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Help for merging php code (easy)


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Hello guys,

I don't really know php but I am always been able to copy/paste it and move stuff around on my wordpress website until now.

This last challenge is beyond my skills though (I am sure it will be trivial for you).

So I have this code snippet to show a video duration

  global $post;
  $video = cbc_get_video_data( $post );
  if( $video ) {
    echo $video->get_human_duration();

And I have this code to show a post title

if ($show_title) {
        $title_content .= apply_filters( 'uncode_before_body_title', '' );
        $title_content .= '<div class="post-title-wrapper"><h1 class="post-title">' . get_the_title() . '</h1>';
        $title_content .= uncode_post_info() . '</div>';
        $title_content .= apply_filters( 'uncode_after_body_title', '' );

I want to show the video duration right before the post title and in line with it, so inside the h1 tag. How to do that?

Thanks for any help!



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