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[SOLVED] Array combine HOW?


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Dear friends and fellows,


I am stuck with this array combine stuff which I have tried all my skils but still no hope so I would appreciate any help if someone could :)


Ok here is what I am facing.


$array=array (
  'UserIds' => 
  array (
    0 => '32',
    1 => '33',
    2 => '34',
  'UserAge' => 
  array (
    0 => '14',
    1 => '27',
    2 => '32',
  'Income' => 
  array (
    0 => '1100',
    1 => '900',
    2 => '1350',
  'Status' => 
  array (
    0 => '01',
    1 => '00',
    2 => '00',



and when I do print_r($array);

It show me result like this


    [userIds] => Array
            [0] => 32
            [1] => 33
            [2] => 34

    [userAge] => Array
            [0] => 14
            [1] => 27
            [2] => 32

    [income] => Array
            [0] => 1100
            [1] => 900
            [2] => 1350

    [status] => Array
            [0] => 01
            [1] => 00
            [2] => 00



Also about the username, userage, income and status could be random as users also allowed to make new things which stores in one array.


And my problem start right here

After wasting my 2 days I have no choice but to ask help :(

I want result to be like this


     [0] => 32
     [1] => 33
     [2] => 34
     [3] => 14
     [4] => 27
     [5] => 32
     [6] => 1100
     [7] => 900
     [8] => 1350
     [9] => 01
     [10] => 00
     [11] => 00


Here i do not want to display any username, userage, income or Status but want all the subarrays in one array..

Thank you for you help I really appreciate it :)




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my bad i wrote that by mistake actually i want it like this


     [0] => 32
     [1] => 33
     [2] => 34
     [3] => 14
     [4] => 27
     [5] => 32
     [6] => 1100
     [7] => 900
     [8] => 1350
     [9] => 01
     [10] => 00
     [11] => 00


Also about the username, userage, income and status could be random as users also allowed to make new things which stores in one array.


I really appreciate your kind help :)




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Actually that was just an example to make this post easy to understand and in real every user has its own array which is using the same way of the array shown above.


Why I want it to be like that because I want to use array_slice



$arraybreak = array_slice($array, 0, 1);


And when I do that in this $array

It give me result like this which I don't want :(


    [userIds] => Array
            [0] => 32

    [userAge] => Array
            [0] => 14

    [income] => Array
            [0] => 1100

    [status] => Array
            [0] => 01


But I only want it to show me


    [userIds] => Array
            [0] => 32


I am totally confuse..



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I'm not entirely sure I grasp what you're trying to do, but if I'm reading you correctly you might try using foreach to go through the array, specifing which keys you want to extract your data from:


foreach($array as $key=>$value)
     if($key == 'UserIds')
          foreach($array[$key] as $userid)
               //do what you are going to do with the var $userid


Good luck!



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I'm not entirely sure I grasp what you're trying to do, but if I'm reading you correctly you might try using foreach to go through the array, specifing which keys you want to extract your data from:


foreach($array as $key=>$value)
     if($key == 'UserIds')
          foreach($array[$key] as $userid)
               //do what you are going to do with the var $userid


Good luck!




I appreciate your help thanks but as I was being doing that before this problem started only after I added a feature for my users to make their own questions and when it comes to user define array keys my foreach doesnt work there since they making their own questions and answers and I got no clue what the question would be.


An example:


    [abcdxyz] => Array
            [0] => xyz



so that loop was good if i had default values..



    [userID] => Array
            [0] => 200


So I was looking for a way to make those subarrays combine with all the arrays if there is a way I would really love to know


Thanks in advance

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I wanted to combine all the subarrays in one array and I solved it using tllewellyn given codes

and added $myTestArray which now contain all the subarrays data


foreach($array as $key=>$value)
          foreach($array[$key] as $userid)
               //do what you are going to do with the var $userid


Thanks :)

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