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[SOLVED] Maintenance page


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I know to check a valu andif its say 0 using the die() function before the age loads to display a maintenance/offline page, how would I like..:

Code in the header/top of each page;

Code to change the online/maintenanc/offline status?

Thankyou in advance,


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How do you mean?

Like have a header and body page?


echo "Header";
echo "<table><tr><td>";
include "Menu.php";
echo "</td></td><td>";
then at the end of the body pages just put: 
echo "</td></tr></table>";

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Na i mean on each page of my site, in my admin panel i can add an option to set the thing offline/online etc i have an option with stops mysql, for debbuging, but not to actually change the page it only doesn't function properly,  i need to have an option in admin panel, and i know what it would do at the top of the page eg if a alue is die() etc.. but i don't know the code sorry, im a bit new to PHP..

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All i need is eg..

<form action="apply.php">
<input type="radio" value="offline">
<input type="radio" value="online">

and the handler needs to apply value within config.php

$offline_variable = 1;

change the 1 to 0 and vice versa,..

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Why not use a database, then in your normal header check whether or not the value of the maintenance variable is set to 0, if it is, then the page should die before printing any code, or, print code that will display a maintenance notification, if it isn't, print the page normally...this is what I would do.

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Everyone on this forum is brilliant, but for 9 out of 10 questions, Super administrators are the only that answer perfectly ;P

fwrite works fine.. I don't know that much about functions and arrays, so I can't just think 'AHA use that function ect'

Thanks again,



Heres my FINAL code:

$config = 'config.php';
$offline_var = 1;

if (is_writable($config)) {

  if (!$handle = fopen($config, 'a')) {
        echo "Cannot open file ($config)";

  if (fwrite($handle, $offline_var) === FALSE) {
      echo "Cannot write to file ($conig)";

  echo "Success, wrote ($offline_var) to file ($config)";


} else {
  echo "The file $config is not writable";

Looking to orange ugh whats wrong with it guys?

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$mosConfig_offline = '1';
$mosConfig_offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance.<br /> Please check back again soon.';


<?php require ("includes/config.php") ?>
<?php global $offline_variable;
if ($offline_variable == 1) {
echo( '$mosConfig_offline_message' );

errm it doesn't work hwo do i kill the rest of the page

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