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Server Help Please


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I have been having this problem for days now, http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,133653.0.html and fighting with my hosting company, trying to let them know that there is not a problem with my coding, that it MUST be an error with their servers. We go back and forth, back and forth...


Does anyone know of a free webhost, (or even any member that would let me temporarly load my site on) that I can upload my SQL dB, and files, to prove that they are indeed functioning correctly? Or... Is there some other way to prove that this is not a coding error?

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No, the connect script was correct, after 5 days come to find out my server was hacked!

The company finally admitted that they were intruded, but because they were not willing to offer me any help I left them.


My buddy is the head guy for Pitney Bowes, a national company and he recommended my to Dream Host, and so far everything seems to be a dream. I'm still

reconfiguring everything though, so time will tell weather or not they are up to par...


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