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Hi all,

I want to be able to disable a user account after a month.

How do I subtract today's date from the stored date?  Here's my basic code...

$timein = $row['timein'];
$timenow = date('M j Y');

$difference = $timein - $timenow;

If($difference > 30)

But how do I take the difference between dates if they're in a 'M j Y' format.  Does PHP know how to make the difference?


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The easiest way is to use mktime() and make a timestamp from your readable date.  If you don't track the time just use noon (12pm).

then subtract that from time();

this will yield the distance in seconds, between the two dates.


//plugin your own vars where I have the month, day, year ...

$distance = mktime(12, 00, 00, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')) - time();

Thanks guys.  So far, I only know very basic php.  So your help is appreciated.

I do have a couple more questions though.

Right now, I insert the registration time into my database like this...

$regtime = date('M,j,Y');  // I record it as a VARCHAR

Can I leave it like this and use the mktime() function, or do I need to change both the way I record it and the variable type, or just one?

If I don't have to change any of that, do I continue like this...

$regtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"),  date("Y"));
$currentstatus = $regtime - $expiretime;

If($currentstatus < 0)
Hey guys, been fiddling with this code, but I still can't seem to get it to do what I want.  A little help?

Again, I want users to have a trial period of, say, 20 days.  When 20 days expires, their user account is disabled.

Any suggestions?

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM loginphp")
or die(mysql_error());


while ($i < $num)
$row = mysql_fetch_array( $result );
$time = $row['time'];  // Time of registration
$trial = mktime(00, 00, 00, date('m'), date('d')-20, date('Y'));

$difference = $trial - $time;

If($difference < 20)
echo "<font face=verdana size=2>DISABLE USER: " . $row['Uname'] . "</font><br>";
echo "<font face=verdana size=2>ALLOW USER: " . $row['Uname'] . "</font><br>";
It does it automatically.
"mktime() is useful for doing date arithmetic and validation, as it will automatically calculate the correct value for out-of-range input. For example, each of the following lines produces the string "Jan-01-1998"."

Read the examples Shogun and Jay.
Well, when I take the difference from a timestamp, I get something like this...


No wonder I was getting back inaccurate stuff.  How can I take the difference when the results aren't even coming back as a number?

Some suggestions on this would be very helpful.
I am working on someting similar: I want out-of-date events to be deleted. so when an end date has passed it autoamtically deleted the event, however I also unfortunalty have my dates stored as varchars and in this format - 01/01/2007.
Is it possiblwe to subtract dates using this data?
ldoozer, I'm not sure using a VARCHAR would work.  I tried that with another function in my script, but I ended up having to change it to DATETIME.  Maybe that's a better route for us.

If we could simply extract the Month and Day individually from the date field.  Then coding some simple math equations would be rather easy, I think.

Do you know how to pull, say, a date('d') into a single $variable?  I've tried, but got no effect yet.  Something like...

$datereg = $row['datereg']; // Get date from database

$dayreg = date('d', $datereg); // Pull out the day value out of the stored date.
$dayexp = date('d')-20; // substract 20 days off of today to get the 20 day expiry.

$checkuser = $dayreg - $dayexp // get the difference

If($checkuser > 0) // if the value is positive, it should be expired

Of course, we'd have to take into consideration when the month (and year) change.  Some more simple equations.  But, certainly, there's got to be an easier way!  I'm a noob to this stuff.

What do you think?
I think Im gonna have to cut my losses and change the field type to a date field then use something like the below, which deletes rows that are 30 days old:

$query = ("DELETE FROM your_table WHERE (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date)) > 30") or die ("Error in Update sql: ". mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
If you store the epoch timestamp as an INT field, most time operations are very easy, and very flexible.

You would store the timestamp using the PHP [b]time()[/b] function.

Then, to delete old ones, simply:
$time_to_delete = time() - (60*60*24*30); //Now ,minus 30 days
$query = "DELETE FROM your_table WHERE date<$time_to_delete";

Also, you can easily compare and subtract timestamps in INT format.
Hey guys, I got some help somewhere else.  Here's what's working for me...


$result = mysql_query("SELECT *,Uname, date_format(time, '%e') as fmt, date_format(time, '%b') as fmt2, date_format(time, '%Y') as fmt3 FROM loginphp order by Uname asc") 
or die(mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ))
$user = stripslashes($row['Uname']); // username
$name = stripslashes($row['Fname']); // first name
$email = stripslashes($row['Email']); // email address
$status = stripslashes($row['status']); // membership status: trial, monthly, yearly
$regtime = stripslashes($row['fmt']);  // day of registration
$month = stripslashes($row['fmt2']); //month of registration
$year = stripslashes($row['fmt3']); //year of registration
$day = date("d");
$day2 = $day - 21; // 7 day trial expiry email notice
$day3 = $day - 28; // trial period
$trial_mon = date("M"); //current month
$trial_year = date("Y"); //current year

if($status == 0) // Tries only those on a trial membership, which is STATUS = 0

if($trial_mon == $month && $trial_year == $year)

if($regtime == $day2)
echo "$user: SEND NOTICE<br>"; // Sends a 7 day notice for expiry
if($regtime <= $day3)
echo "$user: DISABLE USER<br>"; // Deletes user account
echo "$user: ALLOW USER<br>";

if($trial_year - $year == 1 && $trial_mon == $month)
$days = 31-$regtime;
$days = $days+$day;
if($days == $day2)
echo "$user: SEND NOTICE<br>";
echo "$user: ALLOW USER<br>";
if($days <= $day3)
echo "$user: DISABLE USER<br>";
echo "$user: SEND NOTICE<br>";


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