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Google and languages support


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I've made site ... which is written in multi languages ... As far as I am informed, google supports links written as index.php?lang=eng..


OK I've added in body lang=... So where body starts it is:

<body lang="sl-SI">


The problem is ... My site is being found when i select to search entire web.. When I choose to search trough sites in Slovenian language and looking for the same string (which is and was in slovenian language...) my site is not found...


Anyone know what is the problem?



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I believe those attributes are for applications such as text readers. E.g. Spanish pronunciation rules and English pronunciation rules are different, so a text reader needs to know what language the text is in (or at least if it isn't English it needs to know).

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Google does a geo-ip lookup for the server which is hosting your website. So if you want your webpage to show up in Spanish google searches - you need a webhosting company/server in Spain.


Have a look at www.netcraft.com and do a search on your website etc.



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So I have got Site which is for company from Germany for example ... but is hosted in USA...


Then there is no chance my site is shown if it is being searched with google and filter is applied to search for sites in German language?


There is a difference between sites from Germany and sites in German. For example, on Google Danmark (Denmark), there are three options: "søg på nettet" (search the internet), "sider på dansk" (sites in Danish) and "sider fra Danmark" (pages from Denmark). Same goes for Google Deutschland with "Das Web", "Seiten auf Deutsch" and "Seiten aus Deutschland" and Google España with "la Web", "páginas en español" and "páginas de España".


English (international) users (google.com) will not see those options, and English (UK) users (google.co.uk) will only have two options: "the web" and "pages from the UK".


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