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Maximumwar.com soon be ready for lauch any suggestions


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Hi guys.

I own a game called maximumwar


his game is a Text based MMOG with ticks every 15mins. its set in the furture in 3028 and the rest as you all now.




The site is mainly php with a phpbb forum and phpbb live modified.


Was wondering you pro could go an check it over we are currently in testing and before any saying it validation will soon be added to the site.


i would commenets please on the




-possible sercuirty issues

-issues within games ( there are alot please dont comment on driods credits probes and attcking systems.

-anything that you might think you would like to add.


Many Thanks Anthony

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OK thanks for that i will have a look in to the test over lapping any suggestions.


Well i decided on a black background as the game is set in space if you have any colours in mid that mighte look good then please place the colour code and ill test it out


Many Thanks Anthony

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Steelman I love you for that color link.


On a side note, I noticed it has drop downs for how colors appear to the color blind.  I'm red-green deficient, so I fall under the categories protanopia, deuteranopia, protanomaly, and deuteranomaly.  Fun stuff!

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Yeah, I'm color blind too.  Red-Bule deficient. I am teaching myself the Shadow Spectrum. You should look into it.  Normal people see colors by the Light Spectrum...precieving light.  You can train your eyes, colorblind and others, to see the shadows instead of the light. 

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geez, there just expressing themselves. no need to be so rough.

now, my opinion:


the banner sucks. if you call that a banner then pah! you need to really work on your design. it needs to be simple, yet appealing to your game. create a logo or something and please take off that crappy digital clock font. its dodgy looking.


now the coding and seems to be done alright, you just need to improve on the overall design and presentation of your scripts. i would also suggest making it a bit larger, so you dont have it all in the one place but nice and evenly apart.


good luck

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