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PHP - generate team based on seniority


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I would like to generate team by their seniority based on the available members.
For example : I have 60 members. I want use all this 60 members as teams. Each team has one leader,one asst leader, and 8 members (1+1+8) .


$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM `members`  ORDER BY DOJ,DOB"); 
$perteam =10; 
$data = array(); 
while( $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 

foreach($data as $fetch){ 
echo $fetch["empname"].'<br>';

I used the above code to fetch the members in seniority . Now I want to add another coumns Team and Designation as follows;

1.Peter - Team 1-Leader1
2.Robin - Team 2 - Leader2
… Likewise it should go…

How do I achieve this.

any lead…?

Edited by loveme
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$res = $db->query("SELECT  name
                         , timestampdiff(MONTH, doj, curdate()) as sen
                         , timestampdiff(YEAR, dob, curdate()) as age
                    FROM MEMBER
                    ORDER BY sen DESC, age DESC
$members = $res->fetchAll();

$titles = ['Leader', 'Assistant', 'Member 1', 'Member 2', 'Member 3', 'Member 4', 'Member 5', 'Member 6', 'Member 7', 'Member 8'];

I originally set out on the round-robin route to allocate the members to teams ...

$teams = [];
$t = 0;
foreach ($members as $r) {
    $teams[$t%6][] = $r;

... but the problem with this method is it's bias. Team 1 gets the most experienced Leader and Team 6 gets the least experienced. On the next cycle, Team 1 gets the most experienced Assistant and Team 6 again gets the least, and so on for all levels.

Therefore I'd recommend an approach which gets the players for each level then shakes the bags before allocating to teams

$ranks = array_chunk($members, 6);                             // get a chunk of 6 members for each rank
$tdata = '';
foreach ($ranks as $r => $rmembers)  {
    shuffle($rmembers);                                        // shake the bag - random allocation to teams
    $tdata .= "<tr><td class='rank'>{$titles[$r]}</td>";
    foreach ($rmembers as $m) {
        $tdata .= "<td>{$m['name']} <span class='years'>({$m['sen']}/{$m['age']})</span></td>";
    $tdata .= "</tr>\n";



Edited by Barand
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