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What should I do to start learning PHP?


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Some prefer to start with a book, some prefer to start fiddeling with a website taking one step at a time using this community and the manual at www.php.net as "helpdesk" ..and so it goes on..
But it's not coming flying to you during the night, you have to start working with it one way or the other.
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I personally recommend a book to start with, following the examples closely.  My own method for learning which works really well for me, is to pick some tool that I use daily in my work and while going through my book trying to write my own version of that tool.  I have made it half way through my first PHP/MySQL book and already wrote an online ticketing system to mimic our Remedy ticketing system.  This is just my opinion. Everyone learns differently so you have to decide what is best for you. I have hit several brick walls with PHP and so far this forum has not let me down with getting past them.
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[quote author=phatgreenbuds link=topic=120058.msg492267#msg492267 date=1167252587]
I personally recommend a book to start with, following the examples closely.  My own method for learning which works really well for me, is to pick some tool that I use daily in my work and while going through my book trying to write my own version of that tool.  I have made it half way through my first PHP/MySQL book and already wrote an online ticketing system to mimic our Remedy ticketing system.  This is just my opinion. Everyone learns differently so you have to decide what is best for you. I have hit several brick walls with PHP and so far this forum has not let me down with getting past them.
[/quote]I have a book right in front of me... It's called PHP in 24 Hours. If you know anything about this book can you tell me if it is a good book or a bad one?
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Most of those 24hours books are pretty lame IMO but any book is better than none. Generally I find that people who have learnt by just jumping in have allot of bad habbits and very little understanding of basic programming concepts.

There is [url=http://hudzilla.org/phpwiki/index.php?title=Main_Page]this[/url] book which is available free online which seems to cover most things pretty well. The thing with a book though is to read it from start to finnish without skimming. Be patient.
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First of all, don't try and master it all in 24 hours.  Second of all, grab a book and just work on some of the examples.  I know you may have this grand vision for the next MySpace or something but unfortunately you have to start with something smaller.

Here is the book that I have been using:

PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide
Larry Ullman


It's a little outdated, focusing on PHP4 but that in combination with great advice from this forum and other tutorials, I have slowly begun to understand PHP and the terminology/commands.

In a week I have created my own login system, learned own to secure it AND [b]most importantly[/b] I understand what every piece of code means that I have used so far.  That doesn't mean I can code something from scratch without a reference but when I look at code I can finally say, "Yeah, I know what that means and how/why it's used."
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Personally, I would start by setting up a development server (LAMP) running Linux,Apache, Mysql and PHP...
You can use a Windows box but Linux or BSD would be more better IMHO... I recommend a "server setup" distro to make the process and installation easy.

Once you have a LAMP server setup the sky is the limit...!

What I would do is look for an existing (PHP) script that does something you are interested in or imay be useful to you... then employ backwards engineering to disect the script and see how and why it does what it does...If I was starting from scratch I would start with a script that writes to flat file databases.... this can be fun and educational as well as being simple and functional

A more comprehensive approach might be to download and install a (PHP/MYsql) CMS program... this will give you much more to work with...including out of the box functionality...lots of stuff to hack (learn) away at.

Good Luck, Have Fun...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would still like some ways please... The main things I would like to learn are:

• How to make Tables and things in the tables.
• What I can do in my database/how to get there (I know, pathetic).
• Forms/Log-In Systems.
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my favourite way of learning a new computing language such as php, or more resently javascript, is to find a comparison table of key words, like defineing variables and control statements.  becauase i already know a little bit about quite a few languages, this helps me becauase i can compare it so something i already know.  i dont know anywhere tha has something like that, but good luck anyway
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what i did and suggest. find yourself either a book or some tutorials(www.tizag.com) and get yourself some php enabled webspace, while reading the book, [u]try it[/u], when you think you get the idea, move on to the next section
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I'm still very much a noob but i like reading and taking examples from my book: PHP for the world wide web. By Larry Ullman. Plus all the help that is available from other members of this forum is first class. I also downloaded and installed Xampp 1.5.5 so that i can learn all about PHP on my computer. Good luck!
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I would suggest the book [b]Build your own Database Driven Website using PHP & MYSQL by KEVIN YANk[/b]
It's quite think but I found it a very easy read, and I am already very satisfied with my knowledge of PHP. It explains everything from mysql and php basics to more advanced stuff. It also covers sessions and cookies, and tells you how to format with the [bb] tags.

Its published by sitepoint: [url=http://www.sitepoint.com]www.sitepoint.com[/url]
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I started by using the tutorials I could find on the Web then came across this forum together with the tutorials which in my opinion are among the best available.
I then installed XAMPP and startted to practise my "programming skills", I found that I needed something else to guide me and that is when I found the book that Thorpe suggested.
I am still very much a learner but putting it all together and asking of this forum only questions that are specific to a problem you encounter certainly worked for me, however you must put in the time programming and making mistakes so that you can learn from them.
Best of luck
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