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[SOLVED] Registeration Problem


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I am currently making a script to register and some reason the query isn't running...

Main Script:
/* Registeration Form
// Date Started: January 7th, 2007
// Created by Brian Garcia
// Ticket System v. 1.0
require ("config.php");

switch (@$_POST['do'] )
case "new":
//Checks to see if the fields are blank. If so form resets with error.
foreach($_POST as $field => $value)
if ($value == "")
$blanks[] = $field;

if(isset ($blanks) )
$error_new = "You can not submit fields with nothing written! Please enter the required information: ";
    foreach ($blanks as $value)
$error_new .= "$value, ";
extract ($_POST);

//Checks the forms for illegal characters.
foreach ($_POST as $field => $value)
if (!empty ($value) )
if (eregi ("name", $field) and
!eregi ("login", $field))
if (!ereg ("^[A-Za-z' -] {1, 50}$", $value) )
$errors[] = "$value is not a valid name.";
if (eregi ("email", $field) )
  if (!ereg ("^.+@.+\\..+$", $value) )
  $errors[] = "$value not a valid email address.";

if (@is_array ($errors) )
$error_new = "";
foreach ($errors as $value)
$error_new .= $value."Please try again<br />";
extract ($_POST);

//clean data

$sql = "SELECT loginName FROM members WHERE loginName = '$loginName'";
$result = mysql_query ($sql, $con)
or die ("Couldn't execute select query");
$num = mysql_num_rows ($result);
if ($num > 0)
$error_new = "$loginName already used. Select another User Name.";
include ("register_form.php");

//Time to Add the new member
  $sql = "insert into members (loginName, password, email) values ('$loginName, $password, $email')";
  $rs = mysql_query ($sql, $con)
  or die ("Couldn't execute");

$_SESSION['auth'] = "yes";
$_SESSION['logname'] = $loginName;

//Email being sent
$email_mess = "Thank You, your new Member Account has been set up.";
$email_mess.= "Your new Member ID and Password are: ";
$email_mess.= "\n\n\t$loginName\n\t$password\n\n";
$email_head = "From: support@trueamericanlife.com\r\n";
$subj = "New Member Account from Ticket System";
$mailsend=mail ("$email", "$subj", "$email_mess", "$email_head");
header("Location: new_member.php");

include ("register_form.php");



Config Script:
$host = "localhost";
$dbUser = "garcia_ticketsys";
$dbPass = "******";
$database = 'garcia_ticketsystem';

$con = mysql_connect("$host", "$dbUser", "$dbPass");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' .mysql_error() );

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( 'Unable to select database');


Here is my form:
<head><title>Registeration Form</title></head>
Already a Member? <a href="login.php">Log In</a><br/>

if (isset($error_new) )
print "$error_new";

<form action="register.php?do=new" method="POST">
Member Name: <input type="text" name="loginName" value="<?php print $loginName ?>" size="20" /><br />
Password: <input type="password" name="password" value="<?php print $password ?>" size="20" /><br />
Email Address: <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php print $email ?>" size="40" /><br />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="new">
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />

The problem I am having is that it won't execute the query. Any help is much appreciated.

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yes, what do you mean when you say "it's not executing." are you getting your die message? If so, change it to this:
$rs = mysql_query ($sql, $con) or die ("query: $sql <br/>" . mysql_error());

look at the query string that is actually being sent. maybe you'll figure out a mistake from it.  Or look at the error; maybe you'll figure out the mistake then.  If not, please post that stuff here.
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This is the query:

  $sql = "insert into members (loginName, password, email) values ('$loginName, $password, $email')";
  $rs = mysql_query ($sql, $con)
  or die ("Couldn't execute");

I checked the table and in fact isn't inserting any data, and yes I am getting the Couldn't Execute message.
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