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sending lots of songs

Mr. R

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You could use the LAN connection to transfer it or if you have a removable drive (external hard disk, memory stick etc.) you could use that instead. I don't know which way that would be the fastest one. If I should make a guess, then I'd probably think that something like an external hard disk would be fastest.

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If they're both on the same network, create a shared, writable folder on the one you're moving them to.  Then just copy and paste.


edit:... that's the simplified version... I can get more technical if need be.

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thanks guys.


Yeah can you get a little more technical please lol. How do i create a shared file and access it from both computers?


I would use a memory stick but the one that i have is only 256mb and i have over 5gb of songs, it would be a lot of trips :P

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How to create a shared folder depends on your operating system. I will assume you are running Windows XP.


If you have simple file sharing turned off:

Right click on the folder and click Properties. Click on the "Sharing" tab and choose "Share this folder". Give it a share name and optionally a comment and set advanced settings such as caching and security settings.


If you have simple file sharing turned on (default):

Almost the same as above only when you are on the "Sharing" tab you will have a check box saying "Share this folder on the network". Give it a share name again and optionally allow write access when accessing the folder from remote.


The names may be called something a little different from what I said since I translated it from the Danish version of Windows.


Edit: How to access shares:

If you know the computer name of the computer having the share then you can type \\ComputerNameHere in the address bar (not the browser's) or the "Run" dialog. This will give you a list of the shares. If you have the share name as well then you can do like this: \\ComputerNameHere\ShareNameHere. I.e. for my computer I would do like this to get to "SharedDocs": \\Daniel2\SharedDocs


If you don't know any of those informations then you can open Network Places and you will see the shares on your network. You can also click on the "Show workgroup computers" link  on the task pane on the left side.


Again, stuff might be called other things in the English version that what I said.

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