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Calender scheduling


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My dad has had an accident and is now laying in the hospital for a long time, there are many people who would like to visit him, but don't really know when. To not have everyone be at the hospital at the same time, we had the idea of setting up a website with a calender where everyone can post on the date they want to come.

I've been looking all day for a kind of tutorial where this would be explained I've found many calendar topics but all i can find are calendars where you can either only set the events in php or where there's no events in it at all.


I'm hoping someone here will be able to guide me to the right tutorial, or be able to explain how it is done.




Philippe Roosen

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Have you tried Google calendar?


Sorry if I've misunderstood you. But I'm sure they have a calendar where you can give other people permissions to make appointments... it#s only in Beta testing, but it might save you a lot of work.



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