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Getting array data in variable

Go to solution Solved by mac_gyver,

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I'm trying to include an array inside of a different array, but having trouble reaching the data.

$ingredients = ["sugar", "flour", "water"];
$spec_recipe = ["apple", "cinnamon", $ingredients];

echo $spec_recipe[2];
RESULT:  Array
echo $spec_recipe[2][0];
RESULT:  A  (assuming first letter of Array)

How do I move this info correctly so that it's accessible?

Edited by phppup
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@gw1500se No luck.

In not sure if it matters that this variable is stuck into a sub array.

This started out working well with single words or phrases. But when I incorporated an array to provide those words and phrases, it went bonkers.

I felt that the array structure was getting cluttered and that variables would help organize it. Was I wrong?

@mac_gyver Save as my initial info in this question.

Both direct access efforts and print_r:

[6] => Array

The data is not getting pulled by the variable, yet it knows there's an array present.

Not sure if exact version, but current.

Edited by phppup
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** Recent development **

I modified my approach and got a response

//At first

$ingredients = ["sugar", "flour", "water"];
$spec_recipe = ["apple", "cinnamon", $ingredients];

echo $spec_recipe[2];
RESULT:  Array
echo $spec_recipe[2][0];
RESULT:  A  (assuming first letter of Array)

Now I altered the variable to specify an element

$ingredients = ["sugar", "flour", "water"];
$spec_recipe = ["apple", "cinnamon", $ingredients[0] ];
echo $spec_recipe[2];
RESULT:  sugar

I suppose this is something, but I want the array to become available through this variable so that I can address the full array contents.

What am I missing?

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