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Insert data into mysql


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Hi guys,

I have an array:

[apple]=> red,
[orange] => orange,
[banana] => yellow

That I want to insert into the apidata table, the PDO connection is good so I guess my code is wrong:

    $mykeys = implode(', ', array_keys($newarr));
    $myplaceholders[] = '(' . implode (", ", array_fill(0, count($newarr), '?')) . ')';
    $values = array_values($newarr);

$res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO apidata (item, value) VALUES $myplaceholders") ;

$res->execute([$mykeys, $values]); 

The apidata table has three fields id (auto_increment) item and value, where am I going wrong?


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You currently have

$res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO apidata (item, value) VALUES (?,?,?)");
$res->execute("apple,orange,bannana", "red,orange,yellow");

You should have

$res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO apidata (item, value) VALUES (?,?)");
$res->execute("apple", "red");
$res->execute("orange", "orange");
$res->execute("banana", "yellow");

So you are going wrong everywhere

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$res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO apidata (item, value) VALUES (?,?), (?,?), (?,?) ");
$res->execute( [ 'apple', 'red, 'orange', 'orange', 'banana', 'yellow' ] );


3 minutes ago, ludo1960 said:

can I put a foreach round the $res->execute() ?

Yes, iteration would be the best way to go if you want the separate inserts. I was just indicating you need three of them

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Nearly there, data is inserted twice:

    $keys = array_keys( $newarr ); 
    $vals = array_values( $newarr );
    $size = sizeof( $newarr ); 

    $res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO apidata (item, value) VALUES (?, ?)") ;
    for($x = 0; $x < $size; $x++ ) { 
    $res->execute([ $keys[$x], $vals[$x] ]); 

another hint please :)

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A lot neater, thats'for sure, alas the data is still doubled up.

    $res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO apidata (item, value) VALUES (?,?)") ;
    foreach ($newarr as $item => $val) {
        $res->execute( [ $item, $val ] );


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$newarr has 23 items, data base has been truncated, 46 items are inserted. I've put the code on a php page and visited it in the brower, could that cause the doubling up? Or is there a command that says "i've finished inserting data, close the query"? Clutching at straws now :)

The connection.php from yourself:


const HOST     = 'localhost';
const USERNAME = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
const PASSWORD = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
const DBNAME   = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

function pdoConnect() 
    $dsn = "mysql:dbname=".DBNAME."; host=".HOST."; charset=utf8";

    $db = new pdo($dsn, USERNAME, PASSWORD, 
            PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false,
    return $db;

$db = pdoConnect();


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As requested the complete test.php:


include 'connection.php' ;

$url = "http://admin.contenta.com/api";

$jsondata = file_get_contents($url);

$response = json_decode($jsondata, true);

$myarray = $response['links'] ;

foreach ($myarray as $k => $v) {
    $newarr[$k] = $v['href']; 

    $res = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO apidata (item, value) VALUES (?,?)") ;
    foreach ($newarr as $item => $val) {
        $res->execute( [ $item, $val ] );

echo "<pre>";  print_r( $newarr ); echo "</pre>"; // here are the 23 itemss returned

Then I just visit in the browser http://mytestsite.com/test.php

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What about

    echo recordCount($db) . '<br>';

    foreach ($newarr as $item => $val) {
        $res->execute( [ $item, $val ] );

    echo recordCount($db) . '<br>';

where recordCount() is

    function recordCount($db)
        $res = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM apidata");
        return $res->fetchColumn();


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Adding the function and the counts so:

    echo recordCount($db) . '<br>';
	foreach ($newarr as $item => $val) {
        $res->execute( [ $item, $val ] );
	echo recordCount($db) . '<br>';

gives me 



but still get the data doubled up, beginning to think i've got a bum copy of mariaDB version 10.1.38

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