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css hacks for opera browsers


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This will hide it from everything else than IE:

<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">


I don't think there are any ways of making CSS visible to Opera only using HTML only. Then you'd have to use PHP or Javascript to check the browser.

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if im not mistaken, opera is the most css compliant browser available.. why hide css from it?


You could choose to hide CSS from Opera because it should not apply the "hack" stylesheets intended for e.g. Internet Explorer. I'm still waiting for the day where IE will  be on the same level, in terms of standard compliance, as the other browsers on the market so these hacks are unnecessary.

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IE7 has taken some massive steps...


But I have to say that I have not used a css hack in a very long time.  xhtml1.1 dtd makes ie6 behave much better and I try to avoid using css that ie just doesn't play ball with (like position: fixed). The result being that sites tend to have a very consistent look and feel cross-browser so I am happy ;)

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