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GD (Imagecreatefrom) using a Gif


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So I've worked with PNG/JPG's before with overlaying text onto an image and then displaying said image.


Now I want to use a Gif and do the same thing, but the image loses its animation. Is there a way to do this? Specifically, I use these in signatures on forums and as such I have the file name like this; Website.png.php so that the forum sees the extension and allows an image to be shown. Is there anything out that where I can accomplish this using a Gif?


Note: I would be content without the ability of overlaying text onto the Gif so long as I can display them using this address type that the forum allows in signatures.


Here's the image I can work with




And here's the code behind it.



Header ('Content-type: image/jpeg');
Header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
Header('Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT');
Header('Pragma: no-cache');

 *                     BASICS                         *

// set some dimensions for future use
$expbar_width = 100;
$expbar_height = 25;

// set the background colour
// number or is top left pixel x, top left pixel y, bottom right pixel x, bottom right pixel y

// set the font and print text
$namefont = '../Fonts/Squared Display.ttf';
$font = '../Fonts/AldotheApache.ttf';
$hpfont = '../Fonts/AldotheApache.ttf';
$guildfont = '../Fonts/Fragment.otf';

 *                     LOAD DATA                      *

// Create an array for determining the class you play.
// In the XML this is saved as an int number, the conversion is shown below.
$class_name = array(   -1 => 'None',
     0 => 'Fighter',
     1 => 'Barbarian',
     2 => 'Rogue',
     3 => 'Magician',
  4 => 'Guardian',
     5 => 'Samurai',
     6 => 'Paladin',
     7 => 'Monk',
     8 => 'Ninja',
     9 => 'Warlock',
     10 => 'Headhunter',
     11=> 'Alchemist');

// load xml data in vars

// This is where you load your own info from the xml d2jsp gives. This is a PHP5 only command!
$data = simplexml_load_file('http://ladderslasher.d2jsp.org/xmlChar.php?i=135032');
$guild = simplexml_load_file('http://ladderslasher.d2jsp.org/xmlGuild.php?i=2280');
$name = $data->name;
$kills = $data->kills;
$class = $class_name[(int)$data->classid];
$exp = $data->exp;
$level = $data->level;
$gps = getMemberGps($guild, 'tizzoe')['gps'];
$hpmax = $data->hpmax;
$mpmax = $data->mpmax;
$str = $data->strength;
$dex = $data->dexterity;
$vit = $data->vitality;
$int = $data->intelligence;
$mqpasses = $data->mqpasses;
$mqattempts = $data->mqattempts;
$exp = (int)$exp;

$temp = explode(";",$data->cprof);
foreach ((array) $temp as $value) {
$temp2 = explode(",",$value);
$cprof[(int)$temp2[0]] = (int)$temp2[1];
$temp3 = explode(";",$data->wprof);
foreach ((array) $temp3 as $value) {
$temp4 = explode(",",$value);
$wprof[(int)$temp4[0]] = (int)$temp4[1];
$temp5 = explode(";",$data->sprof);
foreach ((array) $temp5 as $value) {
$temp6 = explode(",",$value);
$sprof[(int)$temp6[0]] = (int)$temp6[1];
$sword = $wprof[0];
$club = $wprof[1];
$axe = $wprof[2];
$dagger = $wprof[3];
$staff = $wprof[4];
$longsword = $wprof[5];
$warhammer = $wprof[6];
$battleaxe = $wprof[7];
$spear = $wprof[8];
$polearm = $wprof[9];
$ice = $cprof[0];
$fire = $cprof[1];
$lightning = $cprof[2];
$wind = $cprof[3];
$earth = $cprof[4];
$wheal = $cprof[5];
$heal = $cprof[6];
$focus = $cprof[7];
$fishing = $sprof[0];
$cooking = $sprof[1];
$glyphing = $sprof[2];
$transmuting = $sprof[3];
$suffusencing = $sprof[4];

//$percent = calcExpPercent($exp);
//$brpixelX = calcBrPixelX($exp,$expbar_width);
// Create an expbar with bg 'cool' color and the cover of your level in red.
//imagefilledrectangle($image, 80, 27, 160, 37, $cool);
//imagefilledrectangle($image, 80, 27, $brpixelX, 37, $barb);
//imagefilledrectangle($image, 80, 27, 100, 37, $cool);
//imagefilledrectangle($image, 80, 37, $brpixelX, 27, $red);

 *                     TEXT PART                      *

//Example; ImageTTFText ($image, textsize, angle, right indent, down indent, color, font, "text");

$random = rand(0, 1);

if ($random === 0) {
    $image = imagecreatefromjpeg('../LSImages/ElephantB.jpg');

// set some colours for future use
$cool  = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 102);
$red   = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$yellow = imagecolorallocate($image, 235, 141, 54);

if ($class === 'None') {

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg('../LSImages/None.jpg');


if ($class != 'None') {

//show name
ImageTTFText ($image, 20, 0, 255, 33, $red, $guildfont, $name);

//show class
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 275, 50, $red, $font, "Class: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 315, 50, $cool, $font, $class);

// show lvl
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 295, 64, $red, $font, "Level: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 335, 64, $cool, $font, $level);

// show Str
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 260, 80, $red, $font, "Str: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 290, 80, $cool, $font, $str);

// show Dex
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 340, 80, $red, $font, "Dex: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 370, 80, $cool, $font, $dex);

// show Vit
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 260, 95, $red, $font, "Vit: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 290, 95, $cool, $font, $vit);

// show Int
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 340, 95, $red, $font, "Int: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 370, 95, $cool, $font, $int);

// show kills
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 280, 119, $red, $font, "Kills: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 322, 119, $cool, $font, $kills);

//show experience
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 285, 132, $red, $font, "Exp: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 310, 132, $cool, $font, $exp);

// SHow MQ passen and attempts
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 260, 146, $red, $font, "MQs: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 290, 146, $cool, $font, $mqpasses." / ".$mqattempts);

// Show guild points
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 355, 146, $red, $font, "GPs: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 385, 146, $cool, $font, $gps);



if ($random === 1) {

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg('../LSImages/tizzoeC.jpg');

// set some colours for future use
$cool  = imagecolorallocate($image, 153, 51, 255);
$red   = imagecolorallocate($image, 51, 51, 255);
$yellow = imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255,255);

if ($class === 'None') {

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg('../LSImages/None.jpg');


if ($class != 'None') {

//show name
ImageTTFText ($image, 20, 0, 240, 33, $yellow, $guildfont, $name);

//show class
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 260, 50, $red, $font, "Class: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 300, 50, $cool, $font, $class);

// show lvl
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 280, 64, $red, $font, "Level: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 320, 64, $cool, $font, $level);

// show Str
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 245, 80, $red, $font, "Str: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 275, 80, $cool, $font, $str);

// show Dex
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 325, 80, $red, $font, "Dex: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 355, 80, $cool, $font, $dex);

// show Vit
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 245, 95, $red, $font, "Vit: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 275, 95, $cool, $font, $vit);

// show Int
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 325, 95, $red, $font, "Int: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 355, 95, $cool, $font, $int);

// show kills
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 265, 119, $red, $font, "Kills: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 307, 119, $cool, $font, $kills);

//show experience
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 260, 132, $red, $font, "Exp: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 12, 0, 295, 132, $cool, $font, $exp);

// SHow MQ passen and attempts
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 245, 146, $red, $font, "MQs: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 275, 146, $cool, $font, $mqpasses." / ".$mqattempts);

// Show guild points
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 340, 146, $red, $font, "GPs: ");
ImageTTFText ($image, 10, 0, 370, 146, $cool, $font, $gps);



// output and destroy
imagejpeg($image, null, 100);

 *                     FUNCTIONS                      *

 * calculate the exp bar width.
function calcBrPixelX($input,$xpbar_width)
	$temp1 = fmod($input,1000000);
	$temp1 = ($temp1/1000000);
	$temp1 = $temp1 * $xpbar_width;
	$temp1 = $temp1 + 80;

	return (int)$temp1;

 * Calculate the percentage of level done
function calcExpPercent($input)
	$temp1 = fmod($input,1000000);
	$temp1 = ($temp1/1000000);
	$temp1 = $temp1 * 100;

	return (int)$temp1;

function getMemberGps($guild, $name) {
    foreach ($guild as $member) {
        if (reset($member['name']) === $name) {
            return reset($member);

    return false;



Edited by RADaugherty
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12 hours ago, requinix said:

PHP's gd extension doesn't support editing or outputting animated GIFs. Use something like Imagick/ImageMagick instead - which, honestly, will probably give you better quality results anyway.

I did look at ImageMagick a little but I didn't see a way of presenting the webpage as just an image like I do with GD (as opposed to showing the image on a webpage) if that makes sense.



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10 hours ago, Barand said:

Why don't you just create a webpage with a background image?

Hmm, I'm fairly newb with PHP as I'm just using it for this type of service I provide for people on another forum but I don't think that would accomplish the same thing I need. If you check my About Me section ( didn't see a section for signature ) you'll see it shows the image there

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