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counting the number of txt extension files in a directory.


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put them into an array then count the array
$files = array();
if ($handle = opendir('pdffiles/')) {
  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
    if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
      if(strrchr($file, ".") == ".txt"){
      $files[] = $file;
echo count($files);

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Ive made this into a function, but why doesnt it work, it always appears 0, but it works fine without the funciton
function threadcount($dir){
$files = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
    if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
      if(strrchr($file, ".") == ".txt"){
      $files[] = $file;
echo count($files);}
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should just return the value rather than echo it out in the function. works both ways i guess just preference
function threadcount($dir){
$files = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
    if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
      if(strrchr($file, ".") == ".txt"){
      $files[] = $file;
return count($files);
echo threadcount($folder);

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When you make it a function, the function has to return something back to the calling procedure so you can use it. In your case you want to return the array:
function threadcount($dir){
    $files = array();
    if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
              if($file != "." && $file != "..")
                  if(strrchr($file, ".") == ".txt")
                    $files[] = $file;
    return ($files);
echo threadcount('.');

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yes you have to have the function established in order tou use it. What alot of developers do is create a file with all their functions in it. maybe call it function.inc.php. Now at the top of your page you require it so that the page stays cleaner.

Now all the functions you have written will be available to use.

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[quote]do you always have to place it before you use it?[/quote]

No. You could have all your functions at the bottom of the page if you wanted, php doesn't care as long as the function is within scope (which is what I think craygo is talking about).
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Thorpe got there first, but I was just going to say that this:

$number = 1;

function doubleup($num){
  return $num*2;

echo doubleup($number);

Produces the same result as this:

$number = 1;

echo doubleup($number);

function doubleup($num){
  return $num*2;

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