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shared hosting environment?


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along the way i saw these


While it is a really good API if you are on a shared hosting environment you might not be able to use it.


so what was the difference between this 'shared hosting environment' v.s. an 'ordinary web hosting'.


any nice story from you? maybe a good live demo will help my understanding.

what do you exaclty mean by "shared hosting environment"?


thanks in advance.



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so what was the difference between this 'shared hosting environment' v.s. an 'ordinary web hosting'.


These are typically one and the same.  It just means you're sharing the host with other users and your PHP and Apache, for the most part, are configured just like everyone else's.  While you might be able to customize your PHP or Apache installation, you can't do it by accessing the httpd.conf or php.ini that controls the entire server because then your changes would affect everyone else.


If you need greater control over your server,  you need a VPS (we use serverpowered VPS for work) or dedicated server.

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i dont think their is a difference. The options these days generally fall under a) shared hosting b) Virtual Private Server (VPS) or c) Dedicated server.


shared hosting is where a company cram as many users onto a single system as possible with their own domains, hoping that nobody will run a script that'll bring the lot down in one go, so they can make as much money as possible whilst providing minimal support. Run a script on a shared server that amounts to: while (1==1) {} and see how you cant get through to phone support because the "lines are extremely busy at the moment", and then you'll quickly realise that roopert's suggestion of getting a VPS or a dedicated server is genius.

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