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The following code should output xml for each entry in my blog, except the first while loop is only running once, even if there is more than one entry to output. This is weird, because it is *identical* to the while loop used on my main blog which works perfectly.


Any help, much appreciated...

include 'opensql.php';
include '../../extphp/functions.php';
if($_GET['action'] == "readblog") {
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
echo "<blog><posts>";
if(isset($_GET['month']) ) $monthpage = $_GET['month'];
else $monthpage = date('m');
if(isset($_GET['year'] ) ) $yearpage = $_GET['year'];
else $yearpage = date('Y');
if ($monthpage < 12) {
$nextmonth = $monthpage + 1;
$nextyear = $yearpage;
} else {
$nextmonth = "1";
$nextyear = $yearpage + 1;
$query = "SELECT COUNT(Eid) AS numrows FROM entries WHERE EntryDate >= '$yearpage-$monthpage-01' AND EntryDate < '$nextyear-$nextmonth-01'";
$results = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query (count entries in month) failed');
$rows = mysql_fetch_array($results);
$entrycount = $rows['numrows'];
if ($entrycount < 1) {
if ($monthpage > 1) $monthpage--;
else {
$monthpage = "12";
$query = "SELECT COUNT(Eid) AS numrows FROM entries WHERE EntryDate >= '$yearpage-$monthpage-01' AND EntryDate < '$nextyear-$nextmonth-01'";
$results = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query (count entries in month) failed');
$rows = mysql_fetch_array($results);
$entrycount = $rows['numrows'];
$query = "SELECT COUNT(Eid) AS offsetrows FROM entries WHERE EntryDate >= '$nextyear-$nextmonth-01'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query (count offset) failed');
$rows = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$offset = $rows['offsetrows'];
If(isset($_POST['entry'])) $query = "SELECT Eid, EntryTime, EntryDate, EntryTitle, MusicTitle, MusicArtist, Body, Onfeed FROM entries WHERE Eid = '".$_POST['entry']."'";
Else $query = "SELECT Eid, EntryTime, EntryDate, EntryTitle, MusicTitle, MusicArtist, Body, Onfeed FROM entries ORDER BY EntryDate DESC, EntryTime DESC LIMIT $offset, $entrycount";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('\nError query (read post or posts) failed');
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
include 'processpostquery.php';
<post id="<?php echo $postid ?>" onfeed="<?php echo $onfeed ?>">
<hour><?php echo $time_hour ?></hour>
<minute><?php echo $time_minute ?></minute>
<second><?php echo $time_seconds ?></second>
<date><?php echo $postdate ?></date>
<title><?php echo $posttitle ?></title>
<title><?php echo $postmusictitle ?></title>
<artist><?php echo $postmusicartist ?></artist>
<body><?php echo $postbody ?></body>
$query = "SELECT COUNT(Cid) AS numrows FROM comments WHERE EntryID=".$postid;
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error query (count comments) failed');
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$commentcount = $row[0];
if ($commentcount < 1) echo "<comments></comments></post>";
else {
echo "<comments empty='0'>";
$query = "SELECT CommentDate, CommentTime, EntryName, EntryEmail, CommentBody, Admin, Ip, Cid FROM comments WHERE EntryID = $postid ORDER BY Cid DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ('Error query (load comments) failed');
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
include 'processcommentsquery.php';
<comment id="<?php echo $cid ?>" isAdmin="<?php echo $isadmin ?>">
<hour><?php echo $time_hour ?></hour>
<minute><?php echo $time_minute ?></minute>
<second><?php echo $time_seconds ?></second>
<day><?php echo $commentday ?></day>
<month><?php echo $commentmonth ?></month>
<year><?php echo $commentyear ?></year>
<?php if($user == "isadmin") echo "<ip>".$commentip."</ip>"; ?>
<email><?php echo $commentemail ?></email>
<name><?php echo $commentname ?></name>
<body><?php echo $commentbody ?></body>
echo "</comments></post>";
echo "</posts>";
echo "</blog>";
include 'closesql.php';

add this outside of your while loop.

$i = 0;


then right at the end of your while loop, inside it, add this:


echo $i."<br>";


and see how much times it is actually running. you could even check how many rows there are from the query you are running.

you never closed the while loop tag then:


your code:

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
include 'processpostquery.php';


should be:


while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
include 'processpostquery.php';


No, the closing brace is much further down.

ever heard of the 'tab' key?

        include 'opensql.php';
        include '../../extphp/functions.php';

        if($_GET['action'] == "readblog"){
                header("Content-Type: text/xml");
                echo "<blog><posts>";
                if(isset($_GET['month'])) $monthpage = $_GET['month'];
                else $monthpage = date('m');

                if(isset($_GET['year'])) $yearpage = $_GET['year'];
                else $yearpage = date('Y');
                if($monthpage < 12){
                        $nextmonth = $monthpage + 1;
                        $nextyear = $yearpage;
                        $nextmonth = "1";
                        $nextyear = $yearpage + 1;

                $query = "SELECT COUNT(Eid) AS numrows FROM entries WHERE EntryDate >= '$yearpage-$monthpage-01' AND EntryDate < '$nextyear-$nextmonth-01'";
                $results = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query (count entries in month) failed');
                $rows = mysql_fetch_array($results);
                $entrycount = $rows['numrows'];

                if($entrycount < 1){
                        if($monthpage > 1) $monthpage--;
                                $monthpage = "12";

                        $query = "SELECT COUNT(Eid) AS numrows FROM entries WHERE EntryDate >= '$yearpage-$monthpage-01' AND EntryDate < '$nextyear-$nextmonth-01'";
                        $results = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query (count entries in month) failed');
                        $rows = mysql_fetch_array($results);
                        $entrycount = $rows['numrows'];

                $query = "SELECT COUNT(Eid) AS offsetrows FROM entries WHERE EntryDate >= '$nextyear-$nextmonth-01'";
                $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query (count offset) failed');
                $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $offset = $rows['offsetrows'];

                if(isset($_POST['entry'])) $query = "SELECT Eid, EntryTime, EntryDate, EntryTitle, MusicTitle, MusicArtist, Body, Onfeed FROM entries WHERE Eid = '".$_POST['entry']."'";
                else $query = "SELECT Eid, EntryTime, EntryDate, EntryTitle, MusicTitle, MusicArtist, Body, Onfeed FROM entries ORDER BY EntryDate DESC, EntryTime DESC LIMIT $offset, $entrycount";

                $result = mysql_query($query) or die('\nError query (read post or posts) failed');
                while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
                        include 'processpostquery.php';

<post id="<?php echo $postid ?>" onfeed="<?php echo $onfeed ?>">
<hour><?php echo $time_hour ?></hour>
<minute><?php echo $time_minute ?></minute>
<second><?php echo $time_seconds ?></second>
<date><?php echo $postdate ?></date>
<title><?php echo $posttitle ?></title>
<title><?php echo $postmusictitle ?></title>
<artist><?php echo $postmusicartist ?></artist>
<body><?php echo $postbody ?></body>

                        $query = "SELECT COUNT(Cid) AS numrows FROM comments WHERE EntryID=".$postid;
                        $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error query (count comments) failed');
                        $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
                        $commentcount = $row[0];
                        if($commentcount < 1) echo "<comments></comments></post>";
                                echo "<comments empty='0'>";
                                $query = "SELECT CommentDate, CommentTime, EntryName, EntryEmail, CommentBody, Admin, Ip, Cid FROM comments WHERE EntryID = $postid ORDER BY Cid DESC";
                                $result = mysql_query($query) or die ('Error query (load comments) failed');
                                while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
                                include 'processcommentsquery.php';

<comment id="<?php echo $cid ?>" isAdmin="<?php echo $isadmin ?>">
<hour><?php echo $time_hour ?></hour>
<minute><?php echo $time_minute ?></minute>
<second><?php echo $time_seconds ?></second>
<day><?php echo $commentday ?></day>
<month><?php echo $commentmonth ?></month>
<year><?php echo $commentyear ?></year>
<?php if($user == "isadmin") echo "<ip>".$commentip."</ip>"; ?>
<email><?php echo $commentemail ?></email>
<name><?php echo $commentname ?></name>
<body><?php echo $commentbody ?></body>
                                echo "</comments></post>";
                echo "</posts>";
                echo "</blog>";
        include 'closesql.php';


it is MUCH easier to locate a problem when you have organized your code. do you see the error now?

ever heard of the 'tab' key?


it is MUCH easier to locate a problem when you have organized your code. do you see the error now?


Um, I just copied and pasted the code from my editor. It was tabbed in my editor... and no, I don't see it. Should I?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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