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php selecting products using the post mode


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My product table looks like this :

Id - productname - distributor - comments - genre


What i want is to create a select link after each product, when i click on this link, it should


Id - productname - distributor - comments - genre  - link


1  - dragonfly    -  coltnet      - none        - fantasy - MySelectLinkHere

2  - mystery      -  forunit      - none        - horror  - MySelectLinkHere


By pressing MySelectLinkHere on the id "2" -> it will give a overview from product 2, and give you the possibility to order it


Is this possible to do this by using the post command?





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$_POST is slightly more secure than GET, as less random users will know how to edit post data. Plus it looks nicer to the user than having all that junk in the URL.


But to answer the original question, you'd have to make forms, and use javascript to give that link a submit function onclick. In this case, it'll be easier to use the URL and get the data with GET

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$_POST is slightly more secure than GET, as less random users will know how to edit post data. Plus it looks nicer to the user than having all that junk in the URL.


But to answer the original question, you'd have to make forms, and use javascript to give that link a submit function onclick. In this case, it'll be easier to use the URL and get the data with GET



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Ceps option is the easiest and probably best, although it will need another page.  But passing info like <a href="page.php?option=2">Client</a> can supply info to your php to bring up the relevant product info into your template.  It can also be done via a button and having a func in your script to grab it, like if (isset($_POST['buy'])) then having a switch case for each 'buy' id.


Hope that helps

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Ceps option is the easiest and probably best, although it will need another page.  But passing info like <a href="page.php?option=2">Client</a> can supply info to your php to bring up the relevant product info into your template.  It can also be done via a button and having a func in your script to grab it, like if (isset($_POST['buy'])) then having a switch case for each 'buy' id.


Hope that helps


that's using the $_GET method...


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thanks for all responds


I want to use the same page when i showing the product details from one product .


when going to the products.php -> select * from products; 

when pressing the second product out of the product list -> reload products.php with sql : select * from products where id = "2";




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