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Need help with this PHP contact form please. Cannot get it to work!

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So I've been trying to get my contact forms to work on my website and I cannot figure out where to change my email so when they submit it that it goes to my email. Along with another problem being when I click the submit button it does not show if it was submitted or if there was an error, etc. PLEASE HELP the code is below! I put my email address in the section where I thought it would be, but it doesn't seem to be working.

header('Content-type: application/json');
require_once('php-mailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php'); // Include PHPMailer

$mail = new PHPMailer();
$emailTO = $emailBCC =  $emailCC = array();

// Enter Your Sitename
$sitename = 'levo...';

// Enter your email addresses: @required
$emailTO[] = array( 'email' => 'stefan@...', 'name' => 'Stefan' );

// Enable bellow parameters & update your BCC email if require.
//$emailBCC[] = array( 'email' => 'stefan', 'name' => 'Stefan' );

// Enable bellow parameters & update your CC email if require.
//$emailCC[] = array( 'email' => 'stefan@', 'name' => 'Stefan' );

// Enter Email Subject
$subject = "Contact Us" . ' - ' . $sitename;

// Success Messages
$msg_success = "We have <strong>successfully</strong> received your message. We'll get back to you soon.";

   if (isset($_POST["cf_email"]) && $_POST["cf_email"] != '' && isset($_POST["cf_name"]) && $_POST["cf_name"] != '') {
      // Form Fields
      $cf_email = $_POST["cf_email"];
      $cf_name = $_POST["cf_name"];
      $cf_address = isset($_POST["cf_subject"]) ? $_POST["cf_subject"] : '';
      $cf_address = isset($_POST["cf_address"]) ? $_POST["cf_address"] : '';
      $cf_company = isset($_POST["cf_company"]) ? $_POST["cf_company"] : '';
      $cf_date = isset($_POST["cf_date"]) ? $_POST["cf_date"] : '';
      $cf_budget = isset($_POST["cf_budget"]) ? $_POST["cf_budget"] : '';
      $cf_msg = isset($_POST["cf_msg"]) ? $_POST["cf_msg"] : '';

      $honeypot  = isset($_POST["form-anti-honeypot"]) ? $_POST["form-anti-honeypot"] : '';
      $bodymsg = '';

      if ($honeypot == '' && !(empty($emailTO))) {
         $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';

         $mail->From = $cf_email;
         $mail->FromName = $cf_name . ' - ' . $sitename;
         $mail->AddReplyTo($cf_email, $cf_name);
         $mail->Subject = $subject;

         foreach( $emailTO as $to ) {
            $mail->AddAddress( $to['email'] , $to['name'] );

         // if CC found
         if (!empty($emailCC)) {
            foreach( $emailCC as $cc ) {
               $mail->AddCC( $cc['email'] , $cc['name'] );

         // if BCC found
         if (!empty($emailBCC)) {
            foreach( $emailBCC as $bcc ) {
               $mail->AddBCC( $bcc['email'] , $bcc['name'] );

         // Include Form Fields into Body Message
         $bodymsg .= isset($cf_name) ? "Contact Name: $cf_name<br><br>" : '';
         $bodymsg .= isset($cf_email) ? "Contact Email: $cf_email<br><br>" : '';
         $bodymsg .= isset($cf_subject) ? "Contact Email: $cf_subject<br><br>" : '';
         $bodymsg .= isset($cf_address) ? "Contact Address: $cf_address<br><br>" : '';
         $bodymsg .= isset($cf_company) ? "Company: $cf_company<br><br>" : '';
         $bodymsg .= isset($cf_date) ? "Date: $cf_date<br><br>" : '';
         $bodymsg .= isset($cf_budget) ? "Budget: $cf_budget<br><br>" : '';
         $bodymsg .= isset($cf_msg) ? "Message: $cf_msg<br><br>" : '';
         $bodymsg .= $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ? '<br>---<br><br>This email was sent from: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';

         $mail->MsgHTML( $bodymsg );
         $is_emailed = $mail->Send();

         if( $is_emailed === true ) {
            $response = array ('result' => "success", 'message' => $msg_success);
         } else {
            $response = array ('result' => "error", 'message' => $mail->ErrorInfo);
         echo json_encode($response);

      } else {
         echo json_encode(array ('result' => "error", 'message' => "Bot <strong>Detected</strong>.! Clean yourself Botster.!"));
   } else {
      echo json_encode(array ('result' => "error", 'message' => "Please <strong>Fill up</strong> all required fields and try again."));


Is the host on which this is running also an SMTP server? By default that is how PHPMailer works. If you have a different email server (e.g. gmail.com) then you need to specify that SMTP server and your login information. The PHPMailer page has an example.

Note: I edited the original post and removed the comments about the code block. I also removed the email and site url specifics.

This is the line that sets that:

// Enter your email addresses: @required
$emailTO[] = array( 'email' => 'stefan@...', 'name' => 'Stefan' );

If that is your email address, then I don't see any obvious coding issues.  So to gw1500se's point, this would suggest a configuration issue with the server, where the Mail Transfer Agent which will be delivering your mail needs to be setup and working.  There are many things involved in getting a working MTA.  You'll likely need support from your hosting company.

1 hour ago, screadore said:

right now I'm running it off my computer from PYcharm. Could that be the problem? I'll try uploading it online and seeing if that works

Yes absolutely.  PyCharm is simply an editor/Integrated Development Environment.  You need some sort of server environment to test.  It's possible to make it work in a localhost or virtual server on your workstation, but for a smallish project like this one, probably not worth the trouble.  

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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