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Why can't I insert value into database! AHHH!


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I am utterly stumped.  I need to insert a profile id number into a database and it always inserts '0' instead of the actual number.  I think this may be a mySQL issue, but not sure.  I guarantee you that the session variable has been created prior to this.  My user first hits this page with 'add' as a GET variable:


if($_GET['action'] == 'add'){

$ber = $_SESSION['profile_id'];



I've done tests and I know that the profile_id variable outputs the correct number.


Here is functions.php, where the addSongs function is defined:


function addSongs($profile_id){
//if file uploaded successfully...
if ($_FILES['Filedata']['name']) {

	$uploaddir = '../mp3s/';
	$filename = basename($_FILES['Filedata']['name']);
	$mp3pathname = $uploaddir . $filename;
	if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $mp3pathname)){
	//class to get mp3 id3 info
	$getID3 = new getID3;
	$ThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($mp3pathname);
	$artistID3 = @$ThisFileInfo['comments_html']['artist'][0]; // artist from any/all available tag formats
	$titleID3 = @$ThisFileInfo['comments_html']['title'][0];  // title from ID3v2 
	$albumID3 = @$ThisFileInfo['comments_html']['album'][0];
	$timeID3 = @$ThisFileInfo['playtime_string'];
	if($titleID3 == ""){
	$titleID3 == $filename;
	//add mp3 info to DB
	$query_addsongs = "INSERT INTO $SQL_MP3_TABLE (profile_id, mp3path, artist, title, album, time)
	VALUES ('$profile_id', '$filename', '$artistID3', '$titleID3', '$albumID3', '$timeID3')";
	mysql_query($query_addsongs) or die(mysql_error());




Everything else INSERTS fine, the profile_id is just always 0!!!!  The profile_id field is an int(10) in the database.  I've even tried casting the variable to int, but no luck. HELP!!!

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It looks like you have the wrong variable name for the profile ID. You are using $profile_id to insert it in the database, the only time I saw you define it is when you put $ber = $_SESSION['profile_id'];


Maybe you should try this



$profile_id = $_SESSION['profile_id'];

$query_addsongs = "INSERT INTO $SQL_MP3_TABLE (profile_id, mp3path, artist, title, album, time)
	VALUES ('$profile_id', '$filename', '$artistID3', '$titleID3', '$albumID3', '$timeID3')";
	mysql_query($query_addsongs) or die(mysql_error());


Also what ataria said.

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naw, it's not that kind of id.  It's a number pulled from another table based on the particular user (I do this upon login and save it as the $_SESSION['profile_id'] variable.  It's not a number I need auto generated for this insertion or anything.  Like I said, I've done tests, and I know that this session variable outputs the correct number, it just won't insert for whatever reason.

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$query_addsongs = "INSERT INTO $SQL_MP3_TABLE (profile_id, mp3path, artist, title, album, time)

VALUES ('{$_SESSION{'profile_id'}}', '$filename', '$artistID3', '$titleID3', '$albumID3', '$timeID3')";


and also try printing the query to check if you are properly setting session variables.

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