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same file on 2 different servers, 1 doesnt work!


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heres the links to the files

http://hardbassrecords.net/downloadform.php (which is ran on my windows machine with apache 2.2)

http://kjm362.aisites.com/downloadform.php (which is running on a unix machine in some far off land)

the hardbassrecords form is not caching the items entered in the fields....

whats wrong?

both forms are exactly alike!!!!!! line for line,

is this an issue with my php.ini file? ???

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let me know if you would like to see my source code for the downloadform.php.....but i do not think it is necessary, seeing as how it is working on one server and not the other,the php code is solid, as far as the php.ini file, im new to hosting my own website, and i am not sure if it is working on my machine (windows xp w/ apache 2.2 and php5.2.1)

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I didn't understand whats your problem at all.

Is the Smae page showing different output in different Server OS ??

where is the difference

the hardbassrecords form is not caching the items entered in the fields....

whats wrong?

What does it mean ??
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here is the source code that both websites have, but why is it not working on the hardbassrecords.net site?


if ( count($_POST) > 0){

if ($first_name == "" ){

$tar1= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";

$message="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> PLEASE ENTER YOUR FIRST NAME</span>";


elseif ($last_name == ""){

$tar2= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";

$message="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> PLEASE ENTER YOUR LAST NAME</span>";


elseif(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$", $email1)) {

$tar3= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";

$tar4= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";

$message="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> INVALID EMAIL ADDRESS</span>";


elseif ($email1 != $email2 ) {

$tar3= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";

$tar4= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";

$message="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> EMAILS DO NOT MATCH</span>";


elseif ($how != ""){

$name= "$first_name $last_name \n";

$body="Name: $name \n";

$body.="Email: $email1 \n";

$body.="Add to Mailinglist: $mailinglist \n";

$body.="They heard about this download through: $how \n";

$body.="Style of music $name likes:";

if ($dnb != ""){

$body.=", $dnb";


if ($hardcore != ""){

$body.=", hardcore";


if ($techno != ""){

$body.=", $techno";


if ($trance != ""){

$body.=", $trance";


if ($house != ""){

$body.=", $house";


if ($nrg != ""){

$body.=", $nrg";


if ($oem != ""){

$body.=", $oem";


mail("________@hotmail.com", "$name just filled out the survey to download Far From Home", $body);

header("Location: http://hardbassrecords.net/downloadthankyou.html");

mail("$email1", "$first_name 's Hard Bass Records Download Request", "Thanks $first_name, Please click here (http://hardbassrecords.net/kj4et.html)to be redirected to the download page for The Kid Wicked's 'Far From Home' album");


else {

$tar5="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";

$message= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> PLEASE SELECT HOW YOU HEARD ABOUT THIS DOWNLOAD</span>";



else {

$message="<span class=\"a2\"><blink>*</blink></span><span class=\"a1\"> Before you can begin the free download, be sure to fill in the all required fields </span><span class=\"a2\"><blink>*</blink></span>";









<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagestyles.css" type="text/css" />




<form method="post" action="<?PHP echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">

<div align="center">

<table width="500px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">



<div align="center">

<table width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">


<th colspan="2" align="left">

<?PHP echo $message; ?>




<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">


<td width="250px">

<div align="left">

<span class="a1">Please Enter Your


<span class="a2"> First Name





<?PHP echo $tar1; ?>

<span class="a1">

<input type="text" name="first_name" value="<?PHP echo $first_name; ?>" />








<td colspan="2">

<table width="500px">


<td width="250px">

<div align="left">

<span class="a1">Please Enter Your


<span class="a2"> Last Name





<?PHP echo $tar2; ?>

<span class="a1">

<input type="text" name="last_name" value="<?PHP echo $last_name; ?>" />








<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">


<td width="250px">

<div align="left">

<span class="a1">Please Enter Your


<span class="a2"> Email Address





<?PHP echo $tar3; ?>

<span class="a1">

<input type="text" name="email1" value="<?PHP echo $email1; ?>" />








<td colspan="2">

<table width="500px">


<td width="250px">

<div align="left">

<span class="a1">Please


<span class="a2"> Verify


<span class="a1"> Your Email Address





<?PHP echo $tar4; ?>

<span class="a1">

<input type="text" name="email2" value="<?PHP echo $email2; ?>" />








<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">


<td width="250px">

<div align="left">

<span class="a1">Would you like to join our mailing list?





<input type="radio" value="Yes" name="mailinglist" checked="checked" />

<span class="a2">Yes




<input type="radio" value="No" name="mailinglist" />

<span class="a1">No Thanks








<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500px">


<td width="250px">

<div align="left">

<span class="a2">How


<span class="a1"> did you hear about this download?





<div align="left">

<?PHP echo $tar5; ?>

<select name="how">

<option value=""<?PHP echo $hear[""]; ?>></option>

<option value="Email"<?PHP echo $hear["Email"]; ?>>Email</option>

<option value="Myspace"<?PHP echo $hear["Myspace"]; ?>>Myspace</option>

<option value="This Site"<?PHP echo $hear["This Site"]; ?>>This Site</option>

<option value="Event Flyer"<?PHP echo $hear["Event Flyer"]; ?>>Event Flyer</option>

<option value="Other"<?PHP echo $hear["Other"]; ?>>Other</option>









<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">


<td width="250px">

<div align="left">

<span class="a1">What styles of electronic music do you like?





<div align="left">

<input type="checkbox" name="dnb" value="dnb" <?PHP echo $music["dnb"]; ?> />

<span class="a1">Drum and Bass









<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500px">


<td width="250px">



<div align="left">

<input type="checkbox" name="hardcore" value="hardcore" <?PHP echo $music["hardcore"]; ?> />

<span class="a1">Hardcore









<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">


<td width="250px">



<div align="left">

<input type="checkbox" name="techno" value="techno" <?PHP echo $music["techno"]; ?> />

<span class="a1">Techno









<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500px">


<td width="250px">



<div align="left">

<input type="checkbox" name="trance" value="trance" <?PHP echo $music["trance"]; ?> />

<span class="a1">Trance









<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">


<td width="250px">



<div align="left">

<input type="checkbox" name="house" value="house" <?PHP echo $music["house"]; ?> />

<span class="a1">House









<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500px">


<td width="250px">



<div align="left">

<input type="checkbox" name="nrg" value="nrg" <?PHP echo $music["nrg"]; ?> />

<span class="a1">NRG









<td colspan="2">

<table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">


<td width="250px">



<div align="left">

<input type="checkbox" name="oem" value="oem" <?PHP echo $music["oem"]; ?> />

<span class="a1">OEM









<td colspan="2" align="center">

<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />

<input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset" />












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here the code

if ( count($_POST) > 0){ 
      if ($first_name == "" ){
      $tar1= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";
      $message="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> PLEASE ENTER YOUR FIRST NAME</span>";
   elseif ($last_name == ""){
      $tar2= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";
      $message="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> PLEASE ENTER YOUR LAST NAME</span>";
   elseif(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$", $email1)) {
      $tar3= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";
      $tar4= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";
      $message="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> INVALID EMAIL ADDRESS</span>";
   elseif ($email1 != $email2 ) {
      $tar3= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";
      $tar4= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";
      $message="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> EMAILS DO NOT MATCH</span>";
   elseif ($how != ""){
   $name= "$first_name $last_name \n";
   $body="Name: $name \n";
   $body.="Email: $email1 \n";
   $body.="Add to Mailinglist: $mailinglist \n";
   $body.="They heard about this download through: $how \n";
   $body.="Style of music $name likes:";
      if ($dnb != ""){
   $body.=", $dnb";
      if ($hardcore != ""){
   $body.=", hardcore";
      if ($techno != ""){
   $body.=", $techno";
      if ($trance != ""){
   $body.=", $trance";
      if ($house != ""){
   $body.=", $house";
      if ($nrg != ""){
   $body.=", $nrg";
      if ($oem != ""){
   $body.=", $oem";
   mail("________@hotmail.com", "$name just filled out the survey to download Far From Home", $body);
   header("Location: http://hardbassrecords.net/downloadthankyou.html");
   mail("$email1", "$first_name 's Hard Bass Records Download Request", "Thanks $first_name, Please click here (http://hardbassrecords.net/kj4et.html)to be redirected to the download page for The Kid Wicked's 'Far From Home' album");
   else {
   $tar5="<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink></span>";
   $message= "<span class=\"a3\"><blink>*</blink> PLEASE SELECT HOW YOU HEARD ABOUT THIS DOWNLOAD</span>";
else {
$message="<span class=\"a2\"><blink>*</blink></span><span class=\"a1\"> Before you can begin the free download, be sure to fill in the all required fields </span><span class=\"a2\"><blink>*</blink></span>";

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagestyles.css" type="text/css" />
<form method="post" action="<?PHP echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<div align="center">
<table width="500px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<div align="center">
   <table width="400" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
         <th colspan="2" align="left">
               <?PHP echo $message; ?>
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <span class="a1">Please Enter Your
                        <span class="a2"> First Name
                     <?PHP echo $tar1; ?>
                     <span class="a1">
                        <input type="text" name="first_name" value="<?PHP echo $first_name; ?>" />
         <td colspan="2">
            <table width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <span class="a1">Please Enter Your
                        <span class="a2"> Last Name
                     <?PHP echo $tar2; ?>
                     <span class="a1">
                        <input type="text" name="last_name" value="<?PHP echo $last_name; ?>" />
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <span class="a1">Please Enter Your
                        <span class="a2"> Email Address
                     <?PHP echo $tar3; ?>
                     <span class="a1">
                        <input type="text" name="email1" value="<?PHP echo $email1; ?>" />
         <td colspan="2">
            <table width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <span class="a1">Please
                        <span class="a2"> Verify
                        <span class="a1"> Your Email Address
                     <?PHP echo $tar4; ?>
                     <span class="a1">
                        <input type="text" name="email2" value="<?PHP echo $email2; ?>" />
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <span class="a1">Would you like to join our mailing list?
                     <input type="radio" value="Yes" name="mailinglist" checked="checked" />
                     <span class="a2">Yes
                     <input type="radio" value="No" name="mailinglist" />
                     <span class="a1">No Thanks
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <span class="a2">How
                        <span class="a1"> did you hear about this download?
                     <div align="left">
                     <?PHP echo $tar5; ?>
                        <select name="how">
                           <option value=""<?PHP echo $hear[""]; ?>></option>
                           <option value="Email"<?PHP echo $hear["Email"]; ?>>Email</option>
                           <option value="Myspace"<?PHP echo $hear["Myspace"]; ?>>Myspace</option>
                           <option value="This Site"<?PHP echo $hear["This Site"]; ?>>This Site</option>
                           <option value="Event Flyer"<?PHP echo $hear["Event Flyer"]; ?>>Event Flyer</option>
                           <option value="Other"<?PHP echo $hear["Other"]; ?>>Other</option>
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <span class="a1">What styles of electronic music do you like?
                     <div align="left">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="dnb" value="dnb" <?PHP echo $music["dnb"]; ?> />
                           <span class="a1">Drum and Bass
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="hardcore" value="hardcore" <?PHP echo $music["hardcore"]; ?> />
                           <span class="a1">Hardcore
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="techno" value="techno" <?PHP echo $music["techno"]; ?> />
                           <span class="a1">Techno
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="trance" value="trance" <?PHP echo $music["trance"]; ?> />
                           <span class="a1">Trance
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="house" value="house" <?PHP echo $music["house"]; ?> />
                           <span class="a1">House
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="nrg" value="nrg" <?PHP echo $music["nrg"]; ?> />
                           <span class="a1">NRG
         <td colspan="2">
            <table bgcolor="#C0C0C0" width="500px">
                  <td width="250px">
                     <div align="left">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="oem" value="oem" <?PHP echo $music["oem"]; ?> />
                           <span class="a1">OEM
         <td colspan="2" align="center">
            <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
            <input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset" />

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