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Back button doesn't appear to be working correctly.


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Thanks for your help in advance.
When some users use the Back button coded below the previous screen doesn't present the data it had when they went to it.
Typically it's a list of classes assigned to that instructor.
For this specific user it happens every time.
But many if not most it functions correctly.
Does anyone see anything wrong with the code?  Or is there anything I can add to ensure it goes back correctly.

Please forgive, I am new to PHP and this is inherited code from a much more experienced coder.


<input type='button' value='&nbsp;&nbsp;Back&nbsp;&nbsp;' onclick='document.location.href="index.php?<?=($session["admin"]?($_REQUEST["my_courses"]?"my_courses=1":"admin_view=1&term=".$term):"")?>"' />

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That's because your "back" button is not a back button. It's a link that takes the user to the URL of the previous page. Which, in all possibility, is not going to present them with the same information as it had when they left it.

Question #1: Why do you have a back button at all?
Question #2: Why aren't people using their own browser's back button?

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Well, it seems to work.

They get an error message to retry and resend.

But that is much better than forcing them to log out and then back in.

We are getting rid of this app in a few months.

SO as far as I and my boss are concerned, we're all good!

THANK you so much!!

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It may be possible to eliminate the resubmit warning too: by redirecting after a form submission to a reasonable page. That could be the same URL or a different one, point is that the page the user sees is from a normal GET request instead of displayed during their original POST request.

It's called POST/Redirect/GET.

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