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CSS and IE5.5 < IE 6 fix method

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While working playing with my first fully CSS styled layout, not surprisingly - i need som help.

I've started to modify a OSWD template as i figured playing with this might be a smooth start for a total NooB in CSS (see what happends when you screw it up sort of game.. step by step until it eXplodes -then go back one step)

But i have ran into an issue on IE6 (and IE5.5) regarding width's

I have this:

#text {
  float: left;
  width: 410px !important;
  width: 437px;
  padding: 10px 10px 20px 20px !important;
  padding: 20px 10px 20px 20px;

/* I Applyed this as IE fix */

* html #text{
  width: 380px;


The above IS working now in FF, Opera, IE7 and my applied hack deales with IE6 (before IE6 broke the layout, not handling the width).

My Q is:
I suspect that there is already something supposed to be a fix in the original class since a couple of lines is written twice with a [i]!important[/i] notice? If so, what browser is using the line with the [i]!important[/i] notice ?

Also, is my [i]*html[/i] hack a "good" solution (no hack is good solutions i suspect, but still something is needed)

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