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[SOLVED] parse error in nested if statement. i canNOT figure it out...


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here's the error:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in editCouple.php on line 38


here's my code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<?php $location = "<B>Edit Couple</B>"; ?>

                <TD WIDTH="%50" ALIGN="center"><H1>The Very Thing Gifts</H1>
                <?php echo $location; ?>
                <form method="POST" action="admin1.php?action=view_all">
                <input type="SUBMIT" value="View All">
                <TD><?php include "admin_search.inc" ?></TD>

<HR WIDTH="300"><BR>

        /*connect to database*/
        @ $db = mysql_connect("xxx", "xxx", "xxx");
                echo "Error: Could not connect to the database. Please try again later.";
        /*select database*/
        mysql_select_db("my_db", $db);

        /*update couple information*/
                if(empty(trim($_POST['brideLname'])) && empty(trim($_POST['groomLname']))){  //<-- line 38
                        echo "<div align=\"center\"><font color=\"ff0000\">Please enter a last name for Bride <i>and</i> Groom.</font></div>\n";
                /*define function to prevent sql injection*/
                        function clean($var){
                                return $var = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($var));
                /*apply clean() to each $_POST variable*/
                        array_walk($_POST, 'clean');

                        $sql = "UPDATE my_search_table
                                SET brideFname = '". $_POST['brideFname'] ."',
                                    brideLname = '". $_POST['brideLname'] ."',
                                    groomFname = '". $_POST['groomFname'] ."',
                                    groomLname = '". $_POST['groomLname'] ."',
                                    event_month = '". $_POST['event_month'] ."',
                                    event_day = '". $_POST['event_day'] ."',
                                    event_year = '". $_POST['event_year'] ."',
                                    ship_add = '". $_POST['ship_add'] ."',
                                    ship_city = '". $_POST['ship_city'] ."',
                                    ship_state = '". $_POST['ship_state'] ."',
                                    ship_zip = '". $_POST['ship_zip'] ."'
                                WHERE uID = '". $_GET['id'] ."'";

                /*confirm/disconfirm update*/
                        echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
                                echo "<font color=\"ff0000\">Revisions were not successful. Please try again.</font>\n";
                                echo "<font color=\"339933\">Updated information was successful</font>\n";
                        echo "</div>\n";

                /*unset $_POST variables*/

        /*query database*/
        $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM my_search_table WHERE uID = '". $_GET['id'] ."'") or die(mysql_error());
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);

        /*pre-populate input fields with values from the database.*/
        echo "<TABLE WIDTH=\"700\"><TR><TD>\n";
        echo "<form action=\"editCouple.php?id=". $_GET['id'] ."\" method=\"post\">\n";
        echo "<div align=\"center\"><b>Bride's Name</div>\n";
        echo "<B>First:</B> <input type=\"text\" name=\"brideFname\" value=\"". $row['brideFname'] ."\" size=\"25\"><br />\n";
        echo "<B>Last:</B> <input type=\"text\" name=\"brideLname\" value=\"". $row['brideLname'] ."\" size=\"25\"><br /><br />\n";
        echo "</TD>\n";

        echo "<TD>\n";
        echo "<div align=\"center\"><b>Groom's Name</div>\n";
        echo "<B>First:</B> <input type=\"text\" name=\"groomFname\" value=\"". $row['groomFname'] ."\" size=\"25\"><br />\n";
        echo "<B>Last:</B> <input type=\"text\" name=\"groomLname\" value=\"". $row['groomLname'] ."\" size=\"25\"><br /><br />\n";
        echo "</TD></TR>\n";

        echo "<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"2\">\n";
        echo "<b>Event Date:</b> \n";
        /*define months array*/
        $array_month = array("January" => "01", "February" => "02", "March" => "03",
                             "April" => "04", "May" => "05", "June" => "06",
                             "July" => "07", "August" => "08", "Steptember" => "09",
                             "October" => "10", "November" => "11", "December" => "12");
        echo "<SELECT NAME=\"event_month\">\n";
        /*prepopulate the dropdown menu for the event month*/
        foreach($array_month as $key => $val){
                echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"". $val ."\"". (($val == $row['event_month']) ? (" SELECTED") : ("")) .">". $key ."\n";
        echo "</SELECT>\n";

        /*define days array*/
        $days = range(1, 31);
        echo"<SELECT NAME=\"event_day\">\n";
        /*prepopulate the dropdown menu for the event day*/
        foreach($days as $day){
                if($day >= 1 && $day <= 9){
                        $day = "0". $day;
                echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"". $day ."\"". (($day == $row['event_day']) ? (" SELECTED") : ("")) .">". $day ."\n";
        echo "</SELECT>\n";

        /*define years array*/
        $years = range(2006, 2015);
        echo "<SELECT NAME=\"event_year\">\n";
        /*prepopulate the dropdown menu for the event year*/
        foreach($years as $year){
                echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"". $year ."\"". (($year == $row['event_year']) ? (" SELECTED") : ("")) .">". $year ."\n";
        echo "</SELECT>\n";
                <TD COLSPAN="2"><BR>
        echo "<TABLE WIDTH=\"500\"><TR><TD COLSPAN=\"2\">\n";
        echo "<B>Shipping Information:</B>\n";
        echo "</TD></TR><TR><TD align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">\n";
        echo "<B>Street:</B> <input type=\"text\" name=\"ship_add\" value=\"". $row['ship_add'] ."\" size=\"30\"><br />\n";
        echo "<B>City:</B> <input type=\"text\" name=\"ship_city\" value=\"". $row['ship_city'] ."\" size=\"30\"><br />\n";
        echo "</TD><TD align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">\n";
        echo "<B>State:</B> <input type=\"text\" name=\"ship_state\" value=\"". $row['ship_state'] ."\" size=\"15\"><br />\n";
        echo "<B>Zip Code:</B> <input type=\"text\" name=\"ship_zip\" value=\"". $row['ship_zip'] ."\" size=\"15\"><br /><br />\n";
        echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
                <TD COLSPAN="2">
                <TD VALIGN="top">
                <input type="submit" value="Save"></form></TD>
                <TD VALIGN="top">
                <form method="post" action=updateRegistry.php?regID=<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?>>
                <input type="submit" value="Continue to Registry >>"></form></TD>



where am i going wrong?[/code]

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You have an error at line 46 as well...


 array_walk($_POST), 'clean');

should be:

 array_walk($_POST, 'clean');


As far as the error at line 38, here is what Zend Studio gives as an error description:


Compile Warning: Can't use function return value in write context (line 38)


This doesn't return an error:


$bln = trim($_POST['brideLname']);
        		$gln = trim($_POST['brideLname']);
                if (empty($bln) && empty($gln)){  //<-- line 38
                        echo "<div align=\"center\"><font color=\"ff0000\">Please enter a last name for Bride <i>and</i> Groom.</font></div>\n";


@Daniel0...you are missing 2 closing parenthesis in your recommendation.

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thank you both for the quick replies! hitman, why would that be any different from what i have in my if statement? php can't be that janky... there's GOTTA be another reason... am i right?


i tried it and it worked... but why WON'T it work the way i had coded it orginally? there's really no difference that i can see.

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