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[SOLVED] Using a link to submit a form??


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I am pulling a menu system from a DB and have a submenu, that I would like to call when I click on a link.  I want to submit a form with out a submit button, or have the submit button in a link.


Thanks for all the help

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Where is a good site for learning javascript?


The above is not what I am looking for.  I would like to use the onclick to call a page and use information from the first page.


Thanks for all the help

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I know the syntax, it is just not working when I use the onclick to submit the form, <a href="#" onclick="document.formname.submit();return false;">submit form</a> code given earlier.



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Here is my relavent code:


'Start of the main menu table
response.write "<table align=right  height=15 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=075B11 height=8> </TD>"

Do while not rstmenu.EOF

response.write "<form type=post id=test>"
response.write "<input type=hidden name=submenu value='yes'>"
response.write "<input type=hidden name=menu_id value='" & rstmenu("menu_id") & "'>"
response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=075B11 height=8><font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' color=white size=1><a href=andy_menu_trial.asp onclick='document.test.submit();return false'>" & rstmenu("menu_title") & "</a></font></td>"
response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=075b11 height=8> </TD>"
response.write "</form>"



'Finish the table
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "</table>"
			<td colspan=2 align=right>

response.write request("submenu")

If request("submenu") = "yes" Then

	'# Contains the Link Information #

' Define Connection String
'	strsubcnn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=\\Smelter\Lab\DB\menu_trial.mdb;"

' Open connection
'	set cnnsubmenu = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
'	cnnsubmenu.open strsubcnn

'	Set rstsubmenu = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
'	rstsubmenu.open strsubSQL, cnnmenu

'Start of the sub menu table
response.write "<table align=right  height=15 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=009ACD height=8> </TD>"

Do while not rstsubmenu.EOF

	response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=009ACD height=8><font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' color=white size=1><a href=reports/" & rstsubmenu("submenu_link") & ">" & rstsubmenu("sub_menu") & "</a></font></td>"
	response.write "<td width=5 bgcolor=009ACD height=8> </TD>"



'Finish the table
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "</table>"

End if

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<input type="Hidden" name="HotelID" value="$HotelID">
<input type="Hidden" name="permission" value="yes">

<a class="contlinkor" title="Click here to send reservation request." href="javascript:document.hotel.submit();">


Here you are my dear friend, you will have to adopt it to your ASP pages!

You can also use an image instead of link if you want!


I had to look deap, into my closet, because I figured it out but nver used it!


Why, don't you like the button?

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