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[SOLVED] MySQL crash and restart


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Hi I'm using MySQL on windoz and when I got up this morning the MySQL service had crashed and I had to go into the service manager and start it again manually.


Please tell me how I can make it so that it will automatically restart when it crashes! Whole website and server depend on the MySQL database =/

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I don't know what logs to check and it doesn't really matter to me what caused it.


I just want to make sure that if it happens again it will restart itself.


Please tell me how I can do this..

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I know that's why I just want to make it restart when it crashes please tell me how to do this okay?

I'm sure it's something very simple that I am missing.. :s

Surely it would be faster then finding the file that this error is logged in, shifting through all the logs in it to find the error, figuring out what it means, and fixing whatever the problem is, assuming it isn't just some random fluke in mysql's programming.


So please just tell me how to make it automatically restart..

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I have no idea how to investigate it though. I just no that every once in a while the process just turns off. That is all I know.


I just want to either make it turn itself back on when this happens, or prevent this from happening, but I don't know how to sorry :(

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I have no idea how to investigate it though. I just no that every once in a while the process just turns off. That is all I know.


I just want to either make it turn itself back on when this happens, or prevent this from happening, but I don't know how to sorry :(


Use a task scheduler.

Something like this:



check every 1 hour and see if the process is running. If not start it else quit.

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Guest prozente

If it is installed as a service then you can tell it to restart on failure.


Control Panel > Admin Tools > Services > Properties of the service > Recovery tab

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