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sort multidimentional array (or other best options)

flash gordon

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Hi ya,


I'm pulling dates from a database and I want to sort the dates from newest to oldest. But I need to keep the unique "id" with each date.


Here is what I am doing:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($myQuery, MYSQL_BOTH)) 
$ids[]   = $row['id'];
$times[] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['month'], $row['day'], $row['year']);
$data = array($ids, $times);


I need to sort $data[1] by the times, but I need $ids to go along with it. Does that make sense?


Any ideas?




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Just have the one array.


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($myQuery, MYSQL_BOTH))


$arr['id'][]  = $row['id'];

$arr['date'][] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['month'], $row['day'], $row['year']);



Then use multisort to maintain the relationship bewteen indices in teh ary on sorting by dtae.

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or maybe my problem isn't with the array_multisort() function, maybe I have an error somewhere else:

// echo out info
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($myQuery, MYSQL_BOTH)) 
$data['ids'][]      = $row['id'];
$data['times'][]    = mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['month'], $row['day'], $row['year']);
$data['location'][] = $row['location'];
$data['more'][]     = $row['more'];

echo '<event id="' . $row["id"] . '" day="' . $row["day"] . '" month="' . $row["month"] . '" year="' . $row["year"] . '" location="' . $row["location"] . '" more="' . $row['more'] . '" />';

array_multisort($data['times'], SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC);

for ($i=0; $i<count($data['times']); $i++) 
echo '<event id="' . $data['ids'][$i] . '" day="' . date("j", $data['times'][$i]) . '" month="' . date("n", $data['times'][$i]) . '" year="' . date("Y", $data['times'][$i]) . '" location="' . $data['location'][$i] . '" more="' . $data['more'][$i] . '" />';


out puts:

<event id="6" day="1" month="1" year="2008" location="Happy New Year" more="Gonna party like it is 1999! Whoop"/>
<event id="1" day="19" month="3" year="2007" location="March Madness" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="2" day="12" month="2" year="2007" location="Hello World" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="5" day="4" month="2" year="2007" location="V day bash 302" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="3" day="30" month="8" year="2006" location="This is old news" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>


But the days for id 2 & 5 are backwards. In the database id 2 day=4 and id 5 day=12. Maybe it isn't the sorting....i dunno.

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I have read that, but I don't know enough about php to make that work for me.


Any ideas why the code above is messing up the ids?


If i do this:

$query  = "SELECT * FROM $table"; // ORDER BY year DESC";

the order of the "ids" changes yet again.


There is something about array_multisort() that doesn't adjust all indexes accordingly. In fact it is ONLY sorting the "times". I need all arrays to sort based from the order of the "times" once sorted.


So back to my original question: I need to sort a particular fields in a multidimensional array but I need the rest of the fields to be reflected as well.



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i don't know what you are asking....here is what i got:

$query   = "SELECT * FROM $table"; // ORDER BY year, month, day ASC";
$myQuery = mysql_query($query);

// echo out info
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($myQuery, MYSQL_BOTH)) 
$data['ids'][]      = $row['id'];
$data['times'][]    = mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['month'], $row['day'], $row['year']);
$data['location'][] = $row['location'];
$data['more'][]     = $row['more'];

echo '<event id="' . $row["id"] . '" day="' . $row["day"] . '" month="' . $row["month"] . '" year="' . $row["year"] . '" location="' . $row["location"] . '" more="' . $row['more'] . '" />';



<event id="1" day="19" month="3" year="2007" location="March Madness" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="2" day="4" month="2" year="2007" location="Hello World" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="3" day="30" month="8" year="2006" location="This is old news" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="5" day="12" month="2" year="2007" location="V day bash 302" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="6" day="1" month="1" year="2008" location="Happy New Year" more="Gonna party like it is 1999! Whoop"/>

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And this actually works.....

//   get info from database
$query   = "SELECT * FROM $table"; // ORDER BY year, month, day ASC";
$myQuery = mysql_query($query);

// echo out info
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($myQuery, MYSQL_BOTH)) 
$data['ids'][]      = $row['id'];
$data['times'][]    = mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['month'], $row['day'], $row['year']);
$data['location'][] = $row['location'];
$data['more'][]     = $row['more'];

echo '<event id="' . $row["id"] . '" day="' . $row["day"] . '" month="' . $row["month"] . '" year="' . $row["year"] . '" location="' . $row["location"] . '" more="' . $row['more'] . '" />';


array_multisort($data['times'], SORT_DESC, $data['ids'], $data['location'], $data['more']);

for ($i=0; $i<count($data['times']); $i++) 
echo '<event id="' . $data['ids'][$i] . '" day="' . date("j", $data['times'][$i]) . '" month="' . date("n", $data['times'][$i]) . '" year="' . date("Y", $data['times'][$i]) . '" location="' . $data['location'][$i] . '" more="' . $data['more'][$i] . '" />';



Desired output:

<event id="6" day="1" month="1" year="2008" location="Happy New Year" more="Gonna party like it is 1999! Whoop"/>
<event id="1" day="19" month="3" year="2007" location="March Madness" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="5" day="12" month="2" year="2007" location="V day bash 302" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="2" day="4" month="2" year="2007" location="Hello World" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>
<event id="3" day="30" month="8" year="2006" location="This is old news" more="blah blah blah blah foo foo blah foo blah"/>

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You should not be storing dates as separate fields in the first place.


There's no sense in:

CREATE TABLE table_one(
  month INT, day INT, year INT


when this will do just fine:

CREATE TABLE table_two(


Pick up a book on MySQL.  You'll save yourself so much headache.

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Thats not strictly true roopurt...


If you are using year month and day to separate content (like a news archive) and use those parameters in a query then it makes sense to do so.


There is no interpretation to perform in php prior to or after any queries and I believe the storgate space required in the database would actually be less in the long term.

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