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Tweaking Simple Machine Forum?


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This thread is best suitable for steelman, ober and jaybatchatero and eric...


ok here is my questions.


How long did you finished tweaking this forum (SMF), from

installing and the final tweaking?


what is the hardest part of tweaking, and did you also tweak some security issues to fit the requirements of this community?


Why did you opted to choose SMF?




thanks in advance...




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I guess that depends on what you're talking about.  We installed a couple mods that didn't take long... and tweaking things like the style and the headers in boards like AJAX and the Linux board only took a few minutes... but you have to know the structure of the software and where to find things.


SMF is pretty secure, regularly updated, free, easy to modify, and very easy to use.  It's just top notch software.

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Thanks Ober  :D


It is you really that i wanted to answer this or it's either of you four from the list i wrote...

Because currently i'm studying and trying to install it into my website...


So you mean it will take 1 day? or hours? to complete the installation of SMF?


And i noticed that one of the creator (jaybatchatero) is also tweaked it, why did you guys need him?

Is there parts that difficult to tweak? or you just want to make it sure everything is smooth and running fine?


thanks in advance...




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It should only take you about 10 minutes to install as long as you know all the information you need (database user/password, etc).  Tweaking can take as long or as little as you'd like depending on what you want it to do.


Jay is part of the SMF team and he's written the "Solved" mod we have here and we've asked him to be an admin so he can handle any issues that might come up.  That's not necessary... but we might as well take advantage of our members.

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