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how to bring objects to next page


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I want to bring an object with a good amount of fields in it to next page. Is this possible in PHP. I am putting some code what i needed to be :

class Session {
var $fields=array();

  function add_field($field, $value) {
      $this->fields["$field"] = $value;

function get() {
return $this->fields;


I want the added fields should be send to next page without the help of Hidden Fields and Session/Cookies.

Thanx in advance
Bhupinder Singh
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[quote author=twilightnights link=topic=124837.msg517824#msg517824 date=1170226380]
without the help of hidden and cookies or sessions? What are you trying to do?

I want the vaules of the Object should be send to next page. i know we can use hidden fields but i dont want to use hidden fields.
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[quote author=chronister link=topic=124837.msg517835#msg517835 date=1170227265]
To the best of my knowledge, the only way to pass variable from page to page is either cookes, sessions or passing in the URL

I think a session variable would be the best choice here.

hmmm yeah, i know. But I m getting 'Page not found' (PS : its not 'Page expired' like thing) error. and cookies are limited to store only 20 fields. But i have fields some 35+ ;) Therefore all in running in my mind is to pass these fields thru hidden fields.

What do u say.
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There is a limit as to how long a url string can be, although I cannot remember offhand. I personally would use session vars for this kind of thing rather than messing with hidden form fields.


hmmm yeah, i know. But I m getting 'Page not found' (PS : its not 'Page expired' like thing) error.


If it a 404 Page Not Found, then the page don't exist (I mean in the path provided in the url)

That's my 1.5 cents
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[quote author=twilightnights link=topic=124837.msg517847#msg517847 date=1170228109]
You could parse the stuff on the end of the URL and use the get function, I'm not sure if there is a limit to that though.

That is what I do on part of my site, for example


You use $_GET to grab the value of I
and you can use multiple values.

I can't use $_GET method to fetch the values for security reasons.

[quote author=chronister link=topic=124837.msg517849#msg517849 date=1170228429]
There is a limit as to how long a url string can be, although I cannot remember offhand. I personally would use session vars for this kind of thing rather than messing with hidden form fields.


hmmm yeah, i know. But I m getting 'Page not found' (PS : its not 'Page expired' like thing) error.


If it a 404 Page Not Found, then the page don't exist (I mean in the path provided in the url)
That's my 1.5 cents

I m posting the form on the same page for a number of times. so why m i getting this error while pressing Browser's Back button
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try it as a whole called function.



function myfunction(go) {

class Session {
var $fields=array();

  function add_field($field, $value) {
     $this->fields["$field"] = $value;

function get() {
return $this->fields;




function myfunction(go);

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corrected sorry

try it as a whole called function.



function myfunction($go) {

class Session {
var $fields=array();

  function add_field($field, $value) {
      $this->fields["$field"] = $value;

function get() {
return $this->fields;





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You're declaring a class inside of a function? I'm not sure how that's going to work, and if it does, what it'll provide.

To carry objects from one page to another:

In the first page:
[code]$_SESSION['object'] = $object;[/code]

And in the second page:
[code]$object = $_SESSION['object'];[/code]
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