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Framework advice please

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Right, I'm building a social type site.  Custom error/session handling, ACL system, strong security, backend and frontend system, database driven, etc.  So, I know a framework would best help me in building this wide-scale site.  Can anyone tell me what framework I should use?

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ZF would facilitate all of that.


Cake too. Personally I like ZF a lot better, but it's really more a matter of preference.


Code Ignitor doesn't have an ACL component, but you can enable it to use ZF components if you feel ZF is 'a bit much'.

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Zend Framework?


Yep. It's perfectly usable already, but they're approaching RC1 too.



Current list of components:

Authentication & Authorization


    * Zend_Acl

    * Zend_Authentication

    * Zend_Session


Core Infrastructure


    * Zend_Cache, Zend_Config, Zend_Console_Getopt, Zend_Log, Zend_Memory

    * Zend_Debug, Zend_Environment, Zend_Loader, Zend_Registry, Zend_Version

    * Zend_Filter, Zend_Validate




    * Zend_Db

    * Zend_Db_Table

    * Zend_Db_Profiler

    * Zend_Db_Select

    * Zend_Db_Xml




    * Improved correctness, readability, and more examples

    * Additional coverage by translation teams

    * Web application development tutorial


Internationalization (i18n) & Localization (l10n)


    * Zend_Date

    * Zend_Locale

    * Zend_Measure

    * Zend_Translate


Mail, Formats, & Search


    * Zend_Json, Zend_Pdf

    * Zend_Mail, Zend_Mime

    * Zend_Search_Lucene


Model-View-Controller (MVC)


    * Zend_Controller, Zend_Controller_Action, Zend_Controller_Dispatcher, Zend_Controller_Plugin, Zend_Controller_RewriteRouter, Zend_View

    * Zend_Http_Request, Zend_Http_Response


Web & Web Services


    * Consuming services: Zend_Feed, Zend_Rest_Client, Zend_Service, Zend_XmlRpc_Client, Zend_Gdata, Zend_Http_Client

    * Exposing services: Zend_Http_Server, Zend_Rest_Server, Zend_Server_Documentor, Zend_Server_Reflection, Zend_Soap_Server, Zend_XmlRpc_Server

    * Zend_Uri


would you suggest using a framework for a project of this size?


Sure. It will save you a lot of time and headaches. Personally I have my own core, which can use component from other frameworks (currently only ZF though).


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personally i'd put forward CakePHP at this stage, as it also has support for ACL but the framework in general is fairly easy to use following a bit of patience (and their manual is pretty good too). It's tried and trusted and already reached release.


A while back there was a post made here with a link I bookmarked - maybe worth taking a look at:




hope that helps!


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