webbyboy Posted March 8, 2007 Share Posted March 8, 2007 When i try to access this page: it shows this: Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 28 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 29 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 36 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 37 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 44 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 45 Warning: mysql_close(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 580 I don't know whats going though but on the same db account i added a few more db file for a forum and this happens..i hope someone can help me.. A BIG THANKS! <? $DbConn = mysql_connect("localhost", "langlab", "aaaaaaa"); mysql_select_db("langlab", $DbConn); //--- 관리자인지 체크한다. ---------------------------- $Query = "SELECT count(kname) FROM s_master WHERE kname='$nm' AND juminno='$jm1-$jm2'"; $DbResult = mysql_query($Query); $Cnts = mysql_result($DbResult,0,0); if(!$Cnts){ exit; } ?> <? include "top_adm.html"; ?> <? $msg = "수강신청 리스트가 표시 됩니다."; if($tag==""){ $msg = ""; $Query = "SELECT s_kwamok.haksuno,kwname,youil,s_kwamok.sigan,teacher,amount,inwonsu,kname,sgntime"; $Query .= ",phone1,phone2,email,hakkwa,hakbun,hakyeon,reading,dungrok,s_haksang.juminno "; $Query .= "FROM s_kwamok,s_signup,s_haksang WHERE dungrok='on' AND s_kwamok.yearh='$ggyearh' AND s_signup.yearh='$ggyearh' AND s_haksang.yearh='$ggyearh' "; $Query .= "AND s_signup.juminno=s_haksang.juminno AND s_kwamok.haksuno=s_signup.haksuno AND gubn LIKE '%$gb%' ORDER BY sgntime DESC"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); $msg1 = "등록건수 : " . $TotalCnt . ""; $Query = "SELECT s_kwamok.haksuno,kwname,youil,s_kwamok.sigan,teacher,amount,inwonsu,kname,sgntime"; $Query .= ",phone1,phone2,email,hakkwa,hakbun,hakyeon,reading,dungrok,s_haksang.juminno "; $Query .= "FROM s_kwamok,s_signup,s_haksang WHERE reading='on' AND s_kwamok.yearh='$ggyearh' AND s_signup.yearh='$ggyearh' AND s_haksang.yearh='$ggyearh' "; $Query .= "AND s_signup.juminno=s_haksang.juminno AND s_kwamok.haksuno=s_signup.haksuno AND gubn LIKE '%$gb%' ORDER BY sgntime DESC"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); $msg2 = "확인건수 : " . $TotalCnt . ", "; $Query = "SELECT s_kwamok.haksuno,kwname,youil,s_kwamok.sigan,teacher,amount,inwonsu,kname,sgntime"; $Query .= ",phone1,phone2,email,hakkwa,hakbun,hakyeon,reading,dungrok,s_haksang.juminno "; $Query .= "FROM s_kwamok,s_signup,s_haksang WHERE s_kwamok.yearh='$ggyearh' AND s_signup.yearh='$ggyearh' AND s_haksang.yearh='$ggyearh' "; $Query .= "AND s_signup.juminno=s_haksang.juminno AND s_kwamok.haksuno=s_signup.haksuno AND gubn LIKE '%$gb%' ORDER BY sgntime DESC"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); $msg = "총건수 : " . $TotalCnt . ", " . $msg2 . $msg1; echo("<table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td><b>* 수강신청 과목 리스트</b> (<font color=navy>$msg</font>)</td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>순번</td>"); echo("<td>날자 시간</td>"); echo("<td>이름</td>"); echo("<td>학수<br>번호</td>"); echo("<td>과목명</td>"); echo("<td>요일</td>"); echo("<td>시간</td>"); echo("<td>집전화</td>"); echo("<td>휴대폰</td>"); //echo("<td>이메일</td>"); //echo("<td>학생정보(학번,학과,학년)</td>"); echo("<td>확인</td>"); echo("<td>등록</td>"); echo("</tr>"); if($TotalCnt >= 1){ $sno = 1; while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td align=center>" . $sno++ . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . substr($Row["sgntime"],0,10) . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["sgntime"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><a href=signup_adm.html?gb=$gb&tag=detail&ssyearh=$ggyearh&srnum=" . substr($Row["juminno"],7,7) . $Row["haksuno"] . substr($Row["juminno"],0,6) . ">" . $Row["kname"] . "</a></td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["haksuno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["kwname"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["youil"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["sigan"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["roomno"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["phone1"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["phone2"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["email"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["hakbun"] . "," . $Row["hakkwa"] . "," .$Row["hakyeon"] . "</td>"); if($Row["reading"]=="on") echo("<td><font color=blue>확인</font></td>"); else echo("<td>미확인</td>"); if($Row["dungrok"]=="on") echo("<td><font color=red>등록</font></td>"); else echo("<td>미등록</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td colspan=12 height=25 align=center>현재 신청된 자료가 없습니다.</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</table>"); } if($tag=="detail"){ $Query = "SELECT juminno,kname,ename,hakkwa,hakyeon,hakbun,phone1,phone2,htime,email FROM s_haksang WHERE yearh='$ggyearh' AND juminno='" . substr($srnum,11,6). "-" . substr($srnum,0,7) . "'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result); ?> <table border=0 width='100%' cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="silver" bordercolordark="white" bordercolorlight="gray"> <tr> <td><b>* 신청자 기본정보</b></td> </tr> </table> <table border=1 width='600' cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="silver" bordercolordark="white" bordercolorlight="gray"> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee width='20%'>이름(한글) </td> <td width='30%'> <?=$Row["kname"]?> (<?=$Row["juminno"]?>)</td> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee width='20%'>이름(영문) </td> <td width='30%'> <?=$Row["ename"]?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>학과 </td> <td> <?=$Row["hakkwa"]?> </td> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>학번 </td> <td> <?=$Row["hakbun"]?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>학년 </td> <td> <?=$Row["hakyeon"]?> </td> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>연락처(집) </td> <td> <?=$Row["phone1"]?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>연락처(휴대폰) </td> <td> <?=$Row["phone2"]?> </td> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>이메일 </td> <td> <?=$Row["email"]?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>희망 시간 </td> <td colspan=3> <?=$Row["htime"]?> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <? $Query = "SELECT s_kwamok.haksuno,kwname,youil,s_kwamok.sigan,teacher,amount,inwonsu,reading,dungrok,roomno,sgntime FROM s_kwamok,s_signup WHERE s_kwamok.yearh='$ggyearh' AND s_kwamok.haksuno=s_signup.haksuno AND s_signup.haksuno='" . substr($srnum,7,4). "' AND juminno='" . substr($srnum,11,6). "-" . substr($srnum,0,7) . "'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); echo("<table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td><b>* 수강신청 과목 리스트</b> (<font color=red>$msg</font>)</td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>학수<br>번호</td>"); echo("<td>과목명</td>"); echo("<td>요일</td>"); echo("<td>시간</td>"); echo("<td>강의실</td>"); echo("<td>교수명</td>"); echo("<td>수강료</td>"); echo("<td>인원<br>제한</td>"); echo("<td>등록<br>시간</td>"); echo("</tr>"); if($TotalCnt >= 1){ while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["haksuno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["kwname"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["youil"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["sigan"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["roomno"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["teacher"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . number_format($Row["amount"]) . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["inwonsu"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["sgntime"] . "</td>"); echo("</tr>"); $temp_r = $Row["reading"]; $temp_d = $Row["dungrok"]; } }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td colspan=7 height=25 align=center>현재 신청된 과목이 없습니다.</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</table>"); echo("<form name=chk method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value=chkupd>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=ssyearh value=$ggyearh>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=gb value=$gb>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=srnum value=$srnum>"); echo("<table border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td>"); if($temp_r=="on"){ echo("확인 : <input type=checkbox name=reading checked value="ON"> "); }else{ echo("확인 : <input type=checkbox name=reading value="ON"> "); } echo(" </td>"); echo(" <td>"); if($temp_d=="on"){ echo("등록 : <input type=checkbox name=dungrok checked value="ON">"); }else{ echo("등록 : <input type=checkbox name=dungrok value="ON">"); } echo(" </td>"); echo(" <td>"); echo("삭제 : <input type=checkbox name=sakjae value="ON">"); echo(" </td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<br><br> <input type=image src=images/sin_info_save.gif border=0 width="179" height="21">"); echo("</form>"); } if($tag=="chkupd"){ $Query = "UPDATE s_signup SET reading='$reading',dungrok='$dungrok' WHERE yearh='$ggyearh' AND haksuno='" . substr($srnum,7,4) . "' AND juminno='" . substr($srnum,11,6). "-" . substr($srnum,0,7) . "'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); if($sakjae=="on"){ $Query = "DELETE FROM s_signup WHERE yearh='$ggyearh' AND haksuno='" . substr($srnum,7,4) . "' AND juminno='" . substr($srnum,11,6). "-" . substr($srnum,0,7) . "'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } echo("<form name=chk method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value=''>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=ssyearh value=$ggyearh>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=gb value=$gb>"); echo("</form>"); echo("<script language=javascript> document.chk.submit(); </script>"); } if($tag=="2"){ if($tag2=="copy"){ //$Query = "UPDATE s_ggyear SET ggcode='0' WHERE yearh='$ggyearh'"; $Query = "UPDATE s_ggyear SET ggcode='0'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $Query = "INSERT INTO s_ggyear VALUES ('$nyear-$nhaki','1')"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); //$Query = "SELECT * FROM s_kwamok WHERE yearh='$ggyearh'"; //$Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); //while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ // $Query1 = "INSERT INTO s_kwamok VALUES ('$nyear-$nhaki','$Row[1]','$Row[2]','$Row[3]','$Row[4]','$Row[5]','$Row[6]','$Row[7]','$Row[8]','$Row[9]')"; // $Result1 = mysql_query($Query1, $DbConn); //} } $Query = "SELECT yearh,ggcode FROM s_ggyear order by ggcode desc, yearh desc"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); echo("<form name=chyr method=post action=signup_adm.html> </form> "); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='2'>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag2 value='copy'>"); echo("<table border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td>"); echo(" <select name=nyear> "); echo(" <option value=2005>2005</option> "); echo(" <option value=2006>2006</option> "); echo(" <option value=2007>2007</option> "); echo(" <option value=2007>2008</option> "); echo(" <option value=2007>2009</option> "); echo(" <option value=2007>2010</option> "); echo(" </select>"); echo(" <select name=nhaki> "); echo(" <option value=춘계>춘계</option> "); echo(" <option value=4월>4월</option> "); echo(" <option value=5월>5월</option> "); echo(" <option value=6월>6월</option> "); echo(" <option value=하계>하계</option> "); echo(" <option value=추계>추계</option> "); echo(" <option value=10월>10월</option> "); echo(" <option value=동계>동계</option> "); echo(" </select>"); echo(" <td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td colspan=2><input type=submit name=submit value='새학기 개설'></td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</form>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<form name=chyr method=post action=signup_adm.html> </form> "); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='2'>"); echo("<table border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo(" <tr>"); echo("<td><input type=text size=10 name=yearh value=" . $Row["yearh"] . " readonly></td>"); echo("<td>"); if($Row["ggcode"]=="1"){ echo("<input type=radio name=yearrdo checked>"); }else{ echo("<input type=radio name=yearrdo>"); } echo(" </td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</form>"); echo("</table>"); } if($tag=="3"){ $Query = "SELECT gubn,startday,endday FROM s_seday"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); echo("<form name=chyr method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value=dayupd>"); echo("<table border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>구분</td>"); echo("<td>시작일</td>"); echo("<td>종료일</td>"); echo("</tr>"); $while_cnt = 0; while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td><input type=hidden name=g[" . $while_cnt . "] value='" . $Row["gubn"] . "'>" . $Row["gubn"] . "</td>"); echo("<td> <input type=text name=s[" . $while_cnt . "] value='" . $Row["startday"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td size="20"><input type=text name=e[" . $while_cnt . "] value='" . $Row["endday"] . "'></td>"); echo("</tr size="20">"); $while_cnt = $while_cnt + 1; } echo("</table>"); echo("<br><br> <input type=image src=images/sin_info_save.gif border=0 width="179" height="21">"); echo("</form>"); } if($tag=="dayupd"){ $while_cnt = 0; while($g[$while_cnt]!=""){ $Query = "UPDATE s_seday SET startday='$s[$while_cnt]',endday='$e[$while_cnt]' WHERE gubn='$g[$while_cnt]'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $while_cnt++; } echo("<form name=chk method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='3'>"); echo("</form>"); echo("<script language=javascript> document.chk.submit(); </script>"); } if($tag=="6"){ if($del=="1"){ $Query = "DELETE FROM s_master WHERE juminno='$jm'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } if($ins=="1"){ $Query = "INSERT INTO s_master VALUES ('$m_name','$jm')"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } $Query = "SELECT kname,juminno FROM s_master ORDER BY juminno"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); echo("<form name=chyr method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value=6>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=ins value=1>"); echo("<table width=300 border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>이름</td>"); echo("<td>주민번호</td>"); echo("<td> </td>"); echo("</tr>"); echo("<tr>"); echo("<td><input type=text name=m_name size=6 maxlength=5 value=''></td>"); echo("<td><input type=text name=jm size=15 maxlength=14 value=''> ( - 포함)</td>"); echo("<td><input type=submit value='입력'></td>"); echo("</tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("</form>"); echo("<table width=300 border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>이름</td>"); echo("<td>주민번호</td>"); echo("<td> </td>"); echo("</tr>"); $while_cnt = 0; while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ if($Row["kname"]=="관리자"){ // }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td>". $Row["kname"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>". $Row["juminno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><a href=signup_adm.html?tag=6&del=1&jm=". $Row["juminno"] . ">[삭제]</a></td>"); echo("</tr>"); $while_cnt = $while_cnt + 1; } } echo("</table>"); } if($tag=="4"){ if($tag2=="del"){ $Query = "DELETE FROM s_kwamok WHERE yearh='$yearh' and haksuno='$haksuno'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } if($tag2=="upd"){ //$Query = "UPDATE s_kwamok SET yearh='$yearh',haksuno='$haksuno',gubn='$gubn',kwname='$kwname',youil='$youil',sigan='$sigan',roomno='$roomno',teacher='$teacher',amount='$amount',inwonsu='$inwonsu' WHERE yearh='$yearh' and haksuno='$o_haksuno'"; $Query = "UPDATE s_kwamok SET gubn='$gubn',kwname='$kwname',youil='$youil',sigan='$sigan',roomno='$roomno',teacher='$teacher',amount='$amount',inwonsu='$inwonsu',info='$info' WHERE yearh='$yearh' and haksuno='$o_haksuno'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); //echo $Query; } if($tag2=="ins"){ $Query = "INSERT INTO s_kwamok VALUES ('$yearh','$o_haksuno','$gubn','$kwname','$youil','$sigan','$roomno','$teacher','$amount','$inwonsu','$info')"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } $msg = "개설 과목 리스트 입니다."; $Query = "SELECT yearh,haksuno,gubn,kwname,youil,sigan,roomno,teacher,amount,inwonsu,info FROM s_kwamok WHERE yearh='$ggyearh'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); echo("<table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td><b>* 수강 개설 과목 리스트</b> (<font color=red>$msg</font>)</td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>년도<br>학기</td>"); echo("<td>학수<br>번호</td>"); echo("<td>구분</td>"); echo("<td>과목명</td>"); echo("<td>요일</td>"); echo("<td>시간</td>"); echo("<td>강의실</td>"); echo("<td>교수명</td>"); echo("<td>수강료</td>"); echo("<td>인원<br>제한</td>"); echo("<td>교수소개</td>"); echo("<td>비고</td>"); echo("</tr>"); if($TotalCnt >= 1){ while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<form name=upd action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='4'>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag2 value='upd'>"); //echo("<td><input size=8 type=text name=yearh value='" . $Row["yearh"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input type=hidden name=yearh value='" . $Row["yearh"] . "'>" . $Row["yearh"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td><input size=4 type=hidden name=o_haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'><input size=4 type=text name=haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=4 type=hidden name=o_haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'>" . $Row["haksuno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=gubn value='" . $Row["gubn"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=28 type=text name=kwname value='" . $Row["kwname"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=youil value='" . $Row["youil"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=sigan value='" . $Row["sigan"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=9 type=text name=roomno value='" . $Row["roomno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=teacher value='" . $Row["teacher"] . "'></td>"); //echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=amount value='" . number_format($Row["amount"]) . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=6 type=text name=amount value='" . $Row["amount"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=3 type=text name=inwonsu value='" . $Row["inwonsu"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=info value='" . $Row["info"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input type=submit value='수정'><a href=signup_adm.html?tag=4&yearh=" . $Row["yearh"] . "&haksuno=" . $Row["haksuno"] . "&tag2=del>[삭제]</a></td>"); echo("</form>"); echo("</tr>"); $temp_r = $Row["reading"]; $temp_d = $Row["dungrok"]; } echo("<tr>"); echo("<form name=upd action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='4'>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag2 value='ins'>"); echo("<td><input type=hidden name=yearh value='" . $ggyearh . "'>" . $ggyearh . "</td>"); echo("<td><input size=4 type=text name=o_haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=gubn value='" . $Row["gubn"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=28 type=text name=kwname value='" . $Row["kwname"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=youil value='" . $Row["youil"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=sigan value='" . $Row["sigan"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=9 type=text name=roomno value='" . $Row["roomno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=teacher value='" . $Row["teacher"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=6 type=text name=amount value='" . $Row["amount"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=3 type=text name=inwonsu value='" . $Row["inwonsu"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=info value='" . $Row["info"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input type=submit value='입력'></td>"); echo("</form>"); echo("</tr>"); }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<form name=upd action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='4'>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag2 value='ins'>"); echo("<td><input type=hidden name=yearh value='" . $ggyearh . "'>" . $ggyearh . "</td>"); echo("<td><input size=4 type=text name=o_haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=gubn value='" . $Row["gubn"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=28 type=text name=kwname value='" . $Row["kwname"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=youil value='" . $Row["youil"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=sigan value='" . $Row["sigan"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=9 type=text name=roomno value='" . $Row["roomno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=teacher value='" . $Row["teacher"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=6 type=text name=amount value='" . $Row["amount"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=3 type=text name=inwonsu value='" . $Row["inwonsu"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input type=submit value='입력'></td>"); echo("</form>"); echo("</tr>"); echo("<tr>"); echo("<td colspan=11 height=25 align=center>현재 개설된 과목이 없습니다.</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</table>"); } if($tag=="5"){ if($tag2=="del"){ $Query = "DELETE FROM s_haksang WHERE yearh='$yearh' and juminno='$juminno'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } $msg = "저장된 학생 정보 리스트 입니다."; $Query = "SELECT yearh,juminno,kname,ename,hakkwa,hakyeon,hakbun,phone1,phone2,htime,email FROM s_haksang WHERE yearh='$ggyearh'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); echo("<table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td><b>* 학생 정보 리스트</b> (<font color=red>$msg</font>)</td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>순번</td>"); echo("<td>년도<br>학기</td>"); echo("<td>주민번호</td>"); echo("<td>한글이름</td>"); echo("<td>영문이름</td>"); //echo("<td>학과</td>"); echo("<td>학번</td>"); echo("<td>집전화</td>"); echo("<td>휴대폰</td>"); //echo("<td>희망 공강시간</td>"); echo("<td>이메일</td>"); echo("<td>비고</td>"); echo("</tr>"); if($TotalCnt >= 1){ $while_cnt = 1; while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td>" . $while_cnt++ . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["yearh"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["juminno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["kname"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["ename"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["hakkwa"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["hakbun"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["phone1"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["phone2"] . " </td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["htime"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["email"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><a href=signup_adm.html?tag=5&yearh=" . $Row["yearh"] . "&juminno=" . $Row["juminno"] . "&tag2=del>[삭제]</a></td>"); echo("</tr>"); $temp_r = $Row["reading"]; $temp_d = $Row["dungrok"]; } }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td colspan=97 height=25 align=center>현재 학기에 저장된 학생 정보가 없습니다.</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</table>"); } mysql_close($DbConn); ?></body></html> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
artacus Posted March 8, 2007 Share Posted March 8, 2007 And an "or die(mysql_error())" after your connection, select db and query. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-202829 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 10, 2007 Author Share Posted March 10, 2007 And an "or die(mysql_error())" after your connection, select db and query. I've add and it says "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 206" Line 206 is: " echo("확인 : <input type=checkbox name=reading checked value="ON"> ");" any thing wrong with it? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-204136 Share on other sites More sharing options...
wildteen88 Posted March 10, 2007 Share Posted March 10, 2007 Yes. Note the quotes around ON, highlighted below: echo("확인 : <input type=checkbox name=reading checked value="ON"> "); This is intefering with the double quotes for the echo statement. PHP is thinking you are ending the echo when it gets the to double quote to the left ON. Then troughs an error saying unexpect T_STRING. Always use single quotes when you double quotes in strings. Or if you use double quotes to start of a string make sure you escape any double quotes within the string, example \". This applies to single quotes aswell. Use single quotes instead for your echo statement and lose the braces too. No need for them: echo '확인 : <input type="checkbox" name="reading" checked value="ON"> '; Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-204311 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 10, 2007 Author Share Posted March 10, 2007 Yes. Note the quotes around ON, highlighted below: echo("확인 : <input type=checkbox name=reading checked value="ON"> "); This is intefering with the double quotes for the echo statement. PHP is thinking you are ending the echo when it gets the to double quote to the left ON. Then troughs an error saying unexpect T_STRING. Always use single quotes when you double quotes in strings. Or if you use double quotes to start of a string make sure you escape any double quotes within the string, example \". This applies to single quotes aswell. Use single quotes instead for your echo statement and lose the braces too. No need for them: echo '확인 : <input type="checkbox" name="reading" checked value="ON"> '; wildteen88 thanks for helping me..now even with the mysql_error thingy: the original problems still exist: Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 28 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 29 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 36 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 37 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 44 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 45 Warning: mysql_close(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 602 These lines are: Line 28,29,36,37,44,45 has the same things: $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); And Line 602 is mysql_close($DbConn); I wondering whats wrong with the $DbConn.. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-204427 Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenway Posted March 11, 2007 Share Posted March 11, 2007 Well, those lines don't have die() statements... Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-204570 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 11, 2007 Author Share Posted March 11, 2007 Well, those lines don't have die() statements... Those lines i've added the die() statements it just shows : Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 28 what should i do next? The rest of the statements that has error doesn't show and it's blank on the page.. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-204599 Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenway Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 I meant die() statements with mysql_error() calls so we can see the errors. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-205948 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 I meant die() statements with mysql_error() calls so we can see the errors. Sorry i am a total newbie in mysql i hope you explain further.. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206471 Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenway Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Try: $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn) or die(mysql_error()); Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206477 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shoz Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 28 The error is referring to the second argument to mysql_query(), $DbConn. Change the top of your script to the following. Note the use of <?php instead of <?. Make similar changes throughout the script. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $DbConn = mysql_connect("localhost", "langlab", "aaaaaaa") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("langlab", $DbConn); var_dump($DbConn); Also change the mysql_query line to the following var_dump($DbConn); $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn) or die(mysql_error()); You said you made the "or die() " change already so the only difference should be the var_dump() line. You'll notice that your first call to mysql_query in the script does not give the same problems. That's because it doesn't use the second argument and mysql_query() sends the query over the last opened link. It would be best to figure out what the problem is first instead of making the same changes to all the mysql_query calls however. If you still get errors. Post the error and all other output in addition to the code you're using in its current form. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206495 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 This is what i get after following your step. resource(2) of type (mysql link) resource(2) of type (mysql link) Notice: Undefined variable: DbResult in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 11 Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 11 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 28 The error is referring to the second argument to mysql_query(), $DbConn. Change the top of your script to the following. Note the use of <?php instead of <?. Make similar changes throughout the script. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $DbConn = mysql_connect("localhost", "langlab", "aaaaaaa") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("langlab", $DbConn); var_dump($DbConn); Also change the mysql_query line to the following var_dump($DbConn); $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn) or die(mysql_error()); You said you made the "or die() " change already so the only difference should be the var_dump() line. You'll notice that your first call to mysql_query in the script does not give the same problems. That's because it doesn't use the second argument and mysql_query() sends the query over the last opened link. It would be best to figure out what the problem is first instead of making the same changes to all the mysql_query calls however. If you still get errors. Post the error and all other output in addition to the code you're using in its current form. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206519 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shoz Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 If you still get errors. Post the error and all other output in addition to the code you're using in its current form. Did you not also get the mysql link error? Post all output and the code you're using. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206525 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 Output: resource(2) of type (mysql link) resource(2) of type (mysql link) Notice: Undefined variable: DbResult in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 11 Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 11 <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $DbConn = mysql_connect("localhost", "langlab", "*") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("langlab", $DbConn); var_dump($DbConn); //--- 관리자인지 체크한다. ---------------------------- $Query = "SELECT count(kname) FROM `s_master` WHERE `kname`='$nm' AND `juminno`='$jm1-$jm2'"; var_dump($DbConn); $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn) or die(mysql_error()); $Cnts = mysql_result($DbResult,0,0); if(!$Cnts){ exit; } ?> <? include "top_adm.html"; ?> <? $msg = "수강신청 리스트가 표시 됩니다."; if($tag==""){ $msg = ""; $Query = "SELECT `s_kwamok.haksuno`,`kwname`,`youil`,`s_kwamok.sigan`,`teacher`,`amount`,`inwonsu`,`kname`,`sgntime`"; $Query .= ",`phone1`,`phone2`,`email`,`hakkwa`,`hakbun`,`hakyeon`,`reading`,`dungrok`,`s_haksang.juminno` "; $Query .= "FROM `s_kwamok`,`s_signup`,`s_haksang` WHERE `dungrok`='on' AND `s_kwamok.yearh`='$ggyearh' AND `s_signup.yearh`='$ggyearh' AND `s_haksang.yearh`='$ggyearh' "; $Query .= "AND `s_signup.juminno`=`s_haksang.juminno` AND `s_kwamok.haksuno`=`s_signup.haksuno` AND `gubn` LIKE '%$gb%' ORDER BY `sgntime` DESC"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); $msg1 = "등록건수 : " . $TotalCnt . ""; $Query = "SELECT `s_kwamok.haksuno`,`kwname`,`youil`,`s_kwamok.sigan`,`teacher`,`amount`,`inwonsu`,`kname`,`sgntime`"; $Query .= ",`phone1`,`phone2`,`email`,`hakkwa`,`hakbun`,`hakyeon`,`reading`,`dungrok`,`s_haksang.juminno` "; $Query .= "FROM `s_kwamok`,`s_signup`,`s_haksang` WHERE `reading`='on' AND `s_kwamok.yearh`='$ggyearh' AND `s_signup.yearh`='$ggyearh' AND `s_haksang.yearh`='$ggyearh' "; $Query .= "AND `s_signup.juminno`=`s_haksang.juminno` AND `s_kwamok.haksuno`=`s_signup.haksuno` AND `gubn` LIKE '%$gb%' ORDER BY `sgntime` DESC"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); $msg2 = "확인건수 : " . $TotalCnt . ", "; $Query = "SELECT `s_kwamok.haksuno`,`kwname`,`youil`,`s_kwamok.sigan`,`teacher`,`amount`,`inwonsu`,`kname`,`sgntime`"; $Query .= ",`phone1`,`phone2`,`email`,`hakkwa`,`hakbun`,`hakyeon`,`reading`,`dungrok`,`s_haksang.juminno` "; $Query .= "FROM `s_kwamok`,`s_signup`,`s_haksang` WHERE `s_kwamok.yearh`='$ggyearh' AND `s_signup.yearh`='$ggyearh' AND `s_haksang.yearh`='$ggyearh' "; $Query .= "AND `s_signup.juminno`=`s_haksang.juminno` AND `s_kwamok.haksuno`=`s_signup.haksuno` AND `gubn` LIKE '%$gb%' ORDER BY `sgntime` DESC"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); $msg = "총건수 : " . $TotalCnt . ", " . $msg2 . $msg1; echo("<table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td><b>* 수강신청 과목 리스트</b> (<font color=navy>$msg</font>)</td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>순번</td>"); echo("<td>날자 시간</td>"); echo("<td>이름</td>"); echo("<td>학수<br>번호</td>"); echo("<td>과목명</td>"); echo("<td>요일</td>"); echo("<td>시간</td>"); echo("<td>집전화</td>"); echo("<td>휴대폰</td>"); //echo("<td>이메일</td>"); //echo("<td>학생정보(학번,학과,학년)</td>"); echo("<td>확인</td>"); echo("<td>등록</td>"); echo("</tr>"); if($TotalCnt >= 1){ $sno = 1; while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td align=center>" . $sno++ . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . substr($Row["sgntime"],0,10) . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["sgntime"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><a href=signup_adm.html?gb=$gb&tag=detail&ssyearh=$ggyearh&srnum=" . substr($Row["juminno"],7,7) . $Row["haksuno"] . substr($Row["juminno"],0,6) . ">" . $Row["kname"] . "</a></td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["haksuno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["kwname"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["youil"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["sigan"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["roomno"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["phone1"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["phone2"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["email"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["hakbun"] . "," . $Row["hakkwa"] . "," .$Row["hakyeon"] . "</td>"); if($Row["reading"]=="on") echo("<td><font color=blue>확인</font></td>"); else echo("<td>미확인</td>"); if($Row["dungrok"]=="on") echo("<td><font color=red>등록</font></td>"); else echo("<td>미등록</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td colspan=12 height=25 align=center>현재 신청된 자료가 없습니다.</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</table>"); } if($tag=="detail"){ $Query = "SELECT juminno,kname,ename,hakkwa,hakyeon,hakbun,phone1,phone2,htime,email FROM s_haksang WHERE yearh='$ggyearh' AND juminno='" . substr($srnum,11,6). "-" . substr($srnum,0,7) . "'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result); ?> <table border=0 width='100%' cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="silver" bordercolordark="white" bordercolorlight="gray"> <tr> <td><b>* 신청자 기본정보</b></td> </tr> </table> <table border=1 width='600' cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="silver" bordercolordark="white" bordercolorlight="gray"> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee width='20%'>이름(한글) </td> <td width='30%'> <?=$Row["kname"]?> (<?=$Row["juminno"]?>)</td> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee width='20%'>이름(영문) </td> <td width='30%'> <?=$Row["ename"]?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>학과 </td> <td> <?=$Row["hakkwa"]?> </td> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>학번 </td> <td> <?=$Row["hakbun"]?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>학년 </td> <td> <?=$Row["hakyeon"]?> </td> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>연락처(집) </td> <td> <?=$Row["phone1"]?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>연락처(휴대폰) </td> <td> <?=$Row["phone2"]?> </td> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>이메일 </td> <td> <?=$Row["email"]?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=right bgcolor=#eeeeee>희망 시간 </td> <td colspan=3> <?=$Row["htime"]?> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <? $Query = "SELECT s_kwamok.haksuno,kwname,youil,s_kwamok.sigan,teacher,amount,inwonsu,reading,dungrok,roomno,sgntime FROM s_kwamok,s_signup WHERE s_kwamok.yearh='$ggyearh' AND s_kwamok.haksuno=s_signup.haksuno AND s_signup.haksuno='" . substr($srnum,7,4). "' AND juminno='" . substr($srnum,11,6). "-" . substr($srnum,0,7) . "'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); echo("<table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td><b>* 수강신청 과목 리스트</b> (<font color=red>$msg</font>)</td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>학수<br>번호</td>"); echo("<td>과목명</td>"); echo("<td>요일</td>"); echo("<td>시간</td>"); echo("<td>강의실</td>"); echo("<td>교수명</td>"); echo("<td>수강료</td>"); echo("<td>인원<br>제한</td>"); echo("<td>등록<br>시간</td>"); echo("</tr>"); if($TotalCnt >= 1){ while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["haksuno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["kwname"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["youil"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["sigan"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["roomno"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["teacher"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . number_format($Row["amount"]) . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["inwonsu"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["sgntime"] . "</td>"); echo("</tr>"); $temp_r = $Row["reading"]; $temp_d = $Row["dungrok"]; } }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td colspan=7 height=25 align=center>현재 신청된 과목이 없습니다.</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</table>"); echo("<form name=chk method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value=chkupd>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=ssyearh value=$ggyearh>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=gb value=$gb>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=srnum value=$srnum>"); echo("<table border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td>"); if($temp_r=="on"){ echo('확인 : <input type="checkbox" name="reading" checked value="ON"> '); }else{ echo('확인 : <input type="checkbox" name="reading" value="ON"> '); } echo(" </td>"); echo(" <td>"); if($temp_d=="on"){ echo('등록 : <input type="checkbox" name="dungrok" checked value="ON">'); }else{ echo('등록 : <input type="checkbox" name="dungrok" value="ON">'); } echo(" </td>"); echo(" <td>"); echo('삭제 : <input type="checkbox" name="sakjae" value="ON">'); echo(" </td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo('<br><br> <input type="image" src="ADASDAS/images/sin_info_save.gif" border="0" width="179" height="21">'); echo("</form>"); } if($tag=="chkupd"){ $Query = "UPDATE s_signup SET reading='$reading',dungrok='$dungrok' WHERE yearh='$ggyearh' AND haksuno='" . substr($srnum,7,4) . "' AND juminno='" . substr($srnum,11,6). "-" . substr($srnum,0,7) . "'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); if($sakjae=="on"){ $Query = "DELETE FROM s_signup WHERE yearh='$ggyearh' AND haksuno='" . substr($srnum,7,4) . "' AND juminno='" . substr($srnum,11,6). "-" . substr($srnum,0,7) . "'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } echo("<form name=chk method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value=''>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=ssyearh value=$ggyearh>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=gb value=$gb>"); echo("</form>"); echo("<script language=javascript> document.chk.submit(); </script>"); } if($tag=="2"){ if($tag2=="copy"){ //$Query = "UPDATE s_ggyear SET ggcode='0' WHERE yearh='$ggyearh'"; $Query = "UPDATE s_ggyear SET ggcode='0'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $Query = "INSERT INTO s_ggyear VALUES ('$nyear-$nhaki','1')"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); //$Query = "SELECT * FROM s_kwamok WHERE yearh='$ggyearh'"; //$Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); //while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ // $Query1 = "INSERT INTO s_kwamok VALUES ('$nyear-$nhaki','$Row[1]','$Row[2]','$Row[3]','$Row[4]','$Row[5]','$Row[6]','$Row[7]','$Row[8]','$Row[9]')"; // $Result1 = mysql_query($Query1, $DbConn); //} } $Query = "SELECT yearh,ggcode FROM s_ggyear order by ggcode desc, yearh desc"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); echo("<form name=chyr method=post action=signup_adm.html> </form> "); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='2'>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag2 value='copy'>"); echo("<table border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td>"); echo(" <select name=nyear> "); echo(" <option value=2005>2005</option> "); echo(" <option value=2006>2006</option> "); echo(" <option value=2007>2007</option> "); echo(" <option value=2007>2008</option> "); echo(" <option value=2007>2009</option> "); echo(" <option value=2007>2010</option> "); echo(" </select>"); echo(" <select name=nhaki> "); echo(" <option value=춘계>춘계</option> "); echo(" <option value=4월>4월</option> "); echo(" <option value=5월>5월</option> "); echo(" <option value=6월>6월</option> "); echo(" <option value=하계>하계</option> "); echo(" <option value=추계>추계</option> "); echo(" <option value=10월>10월</option> "); echo(" <option value=동계>동계</option> "); echo(" </select>"); echo(" <td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td colspan=2><input type=submit name=submit value='새학기 개설'></td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</form>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<form name=chyr method=post action=signup_adm.html> </form> "); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='2'>"); echo("<table border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo(" <tr>"); echo("<td><input type=text size=10 name=yearh value=" . $Row["yearh"] . " readonly></td>"); echo("<td>"); if($Row["ggcode"]=="1"){ echo("<input type=radio name=yearrdo checked>"); }else{ echo("<input type=radio name=yearrdo>"); } echo(" </td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</form>"); echo("</table>"); } if($tag=="3"){ $Query = "SELECT gubn,startday,endday FROM s_seday"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); echo("<form name=chyr method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value=dayupd>"); echo("<table border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>구분</td>"); echo("<td>시작일</td>"); echo("<td>종료일</td>"); echo("</tr>"); $while_cnt = 0; while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td><input type=hidden name=g[" . $while_cnt . "] value='" . $Row["gubn"] . "'>" . $Row["gubn"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><input type=text name=s[" . $while_cnt . "] value='" . $Row["startday"] . "'></td>"); echo('<td size="20"><input type="text" name="e[" . $while_cnt . "]" value=" . $Row["endday"] . "></td>'); echo('</tr size="20" size="20">'); $while_cnt = $while_cnt + 1; } echo("</table>"); echo('<br><br> <input type="image" src="ADASDAS/images/sin_info_save.gif" border="0" width="179" height="21">'); echo("</form>"); } if($tag=="dayupd"){ $while_cnt = 0; while($g[$while_cnt]!=""){ $Query = "UPDATE s_seday SET startday='$s[$while_cnt]',endday='$e[$while_cnt]' WHERE gubn='$g[$while_cnt]'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $while_cnt++; } echo("<form name=chk method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='3'>"); echo("</form>"); echo("<script language=javascript> document.chk.submit(); </script>"); } if($tag=="6"){ if($del=="1"){ $Query = "DELETE FROM s_master WHERE juminno='$jm'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } if($ins=="1"){ $Query = "INSERT INTO s_master VALUES ('$m_name','$jm')"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } $Query = "SELECT kname,juminno FROM s_master ORDER BY juminno"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); echo("<form name=chyr method=post action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value=6>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=ins value=1>"); echo("<table width=300 border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>이름</td>"); echo("<td>주민번호</td>"); echo("<td> </td>"); echo("</tr>"); echo("<tr>"); echo("<td><input type=text name=m_name size=6 maxlength=5 value=''></td>"); echo("<td><input type=text name=jm size=15 maxlength=14 value=''> ( - 포함)</td>"); echo("<td><input type=submit value='입력'></td>"); echo("</tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("</form>"); echo("<table width=300 border=1 cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>이름</td>"); echo("<td>주민번호</td>"); echo("<td> </td>"); echo("</tr>"); $while_cnt = 0; while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ if($Row["kname"]=="관리자"){ // }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td>". $Row["kname"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>". $Row["juminno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><a href=signup_adm.html?tag=6&del=1&jm=". $Row["juminno"] . ">[삭제]</a></td>"); echo("</tr>"); $while_cnt = $while_cnt + 1; } } echo("</table>"); } if($tag=="4"){ if($tag2=="del"){ $Query = "DELETE FROM s_kwamok WHERE yearh='$yearh' and haksuno='$haksuno'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } if($tag2=="upd"){ //$Query = "UPDATE s_kwamok SET yearh='$yearh',haksuno='$haksuno',gubn='$gubn',kwname='$kwname',youil='$youil',sigan='$sigan',roomno='$roomno',teacher='$teacher',amount='$amount',inwonsu='$inwonsu' WHERE yearh='$yearh' and haksuno='$o_haksuno'"; $Query = "UPDATE s_kwamok SET gubn='$gubn',kwname='$kwname',youil='$youil',sigan='$sigan',roomno='$roomno',teacher='$teacher',amount='$amount',inwonsu='$inwonsu',info='$info' WHERE yearh='$yearh' and haksuno='$o_haksuno'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); //echo $Query; } if($tag2=="ins"){ $Query = "INSERT INTO s_kwamok VALUES ('$yearh','$o_haksuno','$gubn','$kwname','$youil','$sigan','$roomno','$teacher','$amount','$inwonsu','$info')"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } $msg = "개설 과목 리스트 입니다."; $Query = "SELECT yearh,haksuno,gubn,kwname,youil,sigan,roomno,teacher,amount,inwonsu,info FROM s_kwamok WHERE yearh='$ggyearh'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); echo("<table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td><b>* 수강 개설 과목 리스트</b> (<font color=red>$msg</font>)</td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>년도<br>학기</td>"); echo("<td>학수<br>번호</td>"); echo("<td>구분</td>"); echo("<td>과목명</td>"); echo("<td>요일</td>"); echo("<td>시간</td>"); echo("<td>강의실</td>"); echo("<td>교수명</td>"); echo("<td>수강료</td>"); echo("<td>인원<br>제한</td>"); echo("<td>교수소개</td>"); echo("<td>비고</td>"); echo("</tr>"); if($TotalCnt >= 1){ while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<form name=upd action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='4'>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag2 value='upd'>"); //echo("<td><input size=8 type=text name=yearh value='" . $Row["yearh"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input type=hidden name=yearh value='" . $Row["yearh"] . "'>" . $Row["yearh"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td><input size=4 type=hidden name=o_haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'><input size=4 type=text name=haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=4 type=hidden name=o_haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'>" . $Row["haksuno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=gubn value='" . $Row["gubn"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=28 type=text name=kwname value='" . $Row["kwname"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=youil value='" . $Row["youil"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=sigan value='" . $Row["sigan"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=9 type=text name=roomno value='" . $Row["roomno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=teacher value='" . $Row["teacher"] . "'></td>"); //echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=amount value='" . number_format($Row["amount"]) . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=6 type=text name=amount value='" . $Row["amount"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=3 type=text name=inwonsu value='" . $Row["inwonsu"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=info value='" . $Row["info"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input type=submit value='수정'><a href=signup_adm.html?tag=4&yearh=" . $Row["yearh"] . "&haksuno=" . $Row["haksuno"] . "&tag2=del>[삭제]</a></td>"); echo("</form>"); echo("</tr>"); $temp_r = $Row["reading"]; $temp_d = $Row["dungrok"]; } echo("<tr>"); echo("<form name=upd action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='4'>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag2 value='ins'>"); echo("<td><input type=hidden name=yearh value='" . $ggyearh . "'>" . $ggyearh . "</td>"); echo("<td><input size=4 type=text name=o_haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=gubn value='" . $Row["gubn"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=28 type=text name=kwname value='" . $Row["kwname"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=youil value='" . $Row["youil"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=sigan value='" . $Row["sigan"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=9 type=text name=roomno value='" . $Row["roomno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=teacher value='" . $Row["teacher"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=6 type=text name=amount value='" . $Row["amount"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=3 type=text name=inwonsu value='" . $Row["inwonsu"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=info value='" . $Row["info"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input type=submit value='입력'></td>"); echo("</form>"); echo("</tr>"); }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<form name=upd action=signup_adm.html>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag value='4'>"); echo("<input type=hidden name=tag2 value='ins'>"); echo("<td><input type=hidden name=yearh value='" . $ggyearh . "'>" . $ggyearh . "</td>"); echo("<td><input size=4 type=text name=o_haksuno value='" . $Row["haksuno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=gubn value='" . $Row["gubn"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=28 type=text name=kwname value='" . $Row["kwname"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=7 type=text name=youil value='" . $Row["youil"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=sigan value='" . $Row["sigan"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=9 type=text name=roomno value='" . $Row["roomno"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=10 type=text name=teacher value='" . $Row["teacher"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=6 type=text name=amount value='" . $Row["amount"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input size=3 type=text name=inwonsu value='" . $Row["inwonsu"] . "'></td>"); echo("<td><input type=submit value='입력'></td>"); echo("</form>"); echo("</tr>"); echo("<tr>"); echo("<td colspan=11 height=25 align=center>현재 개설된 과목이 없습니다.</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</table>"); } if($tag=="5"){ if($tag2=="del"){ $Query = "DELETE FROM s_haksang WHERE yearh='$yearh' and juminno='$juminno'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); } $msg = "저장된 학생 정보 리스트 입니다."; $Query = "SELECT yearh,juminno,kname,ename,hakkwa,hakyeon,hakbun,phone1,phone2,htime,email FROM s_haksang WHERE yearh='$ggyearh'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $TotalCnt = mysql_num_rows($Result); echo("<table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo(" <tr>"); echo(" <td><b>* 학생 정보 리스트</b> (<font color=red>$msg</font>)</td>"); echo(" </tr>"); echo("</table>"); echo("<table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'>"); echo("<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee>"); echo("<td>순번</td>"); echo("<td>년도<br>학기</td>"); echo("<td>주민번호</td>"); echo("<td>한글이름</td>"); echo("<td>영문이름</td>"); //echo("<td>학과</td>"); echo("<td>학번</td>"); echo("<td>집전화</td>"); echo("<td>휴대폰</td>"); //echo("<td>희망 공강시간</td>"); echo("<td>이메일</td>"); echo("<td>비고</td>"); echo("</tr>"); if($TotalCnt >= 1){ $while_cnt = 1; while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td>" . $while_cnt++ . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["yearh"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["juminno"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["kname"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["ename"] . "</td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["hakkwa"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["hakbun"] . "</td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["phone1"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["phone2"] . " </td>"); //echo("<td>" . $Row["htime"] . " </td>"); echo("<td>" . $Row["email"] . "</td>"); echo("<td><a href=signup_adm.html?tag=5&yearh=" . $Row["yearh"] . "&juminno=" . $Row["juminno"] . "&tag2=del>[삭제]</a></td>"); echo("</tr>"); $temp_r = $Row["reading"]; $temp_d = $Row["dungrok"]; } }else{ echo("<tr>"); echo("<td colspan=97 height=25 align=center>현재 학기에 저장된 학생 정보가 없습니다.</td>"); echo("</tr>"); } echo("</table>"); } mysql_close($DbConn) or die(mysql_error()); ?></body></html> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206542 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shoz Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Line 10 should read $DbResult = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn) or die(mysql_error()); Remember to change all "<?" entries to "<?php". Run the script again and post everything if there are errors. Note that you should View the Source of the page to see all the output. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206576 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 resource(2) of type (mysql link) resource(2) of type (mysql link) <html> <body> <link rel='stylesheet' href='' type='text/css'> <Script Language="JavaScript"> <!-- function GoTo(frm) { SelField = window.document.choice.ssyearh SelIndex = SelField.selectedIndex SelValue = SelField.options[selIndex].value if(SelValue != "") location.href = SelValue; } function GoTo1(frm) { SelField = window.document.gb.gbsel SelIndex = SelField.selectedIndex SelValue = SelField.options[selIndex].value if(SelValue != "") location.href = SelValue; } function windowclose(){ window.close(); } //--> </Script> <table border=0> <tr> <td> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: ssyearh in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>35</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>41</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>41</b><br /> <form Name=choice><select name=ssyearh OnChange=GoTo(this.form)> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2004-추계'>2004-추계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2004-동계'>2004-동계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2005-춘계'>2005-춘계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2005-4월'>2005-4월</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2005-5월'>2005-5월</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2005-6월'>2005-6월</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2005-하계'>2005-하계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2005-추계'>2005-추계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2005-동계'>2005-동계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2006-춘계'>2006-춘계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2006-하계'>2006-하계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>53</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2006-추계'>2006-추계</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>50</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2006-동계' SELECTED>2006-동계</option> </select></td></form><td><form Name=gb><select name=gbsel OnChange=GoTo1(this.form)><br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>64</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?gb=%&tag=&ssyearh=2006-동계'>전체</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>68</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?gb=영어회화&tag=&ssyearh=2006-동계'>영어회화</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>72</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?gb=TOEIC&tag=&ssyearh=2006-동계'>TOEIC</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>76</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?gb=중국어반&tag=&ssyearh=2006-동계'>중국어반</option> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html</b> on line <b>80</b><br /> <option value='signup_adm.html?gb=CBT&tag=&ssyearh=2006-동계'>CBT</option> </select></td></form> <td> <font size=2> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=2006-동계> [기본정보]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=2&ssyearh=2006-동계>[기준학기]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=3&ssyearh=2006-동계>[신청일정]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=4&ssyearh=2006-동계>[과목정보]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=5&ssyearh=2006-동계>[학생정보]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=6&ssyearh=2006-동계>[관리계정]</a> <a href="">[홈으로]</a> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <hr size=1 width='100%'> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>24</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>30</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>31</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>32</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>38</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>39</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>40</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: gb in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>46</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>47</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>48</b><br /> <table border=0 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'> <tr> <td><b>* 수강신청 과목 리스트</b> (<font color=navy>총건수 : , 확인건수 : , 등록건수 : </font>)</td> </tr></table><table border=1 width='95%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='silver' bordercolordark='white' bordercolorlight='gray'><tr bgcolor=#eeeeee><td>순번</td><td>날자 시간</td><td>이름</td><td>학수<br>번호</td><td>과목명</td><td>요일</td><td>시간</td><td>집전화</td><td>휴대폰</td><td>확인</td><td>등록</td></tr><tr><td colspan=12 height=25 align=center>현재 신청된 자료가 없습니다.</td></tr></table><br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>105</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>230</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>247</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>337</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>364</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>378</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>430</b><br /> <br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: tag in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>543</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: mysql_close(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in <b>/user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html</b> on line <b>604</b><br /> resource(2) of type (mysql link) resource(2) of type (mysql link) Notice: Undefined variable: ssyearh in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html on line 35 Notice: Undefined variable: gb in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html on line 41 Notice: Undefined variable: gb in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/top_adm.html on line 41 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 24 Notice: Undefined variable: gb in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 30 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 31 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 32 Notice: Undefined variable: gb in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 38 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 39 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 40 Notice: Undefined variable: gb in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 46 Warning: mysql_query(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 47 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 48 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 105 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 230 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 247 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 337 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 364 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 378 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 430 Notice: Undefined variable: tag in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 543 Warning: mysql_close(): 2 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /user/langlab/wwwhome/signup/signup_adm.html on line 604 Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206598 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shoz Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Post the contents of "top_adm.html" Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206620 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 <html> <body> <link rel='stylesheet' href='' type='text/css'> <Script Language="JavaScript"> <!-- function GoTo(frm) { SelField = window.document.choice.ssyearh SelIndex = SelField.selectedIndex SelValue = SelField.options[selIndex].value if(SelValue != "") location.href = SelValue; } function GoTo1(frm) { SelField = window.document.gb.gbsel SelIndex = SelField.selectedIndex SelValue = SelField.options[selIndex].value if(SelValue != "") location.href = SelValue; } function windowclose(){ window.close(); } //--> </Script> <table border=0> <tr> <td> <?php $DbConn = mysql_connect("localhost", "langlab", "*"); mysql_select_db("langlab", $DbConn); $Query = "SELECT yearh FROM s_ggyear WHERE ggcode='1'"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); $Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result); if($ssyearh==""){ $ggyearh = $Row["yearh"]; }else{ $ggyearh = $ssyearh; } if($gb=="") $gb == "%"; //구분이 없을경우 전체가 기본 $Query = "SELECT yearh,ggcode FROM s_ggyear"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $DbConn); echo("<form Name=choice>"); echo("<select name=ssyearh OnChange=GoTo(this.form)> "); while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)){ if($ggyearh == $Row["yearh"]){ echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?tag=$tag&ssyearh=" . $Row["yearh"] . "' SELECTED>" . $Row["yearh"] . "</option> "); }else{ echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?tag=$tag&ssyearh=" . $Row["yearh"] . "'>" . $Row["yearh"] . "</option> "); } } echo("</select>"); echo("</td>"); echo("</form>"); echo("<td>"); echo("<form Name=gb>"); echo("<select name=gbsel OnChange=GoTo1(this.form)>"); if($gb == "%") echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=%&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "' SELECTED>전체</option> "); else echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=%&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "'>전체</option> "); if($gb == "영어회화") echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=영어회화&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "' SELECTED>영어회화</option> "); else echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=영어회화&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "'>영어회화</option> "); if($gb == "TOEIC") echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=TOEIC&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "' SELECTED>TOEIC</option> "); else echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=TOEIC&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "'>TOEIC</option> "); if($gb == "중국어반") echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=중국어반&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "' SELECTED>중국어반</option> "); else echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=중국어반&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "'>중국어반</option> "); if($gb == "CBT") echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=CBT&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "' SELECTED>CBT</option> "); else echo("<option value='signup_adm.html?gb=CBT&tag=&ssyearh=" . $ggyearh . "'>CBT</option> "); echo("</select>"); echo("</td>"); echo("</form>"); mysql_close($DbConn); ?> <td> <font size=2> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=&ssyearh=<?=$ggyearh?>> [기본정보]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=2&ssyearh=<?=$ggyearh?>>[기준학기]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=3&ssyearh=<?=$ggyearh?>>[신청일정]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=4&ssyearh=<?=$ggyearh?>>[과목정보]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=5&ssyearh=<?=$ggyearh?>>[학생정보]</a> <a href=signup_adm.html?tag=6&ssyearh=<?=$ggyearh?>>[관리계정]</a> <a href=http://>[홈으로]</a> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <hr size=1 width='100%'> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206621 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 shoz..please help me remove the website url at #15 and the pw on #13 thanks! Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206626 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shoz Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 In top_adm.html you close the link mysql_close($DbConn); Remove the line and the link error should no longer be displayed. You should try to restructure your code in such a way that doesn't require you to make the mysql_connect() call in each script. Now that you have error_reporting(E_ALL) at the top of your script you should notice other errors that you were not shown before. Try to locate and remove all the errors you see as they usually lead to other more significant errors later on in your code. I'll try to handle the edits on the posts. PM me if I missed anything. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206627 Share on other sites More sharing options...
webbyboy Posted March 13, 2007 Author Share Posted March 13, 2007 In top_adm.html you close the link mysql_close($DbConn); Remove the line and the link error should no longer be displayed. You should try to restructure your code in such a way that doesn't require you to make the mysql_connect() call in each script. Now that you have error_reporting(E_ALL) at the top of your script you should notice other errors that you were not shown before. Try to locate and remove all the errors you see as they usually lead to other more significant errors later on in your code. I'll try to handle the edits on the posts. PM me if I missed anything. I've removed that link the link error still persist...How do i remove those tags errors? I know this is just a MySQL help community forum not a paid support so i can't expect much but really thanks for all the helps. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206637 Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyB Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Let me offer my two cents' worth here. If you're having a problem with queries, make use of the error function by generating useful messages. My preference is this: $query = " .... whatever the query is ...."; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("error: ". mysql_error(). " with query ". $query); Not only will this tell you the error that the query generated, but will also display the actual query string used (not always what you think). Secondly, in your queries you have syntax like AND juminno='$jm1-$jm2'"; I don't think you can have variables and operators mixed like that in a query (although I wouldn't be surprised if I were wrong). Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206655 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shoz Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 You removed the mysql_close() line from "top_adm.html"? I've removed that link the link error still persist...How do i remove those tags errors? I know this is just a MySQL help community forum not a paid support so i can't expect much but really thanks for all the helps. As for the notice errors. In top_adm.html you have if($gb=="") $gb == "%"; Instead you should first test for the variables existence or lack thereof and then do the comparison or the assignment. I believe the "==" is an error and should instead be one "="? if (!isset($gb) || $gb == '') $gb = "%"; Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206656 Share on other sites More sharing options...
shoz Posted March 13, 2007 Share Posted March 13, 2007 Btw, make sure that the error is the same as the one you posted earlier. It's entirely possible that you're receiving what appears to be the same error but isn't. Look at the line number and the error message closely. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41822-serious-problem-here-warning-mysql_query-2-is-not-a-valid/#findComment-206658 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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