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[SOLVED] wierd stuff are happening with text like for some reaosn every thing i write is

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ok for some reaosn every thing i write on the page is a link and i do not under stand why  http://www.runnerselite.com


<html xmlns="undefined">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/line.css"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url(http://www.runnerselite.com/images/line.jpg);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-position: 0px 160px}
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<span style="position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 30px;"> <img src="http://www.runnerselite.com/images/runner.jpg"> </span> <span style="position: absolute; top: px; left: 290px;"> <img src="http://runnerselite.com/images/LOGO.jpg"></span> <span style="position: absolute; top: 13px; left: 1157px;">
Welcome <font size="3" face="Times"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href="register.php">Register</span>

<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/line.css"/></head>

<div id="background">
<span style="position: absolute; top: 210px; left: 280px;">
<img src="http://www.runnerselite.com/images/training.jpg" width="120" height="120" /></span>
<span style="position: absolute; top: 218px; left: 422px;">

            Welcome to RunnersElite </span>

for some reason the welcome to runners elite text has become a link to [quote]<a href="register.php">Register[/quote] have i not closed it off or something :S


but i did that

if($auth[displayname] == ""){
echo'Welcome <font size="3" face="Times"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href="register.php">Register'[/url];
echo"you are logged in as ".$auth[displayname];

and i got this error message

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ',' or ';' in /home/runnerse/public_html/include/header.inc.php

sorry i copyed wrong then i was mesisng around with it b4 u pasted back... this is what i put

if($auth[displayname] == ""){
echo'Welcome <font size="3" face="Times"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href="register.php">Register'</a>;
echo"you are logged in as ".$auth[displayname];

yet im getting an error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '/' in /home/runnerse/public_html/include/header.inc.php

Ok the issue is that you have your PHP and HTML mixed up.  Use the following




if($auth[displayname] == "")


echo "Welcome <font size="3" face="Times"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href=/"register.php/">Register"</a>;


echo"you are logged in as ".$auth[displayname];




Not the / before the " register.php..... and again after it.  With single ' and " dounble quotes you are ending the tring to be echoed and therefore PHP wis throwing an error.  By escaping these quotes using a / you tell php to ignore them and continue.

sorry my fault...you need to put the / before EVERY ' or " in your echo statement apart from the last one which closes the echo statement.


Really with the explanation you should be able to try and work this out.


echo "this" ..... this


echo "this is "my" fault"  ....error


echo "this is /"my/" fault" ....this is "my" fault



do u mean like this

if($auth[displayname] == /""/){
echo'Welcome <font size="3" face="Times"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href=/"register.php/">Register"</a>;
echo/"you are logged in as /".$auth[displayname];

no i dont.


that is not part of your echo statement... now is it??


Your echo statement begins with the word echo.


read my last post more carefully...please.




if($auth[displayname] == "")
    echo "Welcome <font size=/"3/" face=/"Times/"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href=/"register.php/">Register</a>;
    echo "you are logged in as ".$auth[displayname];


lol there is still something wrong with it because now im getting

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/runnerse/public_html/include/header.inc.php
echo "Welcome <font size=/"3/" face=/"Times/"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href=/"register.php/">Register</a>;

but it must have to end in ; (is that right lol)


Right "You are logged in as" does not need because it is a start and a finish quote...LIKE I SAID MY PREVIOUS POSTS


This error is generated by my sloppy coding.




echo "Welcome <font size=/"3/" face=/"Times/"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href=/"register.php/">Register</a>";


you really need to learn some of the basics here before trying to migrate to projects like this.


The echo statement contains a $string ie a set of charachters to be output.  These need to be contained within " my string " quotes.  becasue you have used quotes WITHIN the string, PHP thisnks that you are trying to close that $string.  This is why you MUST escape (/) any quote marks contained WHITIN the $string.....get it?






i never said ANYTHING about / meaning stop or ending a string with /


show me your code that you have now.


Really I am trying to help, but if you are not prepared to fully read my posts...there is little I can do.

rlly i am reading the posts


if($auth[displayname] == "")
    echo "Welcome <font size=/"3/" face=/"Times/"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href=/"register.php/">Register</a>";
    echo "you are logged in as ".$auth[displayname];



see this is what iv got so far


if($auth[displayname] == "")
    echo "Welcome <font size='3' face='Times'> <b>Guest</b> please <a href='register.php'>Register</a>";
    echo "you are logged in as ".$auth[displayname];



That works. Now post the source of /include/header.inc.php



feckin hell...i'm losing the plot here....


Whislt I take no responsibility for your lack of comrehesion...I do absorb all resposibility for my own pathetic fuck up.


and I am sorry!!!!



you need to replace all the /'s with \'s  I don't know why but i put them ALL the wrong way around.  School boy error.


if($auth[displayname] == "")


   echo "Welcome <font size=\"3\" face=\"Times\"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href=\"register.php\">Register</a>";




   echo "you are logged in as ".$auth[displayname];





Try That...

yes that's why i dont escape quotes unless i have to...




placing \ infront of your " is called (escaping) it means that your echo command doesn't end prematurely.


echo "i'm echoing a link <a href="oopsimessedup.bad">the echo has ended already so this isn't seen</a>"


echo "i'm echoing a link <a href='usingsinglequotes.good'>as the echo hasn't finished this will all be a link to the page</a>"


Hope that makes it a little clearer, i'm new to this too... I suggest... STUDY STUDY STUDY!



Escape sequences are backslashes \ in php (and most languages), also, there is no such tag as php?>





if($auth['displayname'] == "")
    echo "Welcome <font size=\"3\" face=\"Times\"> <b>Guest</b> please <a href=\"register.php\">Register</a>";
    echo "you are logged in as ".$auth['displayname'];



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