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Mass PM


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I have made a PM system which works great with a 100,000 user database

However, I was wondering how to approach a 'mass PM' feature for admin use

THe way the PM system works is a message row is created when a message is sent, the recipients ID is in the TO field so anything TO id's that match theirs are displayed

How would I go about sending a message to every user without sending out 100,000 of the same message

I did think of an idea where as any message from user 'admin' would be displayed, which would work

However, if one person deleted that it would delete from all. The only way would be to have it un delete able and I dont want that

Any ideas/thoughts on combatting this?
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The only way around this is to either send one to everyone or have a seperate table for administrative PMs that notes if they've read that specific PM or not.  If they've read it, just set a flag and check that flag when showing their inbox.

The other way to do it would be to use announcements on the actual board rather than PMs.  Sending a PM or an email to EVERY member on a 100,000 member board is going to take an enormous amount of time.  I tried to do it on this board once (<50,000 members) and I stopped it when it topped 8 hours.  It wasn't halfway through the member list yet.
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the more i think about it, the worse it becomes. I suppose the best thing would be to auto-delete the message... have a timestamp field in the member database which can be updated by a click button to the current timestamp, then you'll not need to delete the admin PM. you can send it to a bogus user account and allow everyone to check the bogus account along with their own, but only if the message was sent before the timestamp field was updated.

WOW I'm good! *lol*
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[quote]recipients ID is in the TO field so anything TO id's that match theirs are displayed[/quote]

When the recipiects search for rows with ID's matching there could they also look for anyrow with the letter A in the to field?  or a second unique number that all users look for? + add a line into the script for there PM page stopping the PM from being deleted?
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[quote author=gerkintrigg link=topic=120826.msg496178#msg496178 date=1167841202]
the more i think about it, the worse it becomes. I suppose the best thing would be to auto-delete the message... have a timestamp field in the member database which can be updated by a click button to the current timestamp, then you'll not need to delete the admin PM. you can send it to a bogus user account and allow everyone to check the bogus account along with their own, but only if the message was sent before the timestamp field was updated.

WOW I'm good! *lol*
Yeh thats what I have come up with

May be best to not allow them to delete but have the message auto deleted after 10 days or something

Are any of you familiar with faceparty?

They have admin message and you can delete them, they must have over 1 million members..

Would love to know how they tackle this
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