

<!-- Ajax Script -->


		var old_val = $("#old option:selected").val();
		var new_val = $("#new option:selected").val();

		type: "POST",
		url: "ajax_data.php",
		dataType: "text",
		data: { old: old_val, new: new_val},
		success: function(data)
			// Check the output of ajax call on firebug console
			// console.log(data);




		var old_val = $("#old option:selected").val();
		var new_val = $("#new option:selected").val();

		type: "POST",
		url: "ajax_ship_weight.php",
		dataType: "text",
		data: { old: old_val, new: new_val},
		success: function(data)
			// Check the output of ajax call on firebug console





and tried to modify as per my new feature like getting value from html form and passing to php function arguments. I am sure my  code  for the second feature ( getting value from html form and passing to php function arguments ) Can i get help to solve my issue,


I saw your last comment $_POST

I did already but no luck,


 if(isset($_POST['zip_postal_code']) && isset($_POST['country']))
	 $zip_postal_code = $_POST['zip_postal_code'];
	 $country = $_POST['country'];

//$results = getShippingEstimate('14419','1',"IN","642001");

$results = getShippingEstimate('14419','1',"$country","$zip_postal_code");

Any help, thanks.

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