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round up and down 10


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I need a function that will definently round up to the next 10 if its 0.77 it needs to return 10 if its 50 it would need to return 60


I also need a function that will do the same exept round only down but with one difference.. 50 should return 50 not 40.. and 0.77 would return 0 those are just examples the numbers will vary..


thanks for any help i just cant figure this one out

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but I think the rounding 50 to 60 part is different...



If you're doing rounding of any sort (round, floor or ceil) with values incrementing in 10's, multiples of that base should not ever change. Rereading the OP gave me the same concern, Ted. I think we may be looking at more than simple rounding patterns here.

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function round10($number) {
$number = round($number / 10) * 10;
if (($number % 10) == 0) {$number = $number +10;} 
return $number;}

Extracted from the other thread, added so the 50 to 60 is solved.



edited; hows this obsidian?


Here's the problem:

// this method will ALWAYS return a rounded number + 10
function round10($number = 45) { // default to 45
  $number = round($number / 10) * 10; // now we have 50
  if (($number % 10) == 0) $number += 10; // now we have 60


If you want to account for the initial 10's returning an incremented value, try this:

function round10($number) {
  if ($number % 10 == 0) return ($number + 10);
  else return round($number / 10) * 10;


I think that would be more realistic.

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actually forget the 50 to 60 thing.. how could i figure out if its a 10s number like 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140...


what im going to do is if its not a number in the 10s i will round to the 10 above on one function and the 10 below on the other so i need the above function to make

51 = 60, 58=60 like that, the down will have to do 51 = 50, 58=50.. so two functions should return:


$above = 60;

$below = 50;


actually thats all the functions have to do.. instead i will only round the two if the number is not in the 10s


so two things how can i figure out if its in the 10s and how will i round with the up function and the down function? thanks

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