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This is my AJAX handler function. Basically I'm passing this function 2 values as a string concatenated by "||". One value needs to go in a text box... the other needs to show up as the value of a textarea. The problem is, the "title" box is getting the value "undefined"... and that's obviously not how you fill a textarea's value.




EDIT: Sorry, forgot the code:


function handleEditor()
if(http.readyState == 4)//Finished loading the response
	var vals = http.responseText;
	var vals2 = new Array();
	vals2 = vals.split('||', vals);
	document.getElementById('title').value = vals2[0];
	document.getElementById('news_text').value = vals2[1];
	document.getElementById('editor').style.display = "block";

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Using ie?


i know that innerHTML doesnt work with ie, so you'll have to use value. I dont see why that wouldnt work in other browsers though.



you can try a few methods, or all of them


ele.innerHTML = vals2[1];

ele.data = vals2[1];


i know that innerHTML doesnt work with ie, so you'll have to use value. I dont see why that wouldnt work in other browsers though.


Why's that? I use innerHTML in IE6 and 7 in multiple scripts just fine. IE only limits certain types of elements that you cannot user innerHTML on (like tables). You can use it on textareas without a problem, and this is, IMHO, the best way to adjust the "value" of a textarea field.

It's the fact that I'm using TinyMCE as an editor... if I use a regular textarea... it works fine.  Now what?


Sorry, I missed that before... TinyMCE has some really funky attribute settings in their textarea. Here is a link to look at for some additional ideas:




From reading some in the TinyMCE forums, it seems that you actually have to modify the content of the textarea through the tinymce object rather than your normal methods.


Here's a very interesting function I saw on this page on moxiecode's site:

function ajaxLoad() {
var inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById('content');

// Do you ajax call here
inst.setHTML('HTML content that got passed from server.');


That should at least be modifiable to work with what you're after, I would think.

oh tinymce, ive used it and had the same issues. if you havent figured it out by time i get to work, i will look through some of my code


what i did was make it so that if you click on the textarea, it turned into a tinymce editor, maybe that would help you out

alright it is kinda long. i actaully had to modify some of the tinymce code to get it to do ajax calls, it is in their wiki, i dont know if you need that part, but ill see if i can find it



i am using mootools, so the syntax may be kinda off, but this is my code to show the text editor. on load of the page, i replace every textarea with a div and set the html of that div to the textarea's content and then hide the textarea by doing diplay: none.


then onclick of that div i run this function. the tinymce command says make that textarea an mceEditor. you'll need to know the textarea's id


tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, obj.id);


		div.addEvent('click', function(event){
				'display': 'none'

				'display': 'block'

			if(obj.getTag() == 'textarea') 
				tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, obj.id);



also in the declaration of the mceEditor in the head tag you have to tell it to only load certain textareas with mode: "exact"


here is mine as an example


	mode:									"exact",
	theme:									"advanced",
	plugins:								"fullscreen",
	theme_advanced_toolbar_align: 			"left",
	theme_advanced_path_location:			"bottom",
	theme_advanced_toolbar_location: 		"top",
	theme_advanced_buttons1:				"bold,italic,forecolor,,separator,justifyleft,justifyright,separator,bullist,separator,removeformat,image, fullscreen,separator,code",
	theme_advanced_buttons2: 				"",
	theme_advanced_buttons3: 				"",
	file_browser_callback:					'myImageBrowser'

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