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adding a picture with a variable


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see my code below well the $picture variable contains just for example birthday1.jpg which exists and works if i use the birthday1.jpg string instead of the variable

can i make this work so it displays a different picture for each result / row of the query?


$cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$dbname);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE category='birthday'";

$result = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql);

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result))
echo "<div class='text'><img src='$picture'>" .$row[3]." ".$row[4]." ".$row[5]. "</div>";
echo "</div>";


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thanks can you show me the code format for adding a width and height tag for every pictiure? i want each picture to be the same size.. say 100 x 100 pixels?


again ive tried messing with the code but the pics are appearing big!


thanks for  your help

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ive got the following working... how can i add the width and height to it? tried messin but page keeps comin up blank - im not getting on too well with this coding business!!


$cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$dbname);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE category='baby'";

$result = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql);

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result))
echo "<p><img src='images/" .$row[3]. "'>" .$row[3]." ".$row[2]." ".$row[4]." ".$row[5]. "</p>";


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Ahh i have another question sorry guys.... this one has been causing me problems in the past as well...


when you insert an image and set align to right or left - and there isnt much text beside it - then the next picture is put next to it instead of below it


is there a way of making sure the next picture will be underneath instead of alongside and slightly down from the last one?

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I remember reading there was some code you could use to make sure that your logo jpg file loads before anything else?


because at the moment the page loads in a funny order and the logo is usually last.


does anyone know which command i mean? its nice to have the logo looking more permanent...

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oh also help much appreciated,


is there a way to call another htm file from an exisiting one?


i ask because I have a menu of links on the side of the page, and i have to write the details of these on every other page on the web site. so if i make one change to the menu, i have to edit about 10 pages.


is there a way to call these details from another file so i only edit one file?


for example like storing some variables in a seperate file and calling using INCLUDE?

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