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looking for php/mysql based project management software (very simplistic)


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I am looking for a project management software that is very simplistic.  I don't care about the looks at all, basically it should just give me the ability to create a new project, assign to a developer, have a place for notes, a drop down for completion percentage, and maybe a few other optional features like attachments, auto emails and stuff.


Yes I know I could write this probably eight hours if not less, but why reinvent the wheel.  I have looked at trac and php project manager and both are far more than I need.  At this point we are just two developers, but I am a highly organized project manager.  There has to be something out there, it can even be something you wrote.  If not then I guess you'll be seeing this on sourceforge soon.

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Wow seriously no replies?  Well luckily I found taskfreak.  It's a little overkill, but it's very well polished lets you organize by priority, deadline, developer etc... Plus the ajax interface makes it real slick.  PHP/MySql backend.

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i think what you found is good.  I mena if you think that is a overkill, i don't think you will find anything simple than that becuase that is pretty simple when it comes to project management systems.  any simpler and you might as well just use papar and pen.

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