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yes its pretty basic though..



class headers {
function startheaders() {
global $ir;
echo <<<EOF
<title>GangstersTerritory :: BETA Final</title>
body { font-family:helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif;font-size:12;color: #ffffff;
   scrollbar-base-color: #000000;
   scrollbar-arrow-color: #66ff00;
   scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color: #000000; }
a:visited,a:active,a:hover,a:link { color: #ffffff;text-decoration: none; }
table,tr,td { font-family:font-family: Arial;font-size: 12; }
img { border:none; }
textarea { font-family:font-family:Arial; font-size:14px;color:red; }
a:link { color: #ffffff;text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { color: gray;text-decoration: none; }
<link rel="icon" href="gt.ico" type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="gt.ico" type="image/x-icon">
function userdata($ir,$lv,$fm,$cm,$dosessh=1)
global $c,$userid;
//ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
$port1 = $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'];
$other1 = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET laston=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),lastip='$ip' WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
$enperc=(int) ($ir['energy']/$ir['maxenergy']*100);
$wiperc=(int) ($ir['will']/$ir['maxwill']*100);
$experc=(int) ( $ir['exp']/$ir['exp_needed']*100);
$brperc=(int) ($ir['brave']/$ir['maxbrave']*100);
$hpperc=(int) ($ir['hp']/$ir['maxhp']*100);

//marraige script

if ($ir['married']>0)
$marr=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$ir['married']}",$c);
if ($ma['willmax']>$ir['maxwill'])
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET maxwill={$ma['willmax']} WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
if ($ir['willmax']<$ir['maxwill'] && $ir['maxwill']>$ma['willmax'])
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET maxwill=willmax WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
//weather mod
//$wmood = mysql_query("SELECT mood FROM wmood");
//end weather mod
$fia=(int) rand(1000,9999);
$fib=(int) rand(1000000,9999999);
if($fia == $fib)
//finding items
$iq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmbuyable=1 ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1",$c);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES ('', $item, $userid, 1)",$c);
event_add($userid,"You found a {$r['itmname']} While Walking Around the city.",$c);

if($ir['donatordays']) { $u = "<font color=red>{$ir['username']}</font>";$d="<img src='donator.gif' alt='Donator: {$ir['donatordays']} Days Left' title='Donator: {$ir['donatordays']} Days Left' />"; }
if($ir['gang']) {
$qg=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID={$ir['gang']}",$c);
$gn=$rr['gangPREF']." ";
else { $gn=""; }
print "<body bgcolor='#000000'>
<td><b>Name:</b> $gn{$u} [{$ir['userid']}] $d</center> <br/>
<b>Money:</b> {$fm}</center>                            <br/>
<b>Level:</b> {$ir['level']}</center>                   <br/>
<b>Jewels:</b> {$ir['crystals']}</center>                   <br/>
<b>Steps:</b> {$ir['turns']}</center>                      <br/>

[<a href='logout.php'>Logout</a>]</td>
<td><img scr='4.png' alt='Banner...' /></td>
<b>Energy:</b> {$enperc}%<br />
<img src=bargreen.gif width=$enperc height=10><img src=barred.gif width=$enopp height=10><br />
<b>Will:</b> {$wiperc}%<br />
<img src=/barblue.gif width=$wiperc height=10><img src=barred.gif width=$wiopp height=10><br />
<b>Nerve:</b> {$ir['brave']}/{$ir['maxbrave']}<br />
<img src=barblack.gif width=$brperc height=10><img src=barred.gif width=$bropp height=10><br />
<b>EXP:</b> {$experc}%<br />
<img src=baryellow.gif width=$experc height=10><img src=barred.gif width=$exopp height=10><br />
<b>Health:</b> {$hpperc}%<br />
<img src=barwhite.gif width=$hpperc height=10><img src=barred.gif width=$hpopp height=10></td></tr></table></center></div>
<center><h2><font color=red><a href='vote.php'>Vote for GT</a><br><a href='donator.php'><b>Donate to GangstersTerritory and get lots of benifits!!</b></h2></center><br/><table width=100% ><tr><td width=20% valign='top'>
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fedjail WHERE fed_userid=$userid",$c);
die("<center><b><font color=red size=+1>You have been put in the Federal Jail for {$r['fed_days']} day(s).<br />
Reason: {$r['fed_reason']}</font></b><br>
<a href='#'><sup>Comming Soon</sup> Click here to ask to have your account back.</a></body></html>");
die("<b><font color=red size=+1>Your IP has been banned, there is no way around this.</font></b></body></html>");
function menuarea()
include "mainmenu.php";
global $ir,$c;
print "</td><td valign='top'>
function endpage()
print "</td></tr></table></body>


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Anyone know why?


I viewed it in IE7 and firefox. I was able to login and content of both thepages is same. I tried to navigate to oher pages as well and it seems working in both. However I got a javascript errors both in IE as well as FF.



usr.value is null or not an object.



1. Error: Expected end of value for property but found ','.  Error in parsing value for property 'font-weight'.    Declaration dropped.

Source File: http://www.gangsterterritory.com/login.php

Line: 123


2. Error: usr has no properties

Source File: http://www.gangsterterritory.com/login.php

Line: 86


3. Error: Expected end of value for property but found ':'.  Error in parsing value for property 'font-family'.  Declaration dropped.

Source File: http://www.gangsterterritory.com/loggedin.php

Line: 10



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