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how to use enum parameters in mysql stored procedure

Go to solution Solved by shadd,

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i have this procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_add_user(IN inname text,IN insex tinytext)
set @newEanswer_sql=CONCAT('INSERT INTO user(fname,sex)values("',inname,'","',insex,'")'  );
			PREPARE snewEans_insert FROM @newEanswer_sql;
			EXECUTE snewEans_insert;
			DEALLOCATE PREPARE snewEans_insert;

when i run it like so:

call sp_add_user('pierre','');

it gives me the following error:

01000 Data truncated for column 'sex' at row 1

here is table:

create table user
	userid	int unsigned not null auto_increment,
	fname  	text  ,
	sex  enum('male','female'),

	Primary key(userd)


how can i solve this??

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8 minutes ago, requinix said:

That procedure is wacky. Why is it trying to make a simple INSERT be so complicated? And so prone to not working?

The error is telling you, in a weird way that doesn't seem very obvious, that the value you used is not valid. Which it clearly isn't.

what if i need to account for null entries to this field


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