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Trying to Send credentials to an IP camera


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Trying for days to communicate to an IP camera from an apache server using PHP

I do get responses from the camera

RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized CSeq: 1 WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Login to 3E072F5PAL00180", nonce="bf2693784e774fb41b569ca02d8abe54"

The nonce changes each time I refresh, I guess that is exactly what It should do.

I read that I must MD5 the user and password along with some other data and create a string that goes back to the camera to authenticate and once done the  camera replies RTSP/1.0 200 OK

Somebody has a small bit of code to build the required answer from strings?

I am not big in PHP,


I did find this on a page but it is way over my head, I do not have anything called $data.


$A1 = md5($data['username'] . ':' . $realm . ':' . $users[$data['username']]);
$A2 = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].':'.$data['uri']);
$valid_response = md5($A1.':'.$data['nonce'].':'.$data['nc'].':'.$data['cnonce'].':'.$data['qop'].':'.$A2);


I get the idea of sending commands with an existing socket. socket_write($socket,$answer);

NONCE :62d72a3d3b35bb5440ba29222e3669aa
REALM :Login to 3E072F5PAL00180
User :
Password :

I have assigned directly as strings the password and user.





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Hello requinix Sadly no, I cannot connect to the camera with basic auth, or at least I could not find any details on how to do that. It seams that basic auth is out dated.

I do see a lot of curl expamples and I tried loads, but none I found work with a camera behind a forwarded port like 554, using curl is quite common but as I understand it is reading via a html connection not rtsp. Of course I could also be wrong.

I use delphi mostly so PHP is mind boggling for me.


As I understand it, the camera is basically asking me to login.

How I send the login data is what I am stuck with.


So far I am creating a socket to communicate with the camera then perform a basic request "Describe" to the camera

Socket Create result: Success

Sent to the Camera:DESCRIBE rtsp://IP:554 RTSP/1.0 CSeq: 1

The Camera Responded with
RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized CSeq: 1 WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Login to 3E072F5PAL00180", nonce="f683e059c7c09ca8511322793dc99d2c"

NONCE :f683e059c7c09ca8511322793dc99d2c
REALM :Login to 3E072F5PAL00180

I then extract nonce and realm from the camera response into these parts $nonce and $realm, I think then I should combine these with the username, password and send back to the camera as a message to perform the login.  It is that message that I am lost how to do.






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First question: did you do an rtsp OPTIONS request?

OPTIONS rtsp://IP:554 RTSP/1.0

What is the reply?

As for Digest authentication,  just interpreting this page, I would start with:

  1. HA1 = MD5(username:realm:password)
  2. HA2 = MD5(method:digestURI)
  3. response = MD5(HA1:nonce:HA2)

Assuming you have set username and password as variables:

$ha1 = md5($username . ':' . $realm . ':' . $password); 
$ha2 = md5('rtsp://IP:554');

$response = md5($ha1 . ':' $nonce . ':' . $ha2);


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